Herpetic eruptions are a whole group of infections with a high prevalence, transmitted from person to person. Herpes belongs to the Herpesviridae family of viruses. Penetrating into the human body, it remains there forever, and manifests itself during periods of a decrease in the protective function of the immune system. The virus is divided into several types, each of which is characterized by a different rash. Read more about the infection, its symptoms and treatment in this article.
What is herpes
Herpes is a viral disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes. A characteristic symptom of the disease are herpetic eruptions, which look like clustered bubbles on different parts of the human body.
Carriers of the disease are more than 90% of the world's population. About 20% of people have various manifestations of pathology, the rest of the disease is asymptomatic. Usually,The virus manifests itself in moments of weakening of the body's immune system. This can be facilitated by: hypothermia, overheating, the transfer of various diseases, stress, etc.

The infection is resistant to cold, but dies at high temperatures: already at a temperature of 37.5 degrees, the virus begins to break down and dies after 20 hours, and at 50 degrees it dies in half an hour.
Metal items such as doorknobs, coins, etc. can remain infected for up to two hours, wood and plastic for up to three hours, and wet bandages and cotton for up to six hours.
Herpetic eruptions are striking:
- skin and mucous membranes - most often the face and genital area;
- central nervous system - meningitis, encephalitis;
- eyes - conjunctivitis, keratitis.
How can you get infected
The forms of transmission of the virus from a sick person to a he althy person depend on the type of infection: oral transmission is transmitted when using common dishes, towels and kissing; genital - during sexual intercourse, chickenpox - by airborne droplets.

Different types of herpetic rashes on the skin choose their places of localization, but with a decrease in immunity functions, they spread more widely. For example: genital herpes can appear on the thighs and buttocks, and oral herpes on the cheeks, shoulders, neck and back.
The cause of herpes is a virus. Different types of herpesviruses (Herpesviridae) are localized in different parts of the body(labial - around the mouth, genital - in the genital area, zoster - throughout the body in the form of chickenpox). The susceptibility of the body to a viral infection depends on the state of immunity. The form of the course of the disease (severe or mild), the number of rashes is also determined by immunity.
The main causes of pathology are:
- medication;
- severe overheating;
- hypothermia;
- overwork;
- depression
- chronic lack of sleep;
- diabetes mellitus;
- lack of vitamins;
- old age;
- infectious diseases;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases.
With good immunity, the infection is localized in the nervous tissues and is there in a dormant state, without showing up externally. As soon as there is a failure in the immune system, herpetic eruptions on the skin begin to actively form. The average state of the immune defense allows the appearance of a rash in the form of bubbles on the body, but quickly stops the rash and heals skin wounds within two weeks.
Doctors identify eight types of herpes virus, each of which has its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at each type:
- Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2). These forms of infection cause cold sores on the face around the lips (in the form of blisters commonly referred to as colds) and also on the genitals.
- The third type of herpesvirus is familiar to many, like chicken pox and shingles. Many signs of chickenpoxexperienced in childhood, lichen can manifest itself in both adults and children.
- The fourth type of herpes virus (synonymous with Epstein-Barr disease) is rare, can provoke lymphogranulomatosis and mononucleosis.
- 5th type of herpes excites the disease "cytomegalovirus". Venereologists consider it a sexual infection, since the strain is transmitted through unprotected contact. But it is also spread through the air and through blood transfusions between an infected person and a he althy person with herpes.
- Herpes type 6 can appear in both children and adults. Due to its exposure, children develop razeola. This is a disease that is accompanied by fever and herpetic eruptions on the body. In adults, herpes type 6 causes chronic fatigue syndrome.
- The seventh type is most often formed on the background of HSV-6, and also leads to chronic fatigue syndrome.
- The eighth type of infection is believed to be the cause of Kaposi's sarcoma. It is transmitted sexually or from mother to child. For a long time it can be asymptomatic in the body, with a decrease in immunity, sarcoma begins to develop.

Herpetic eruptions can be found not only on the skin, in some cases the infection is localized under the nails or on the cuticle. This type of disease is called "herpetic felon".
Symptoms + photos of herpetic rashes on the skin
The incubation period of the disease is two to ten days. The first symptoms are multiplebubble eruptions. This process is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: itching and soreness. In addition, the following symptoms may occur: weakness throughout the body, pain in the head and muscles, fever.

The disease has several stages of development, each of which has its own characteristics:
- The first stage is manifested by slight tingling and tingling in the area of future rashes, as well as itching and mild pain. A little later, these areas of the skin turn red, and the pain symptom becomes more pronounced.
- At the second stage, herpetic eruptions appear. At first, these are small bubbles filled with liquid, which gradually increase in size.
- At the third stage, the bubbles burst, at which point a clear liquid flows out of them, which contains a huge amount of viral particles. Ulcers form at the site of burst bubbles. During this period, a person is especially contagious, as he releases many viral particles into the environment. The third stage is especially unpleasant and painful.
- The fourth stage. A crust forms over the sores, and if it is damaged, pain and bleeding may occur.
When the process is localized, blisters on skin areas not subject to maceration and friction shrink into a yellowish-gray crust, which disappears on its own after 5-7 days. And in place of the bubble, a pigmented area remains, after some time it acquires a normal color.
The photo showswhat does herpes look like on the lips.

