The principle of operation of electronic cigarettes with liquid

The principle of operation of electronic cigarettes with liquid
The principle of operation of electronic cigarettes with liquid

Electronic cigarettes quickly gained their popularity. They first appeared in China. In this country, due to the high population density, smokers had problems. Manufacturers of electronic cigarettes claim that they can be smoked absolutely anywhere, and they will not cause discomfort to strangers.

And it really is. Electronic cigarettes are absolutely safe for others, unlike conventional ones, the smoke of which is inhaled by other people. This feature is due to the fact that the principle of operation of an electronic cigarette with liquid is based on evaporation, and not on combustion.

how electronic cigarettes work
how electronic cigarettes work


Electronic cigarettes allow you to control two smoking addictions at once:

  • physical: there is always the possibility of using cartridges with some nicotine content, which will allow you to make a smooth transition from cartridges with high levels of nicotine to nicotine-free (this is also facilitated by the principle of operation of electronic cigarettes);
  • psychological: there is a complete imitation of the smoking process, but nicotine does not enter the bodyarrives.

Features of the electronic cigarette device

Any such cigarette consists of:

  • accumulator or battery that supplies electricity;
  • sonic clearomizer-evaporator that heats liquid;
  • burning simulator, which is located on the tip of the cigarette itself;
  • air-sensing air pressure sensor;
  • microprocessor (directly the cigarette electronic device that runs the vaporizer);
  • e-liquid cartridge (it can be with or without nicotine).
how an electronic cigarette works
how an electronic cigarette works

The cartridge is a sealed container that contains purified nicotine, as well as aromatic substances that are necessary to simulate the smell of expensive cigarettes. This part of the device is replaceable and can be replaced with a new one if necessary. Cartridges differ in the amount of nicotine that is included in their composition: from a high level to a complete absence. According to this principle, there are several types of electronic cigarettes:

  • nicotine-free, the safest for the body;
  • very light - nicotine content does not exceed 11 mg;
  • lite - 12 to 16mg of nicotine;
  • strong - about 18 mg;
  • very strong - nicotine levels reach 24mg.

Different models of parts may be connected in different ways, but the principle of operation of the electronic cigarette is always the same.

Scheme of work

What is the principle of operation of the evaporator in the electroniccigarette? When the smoker takes a puff, the microprocessor is activated, which in turn activates the heating element of the cigarette. As a result, the liquid evaporates. Further, steam begins to be released from the cigarette, which is an imitation of cigarette smoke. It enters the smoker's lungs, thus saturating them with nicotine. It is worth noting that the principle of operation of the board in electronic cigarettes of different models is absolutely the same, since this element serves to supply current to activate the vaporizer.

Some models of electronic cigarettes are almost identical in their appearance to real ones, for example, some of them have a special sensor at the end that completely simulates smoldering (the principle of operation of an electronic cigarette allows this). In addition, the device is activated not with a button, but by puffing, as when smoking regular cigarettes.

working principle of electronic cigarette with liquid
working principle of electronic cigarette with liquid

Composition of liquid

The liquid of any electronic cigarette consists of substances that are safe for the body (except nicotine) and are found in many foods. So, the components of the cartridge are:

  • food-grade propylene glycol (found in cookies, candies and sodas) and glycerin (found in muffins, chocolate) are essential for steam;
  • food flavors add flavor to steam (added to yogurt and hard candies);
  • nicotine is needed to eliminate physical addiction, often included in special medical chewing gums and patchesfor smoking cessation.

If you wish, you can purchase an e-cigarette cartridge from the manufacturer whose cigarettes you have preferred to smoke in the past.

How to smoke electronic cigarettes

If there are no problems with conventional cigarettes, then their electronic counterpart must be used in accordance with all the rules, since the principle of operation of electronic cigarettes is peculiar. First of all, it concerns the way of holding a cigarette. It should be held horizontally with a slight inclination, while making sure that the air intakes are not blocked by your fingers.

If the device is activated by pressing a button, then this must be done only at the moment of tightening, which should be long and rather smooth. Sudden puffs must be avoided, as this can cause liquid to enter the atomizer and cartridge, which subsequently enters the mouth or simply flows out. However, do not worry that the device will be damaged in this way. It is enough to disassemble it, dry it and refill it.

The principle of operation of the vaporizer in an electronic cigarette
The principle of operation of the vaporizer in an electronic cigarette

It is worth noting the almost painless transition from a regular cigarette to using an electronic counterpart, since no preparation is needed. The main thing to remember is that a filled cartridge should always be at hand, because an untimely e-liquid e-cigarette can lead to a return to addiction.

Is there a danger from smoking electronic cigarettes

Despite the fact that the principle of operationelectronic cigarettes is simple and straightforward, there may still be a question related to the safety of using this device. It is worth remembering that by replacing conventional cigarettes with electronic ones, you will still consume nicotine, although it may be much less. Therefore, do not get too hopeful that with the help of this device you will be able to quickly and easily quit addiction.

The principle of operation of the board in electronic cigarettes
The principle of operation of the board in electronic cigarettes

Danger to the body can also carry aromatic additives, which are certainly part of the liquid, the principle of operation of electronic cigarettes allows this. In addition, when choosing electronic analogues, it is worth remembering that these products are not subject to mandatory certification, which means that no one will give you a guarantee of safety.

That's why before you finally decide to abandon regular cigarettes in favor of electronic ones, think about whether it's worth it. In many countries, e-cigarettes are subject to anti-tobacco laws, making their use inappropriate.
