Lice are different - head and pubic. In both cases, these are small parasites that feed on human blood, cause itching in the place where they live, and also constantly multiply. What are the symptoms of lice, and how to get rid of them - we'll talk in our article.
Types of lice
- The head louse (we will describe the symptoms of its appearance a little later) is a kind of small parasitic insects that live in the human head.
- Another variety is the pubic louse. As the name implies, its "habitat" is the human pubis. The nature of the life of these lice completely repeats the nature of the head lice, only they are transmitted from person to person exclusively through sexual contact.

She feeds on blood by sucking it out. This causes unpleasant itching and further inflammation. Scratches appear on the head - excoriations that serve as "gateways" for various infections.
Reproduction of lice
This is happening at a very fast pace. An adult louse lays about 10 eggs per day, similar to small droplets of liquid. Fromthey hatch nits (larvae), which immediately proceed to the "bloody meal". Because of this, itching on the head (or pubis) increases significantly.
Lice symptoms
- The main symptom of lice is constant itching. It occurs from the very first day of infection, intensifying as the number of these parasites increases.
- The skin on the head (or pubis) begins to turn red. The fact is that lice feed on blood every 3 hours. They bite into the skin, releasing a special saliva into the blood, like a mosquito. She causes this terrible itch.
- Further symptoms of lice depend on their number. A large amount of lice on the scalp provokes the appearance of certain age spots in those places where the lice have bitten. At the same time, the skin begins to coarsen, get fat. In rare cases, a secondary infection joins.
- As you already understood, pubic lice are no exception (photo). Symptoms of the appearance of these small parasites are exactly the same as those of head lice. All this suggests that you have contracted a known disease - head lice.

How to get rid of head and pubic lice
It is important to understand that lice appearing on your head or pubis have nothing to do with poor hygiene. Pediculosis can occur in any person, regardless of his social status, hair length, color. Constant shampooing will not solve this problem: you will just take care of your lice, they will always be clean.
Never resort toto alternative treatment: treating the head or pubis with kerosene and other folk remedies is an unsafe and very dubious procedure. If you have not forgotten the symptoms of lice, you should understand that the same kerosene easily penetrates your scratches on your head, causing your body to react not quite the right way.

That's why use special targeted pediculicides. They will help you eliminate parasites in a short time. Sold in any pharmacy. If we are talking about pubic lice, then before using the drug, you will have to remove all hair from the pubis. This is necessary in order to be able to dissolve a special adhesive substance that allows the lice to stay on the hair.
After treating the head (or pubis) with pediculicides, be sure to inform and examine people who have close contact with you in the near future.