Neurodermatitis: treatment and diagnosis

Neurodermatitis: treatment and diagnosis
Neurodermatitis: treatment and diagnosis

Neurodermatitis is a neurogeno-allergic disease, which is characterized by mild or severe changes in the skin (rashes, darkening, coarsening, etc.) and itching. The term "neurodermatitis" was first used in 1891. They were called scratching the skin due to itching. Later, all rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching and of a chronic nature with seasonal exacerbations, began to be called "neurodermatitis". Their treatment in many cases is complicated by the fact that it is not always possible to establish the exact cause of this disease. Sometimes they can arise for no reason, and the patient simply has nothing to answer the doctor's questions. However, unlike children, in whom the disease is mainly due to a genetic predisposition or an allergy to any product, in adults, the main cause is most often the emotional state, i.e. itching that arose on a nervous basis - this is neurodermatitis.

neurodermatitis treatment
neurodermatitis treatment

Treatment (photo of the affected skin before it can be seenabove) therefore should be carried out under the supervision of not only a dermatologist, but also a neurologist.

Symptoms of neurodermatitis:

  • severe itching that occurs long before the rashes;
  • rash;
  • small nodules on the skin;
  • crusts and scales at the site of itching;
  • blueness or darkening of the skin;
  • general malaise and apathy;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes (rare), etc.
neurodermatitis treatment photo
neurodermatitis treatment photo

What can cause neurodermatitis? Treatment and diagnosis

There are many reasons for this disease. Here are some of them:

  1. Predisposition to allergies at the genetic level.
  2. Unstable state of mind, negative emotions.
  3. Physical and mental strain.
  4. Violation of the daily routine.
  5. Diseases of the digestive tract.
  6. Malnutrition.
  7. Intoxication.
  8. Home pets.
  9. Contact with aquarium fish food.
  10. Down and feathers as filling for pillows and blankets.
  11. Incompatibility with certain cosmetics.
  12. Pollen from flowering plants.
  13. Some products: citruses, chocolate, nuts, honey, etc.

Neurodermatitis that is treated immediately after symptom detection and diagnosis is more likely to be cured. In order to completely cure or at least mitigate the symptoms of this disease for a long time, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations of dermatologists andneurologists:

  1. Keep your sleep and meal schedule.
  2. Stay on a diet (avoid s alty, spicy, fatty, citrus fruits, sweets and alcohol).
  3. Take antihistamines.
  4. Have physical therapy.
  5. Use anti-itch creams and ointments, etc.

In particularly difficult situations, hormone therapy is indicated.

Treatment of neurodermatitis at home

neurodermatitis treatment at home
neurodermatitis treatment at home

There are people who trust traditional medicine more because it uses only natural ingredients. The most common remedies for the treatment of neurodermatitis are burdock, nettle, celandine, calendula, etc. It is recommended to prepare a decoction from these plants and make compresses from it before going to bed until completely dry. For many people who are tortured by neurodermatitis, treatment with folk remedies is a real find, because in a very short time you can get rid of both painful itching and unaesthetic rashes.