Treatment of herpetic eruptions
With a decrease in the body's defenses, herpes begins to manifest itself as rashes on the skin. Having noticed the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor. Timely treatment will significantly shorten the period of illness and reduce the risk of complications. For the treatment of herpetic rash, several types of drugs are prescribed, depending on the symptoms and complexity of the rash:
- Antiviral ointments such as Acyclovir, Farmvir, Panavir, Valaciclovir. Rashes are lubricated every three hours, at night the skin is treated with an antiseptic. In difficult cases, drugs are given by injection.
- Painkillers are used to relieve pain and irritation.
- Panthenol is used to heal broken blisters.
- In order to prevent foreign infection from getting into the wounds, they are treated with chlorhexidine or miramistin.
Cure herpes infection is not possible. Usually, the herpes virus is dormant and does not manifest itself in any way until the immune system is able to suppress its activation.
Depending on the general condition of the body, immunomodulators and a course of vitamins can be prescribed.

Herpes in children
The specificity of the virus lies in the fact that herpetic eruptions on the skin in children appear significantlymore often than in adults. This is due to the fact that even if there are he althy parents, the child will definitely encounter a carrier at the age of two or three years in the garden or on the playground. But still, a large number of babies become infected from sick mothers while in the womb or immediately after birth.
You should not protect your child too much from infection. With a normal state of he alth and a strong defense system, the human body will be able to develop lifelong immunity to almost all types of herpes if the baby once suffers from the disease. The most important thing is that it is easy and without complications to transfer the first infection.
Herpetic eruptions in a child are treated in the same way as in adults. Antiviral ointments, antiseptics and vitamins are prescribed.
Herpes in the throat
Viruses of the first and second type lead to infection with herpes of the throat. It is quite difficult to distinguish it from other throat diseases, of which there are a lot, especially in children. But there are certain symptoms that distinguish herpetic sores in the throat from other pathologies:
- the temperature rises sharply, in children this may be accompanied by convulsions, severe headaches and muscle aches are possible;
- grey coating on the tongue, redness of the throat;
- swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, severe pain and burning;
- Uvula and tonsils swell, white spots appear on them;
- appearance of bubbles in the throat, which gradually fill with a cloudy liquid;
- after two days, the bubbles begin to burst, and red ones form in their placesores, during this period the body temperature decreases, but the sore throat still remains.
Timely treatment makes it possible to heal sores in three to four days, thereby quickly improving the patient's well-being. But full recovery is possible only after two weeks.
The photo of herpetic eruptions shows how the disease looks in the throat.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to completely cure the herpes virus, its manifestations must be eliminated as quickly as possible. If you start the disease, you can cause the following complications: eczema, meningitis, pneumonia, prostatitis, infertility, laryngitis, genital herpes, encephalitis.
Hygiene rules
Herpes is a contagious disease. Infection most often occurs during the formation of vesicles filled with liquid and resembling pustules. During this period, there is a high risk of transmitting the infection to another person, so you should be careful when communicating with others. Also during this period it is not recommended to wash in a hot bath. The disease is considered safe after a dry crust forms in place of the blisters.
In order not to infect other people, each carrier of the virus in moments of exacerbation should use individual personal hygiene products, separate from their family. In addition, it is best to avoid tactile contact with relatives and strangers until recovery.
Also, during the period of an exacerbation of the virus, it is not recommended to use cosmetics, including gels, scrubs andshampoos. This can cause allergic rashes, as a result of which the general condition will worsen due to the spread of the rash throughout the body. Contact with water should be kept to a minimum, as this can also lead to inflammation in various parts.
Before the sores form crusts, the best option is to use cotton underwear. This fabric perfectly absorbs the liquid that will be released from the burst bubbles.

In order to quickly cure the disease, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet during an exacerbation of the pathology. It is necessary to eat as much food as possible with a lysine content. The list of products should include: milk, dairy products, seaweed, poultry dishes, eggs and fresh vegetables and fruits. A doctor may prescribe vitamins to boost the body's immune defenses.
For the duration of the illness, it is worth giving up fatty foods, nuts and coffee. From vegetables it is not recommended to eat tomatoes.
Which doctor to contact
The choice of a doctor depends on where exactly the herpetic eruptions are located:
- with bubbles on the lips, you should consult a dermatologist;
- rashes in the genital area - gynecologist or urologist;
- rashes on the body - a reason to see a therapist.
Due to the fact that the disease worsens during the weakening of the protective properties of the body, it will not be superfluous to visit an immunologist.
There is no clear scheme of preventive actions against herpetic eruptions. There is a vaccine against herpes, but it has a number of contraindications: acute respiratory infections, allergies, pregnancy.
Special preparations - immunomodulators can improve the functioning of the immune system. They are appointed by an immunologist after conducting the necessary studies and passing all the tests.
Since the virus manifests itself in a weakened body, you should pay special attention to your he alth. To strengthen immunity, it is worth making some good habits:

- he althy eating;
- physical activity;
- giving up bad habits;
- visiting saunas and baths.
Herpes is a specific disease. Almost every inhabitant of the planet once encountered this pathology. With timely measures, the disease is quickly treated and does not cause inconvenience. And in order to prevent the disease from appearing, it is worth taking care of immunity in advance by leading a he althy lifestyle.