In folk medicine, the healing properties of the plant, sometimes called the eye herb, have been known since ancient times. But eyebright is used to treat not only the eyes, but also many other diseases. The rich chemical composition of this herb makes it simply indispensable in eliminating the signs and consequences of many diseases.
Brief description of the herb: eyebright, photo

This medicinal plant belongs to the Norichnikov family, grows in the forest and forest-steppe zones. Eyebright is a herbaceous plant, annual, with a straight, about 15 cm stem, pubescent with short hairs. Its flowers are small. The ovate leaves are usually glabrous, small, with sharp teeth along the edge.
This grass blooms from early June to mid-September in pale purple or white. The fruits of eyebright are small capsules, hairy, with brownish seeds. The plant has no smell, but does have a bitter s alty taste.
Eyebright parasitizes other grasses, especially meadow grasses. It also grows on slopes, peatlands and shrubs.
Useful properties of eyebright
Flowers and leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. The substances they contain have a beneficial effect on the body. This is:
- fatty and essential oils;
- glycosides;
- tannins;
- coumarins;
- flavonoids;
- anthocyanins.
Eyebright grass contains many different trace elements (zinc, silicon, boron, magnesium, iron, manganese and others).
Using eyebright

The plant is used in alternative medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Eyebright preparations have the following effects:
- anti-inflammatory;
- enveloping;
- antispasmodic;
- painkillers;
- soothing;
- hypotensive.
Based on this, eyebright is used to treat the following diseases:
- cold, fever, bronchitis, asthma, cough;
- epilepsy;
- hernia, gout;
- swelling of the glands in the cervical region;
- diseases of the digestive system and problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, constipation, hyperacidity, colitis, catarrh of the colon, etc.);
- liver disease;
- problems with the cardiovascular system, hypertension;
- headaches, hysteria;
- rheumatism;
- tumors, cancer, jaundice;
- sclerosis, absent-mindedness, slowing down the processthinking;
- eczema and diathesis in children;
- skin tuberculosis and other skin diseases;
- prostate disease.
This plant by its action strengthens the body, well tones the skin, improves blood flow in the human brain. In addition, with regular use of eyebright, there is an increase in appetite, hair growth is stimulated.
Eye eyebright

In alternative medicine, this plant is widely used to treat diseases of various etymologies:
- inflammatory processes of the eyes, lacrimal sacs and eyelids;
- spots and cloudiness on the cornea;
- tumors and abscesses;
- rhinitis, stye, conjunctivitis;
- trachoma, glaucoma, cataract.
In addition, eyebright helps to cope with age-related changes in vision. Reviews of elderly patients indicate its ability to perfectly eliminate eye fatigue. It should also be noted that this plant is prescribed as a therapy in the postoperative period, for the treatment of eye injuries.
Treatment of diseases with eyebright. Recipes

For the treatment of diseases with the help of this plant, different methods are used. Eye diseases are treated with eyebright compresses or washings, powders and poultices are made for panaritiums, abscesses, cancer, warts, scrofula, dermatoses. In the case of theodermia, patients are prescribed eyebright baths. With cardiovasculardiseases, to eliminate tobacco addiction, to increase appetite, it is recommended to use infusions from the plant internally.
Some eyebright recipes:
- For the treatment of eye diseases: it is necessary to apply compresses to sore eyes. For this, 5 tbsp. l. without a slide, dry grass is steamed in a liter of boiling water. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink a glass of fresh milk daily, along with lotions, to which add about two grams of plant powder.
- For the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract: in half a liter of boiling water, insist 3 tbsp. l. dry chopped eyebright. It is recommended to take such an infusion (strained) every 6 hours, 50 ml each.
- Giving up smoking helps rinsing the mouth three times a day with a tincture of the plant (50 g of dry grass is taken per liter of boiling water).
- In case of impaired digestion and increased appetite, a special infusion helps very well, which is made as follows: 10 g of dry eyebright is infused in a glass of boiled water for about three hours. It is advisable to use the infusion in the morning, at lunchtime and before going to bed for half a glass (be sure to strain).
- The following infusion relieves eye fatigue remarkably: in a glass container, it is necessary to brew about 50 g of ground dry leaves of the plant, 220 ml of alcohol (it is advisable to take 70%). It is infused for a week and a half, always in a cool place without sunlight. The infusion should be applied to cotton swabs and lightly wipe the eyes with them. The shelf life of such a medicine is about five years, if stored in the refrigerator.
Eyebright: collection and harvesting

The flowers and leaves of the plant are ideal for medicine. They are harvested during the flowering period, that is, from June to early autumn (mid-September).
It is recommended to dry the grass in a place where the sun's rays do not fall. The most optimal temperature for drying is 40 degrees Celsius. After drying, the plant loses its green color and becomes grayish.
Store harvested eyebright grass preferably in tightly closed jars, always in a dry place. It should be remembered that humidity has a negative effect on the dry raw materials of eyebright. You can also store the dried plant in paper bags.
The shelf life of such a medicinal preparation is no more than one year.
Contraindications to the use of the plant for medicinal purposes

Medicinal herb eyebright is not used for the treatment of diseases in the following cases:
- with individual intolerance to the organism of this plant;
- when observing signs of hypotension as eyebright constricts capillaries (water extract of the herb);
- with hypertension it is contraindicated to use the alcohol tincture of eyebright;
- during pregnancy;
- with symptoms of anacid gastritis;
- with low stomach acid, you should not take tinctures from the plant inside.
Eyebright is an excellent and effective remedy for fighting many diseases. But it should be noted that to prescribe it for the treatmentdiseases on their own, without consulting a doctor, is still not desirable. Only as part of complex therapy on the recommendation of a doctor, this plant will bring maximum benefit to the body.