GH - growth hormone. Somatotropic hormone: norm and deviations

GH - growth hormone. Somatotropic hormone: norm and deviations
GH - growth hormone. Somatotropic hormone: norm and deviations

Somatotropic hormone (STH) is directly involved in the proper development of the child's body. Growth hormones are extremely important for a growing organism. The correct and proportional formation of the body depends on STH. And an excess or deficiency of such a substance leads to gigantism or, conversely, growth retardation. In the body of an adult, somatotropic hormone is contained in a smaller amount than in a child or adolescent, but it is still important. If the growth hormone is elevated in adults, this can lead to the development of acromegaly.

stg hormone
stg hormone

General information

Somatotropin, or STH, is a growth hormone that regulates the development of the whole organism. This substance is produced in the anterior pituitary gland. The synthesis of growth hormone is controlled by two main regulators: somatotropin-releasing factor (STHF) and somatostatin, which are produced by the hypothalamus. Somatostatin and STHF activate the formation of somatotropin and determine the time and amount of its excretion. STH is an anabolic hormone, the intensity of lipid, protein, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism depends on it. Somatotropin activates the biosynthesis of protein, glycogen, DNA, accelerates the mobilization of fats from the depot and the breakdown of fatty acids. STH is a hormone thathas lactogenic activity. The biological effect of somatotropic hormone is impossible without the low molecular weight peptide somatomedin C. With the introduction of growth hormone in the blood, “secondary” growth-stimulating factors, somatomedins, increase. The following somatomedins are distinguished: A1, A2, B and C. The latter has an insulin-like effect on adipose, muscle and cartilage tissue.

stg growth hormone
stg growth hormone

The main functions of growth hormone in the human body

Somatotropic hormone (STH) is synthesized throughout life and has a powerful effect on all systems of our body. Let's look at the most important functions of such a substance:

  • Cardiovascular system. STH is a hormone that is involved in the regulation of cholesterol levels. Deficiency of this substance can provoke vascular atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and other diseases.
  • Leather. Growth hormone is an indispensable component in the process of producing collagen, which is responsible for the condition of the skin. If the hormone (GH) is lowered, collagen is synthesized in insufficient quantities and, as a result, the skin aging processes are accelerated.
  • Weight. At night (during sleep), somatotropin is directly involved in the process of lipid breakdown. Violation of this mechanism causes gradual obesity.
  • Bone tissue. Growth hormone in children and adolescents provides lengthening of the bones, and in an adult - their strength. This is due to the fact that growth hormone is involved in the synthesis of vitamin D3 inthe body responsible for the stability and strength of bones. Such a factor helps to cope with various diseases and severe bruises.
  • Muscle tissue. STH (hormone) is responsible for the strength and elasticity of muscle fibers.
  • Body tone. Somatotropic hormone has a positive effect on the entire body. Helps to maintain energy, good mood, sound sleep.

Growth hormone is very important for maintaining a slim and beautiful body shape. One of the functions of somatotropic hormone is the transformation of adipose tissue into muscle tissue, this is what athletes and everyone who follows the figure achieve. STH - a hormone that improves joint mobility and flexibility, makes muscles more elastic.

At older age, the normal content of somatotropin in the blood prolongs longevity. Initially, somatotropic hormone was used to treat various senile ailments. In the world of sports, this substance was used for some time by athletes to build muscle mass, but soon the growth hormone was banned for official use, although today it is actively used by bodybuilders.

growth hormone stg
growth hormone stg

STG (hormone): norm and deviations

What are the normal values of somatotropic hormone for a person? At different ages, indicators of such a substance as growth hormone (hormone) are different. The norm for women also differs significantly from the normal values for men:

  • Newborn babies up to one day - 5-53 mcg/l.
  • Newborn babies up to one week - 5-27 mcg/l.
  • Children over the age ofone month to a year - 2-10 mcg / l.
  • Middle age - 0-4 mcg/l.
  • Middle-aged women - 0-18 mcg/l.
  • Men over 60 - 1-9 mcg/l.
  • Women over 60 - 1-16 mcg/l.
stg hormone normal
stg hormone normal

Deficiency of growth hormone in the body

Particular attention is paid to somatotropin in childhood. GH deficiency in children is a serious disorder that can cause not only growth retardation, but also delayed puberty and general physical development, and in certain cases, dwarfism. Various factors can cause such a violation: a pathological pregnancy, heredity, hormonal disorders.

Insufficient level of somatotropin in the body of an adult affects the general state of metabolism. A low value of growth hormone accompanies various endocrine diseases, and growth hormone deficiency can provoke treatment with certain medications, including the use of chemotherapy.

And now a few words about what happens if growth hormone is present in excess in the body.

GH increased

Excess growth hormone in the body can cause more serious consequences. Significantly increases the growth not only in adolescents, but also in adults. The height of an adult can exceed two meters.

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the limbs - hands, feet, undergoes serious changes and the shape of the face - the nose andthe lower jaw becomes larger, the features coarsen. Such changes can be corrected, but in this case, long-term treatment under the supervision of a specialist will be required.

GH hormone is elevated
GH hormone is elevated

How to determine the level of growth hormone in the body?

Scientists have found that the synthesis of growth hormone in the body occurs in waves, or cycles. Therefore, it is very important to know when to take STH (hormone), that is, at what time to do an analysis for its content. In ordinary clinics, such a study is not carried out. You can determine the content of somatotropin in the blood in a specialized laboratory.

Which rules should be followed before analysis?

One week before the analysis for STH (growth hormone), it is necessary to refuse to conduct an X-ray examination, as this may affect the reliability of the data. During the day before blood sampling, you should follow a strict diet that excludes any fatty foods. Twelve hours before the study, exclude the use of any products. It is also recommended to stop smoking, and in three hours it should be completely eliminated. A day before the test, any physical or emotional overstrain is unacceptable. Blood sampling is carried out in the morning, at this time the concentration of somatotropic hormone in the blood is maximum.

stg hormone normal in women
stg hormone normal in women

How to stimulate the synthesis of growth hormone in the body?

Today, the pharmaceutical market has a large number of various drugs with growth hormone. The course of treatment with such drugs can last several years. But only a specialist should prescribe such medicines after a thorough medical examination and if there are objective reasons. Self-medication can not only not improve the situation, but also cause many he alth problems. In addition, you can activate the production of somatotropic hormone in the body naturally.

Helpful tips

  1. Sleep well. The most intense production of growth hormone occurs during deep sleep, which is why you need to sleep for at least seven to eight hours.
  2. Rational diet. The last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime. If the stomach is full, the pituitary gland will not be able to actively synthesize growth hormone. It is recommended to have dinner with easily digestible foods. For example, you can choose low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat, egg whites, and so on.
  3. He althy menu. The basis of nutrition should be fruits, vegetables, dairy and protein products.
  4. Blood. It is very important to monitor the level of glucose in the blood, its increase can cause a decrease in the production of somatotropic hormone.
  5. Physical activity. For children, volleyball, football, tennis, and sprinting sections will be an excellent option. However, you should know: the duration of any strength training should not exceed 45-50 minutes.
  6. Starvation, emotional strain, stress, smoking. Such factors also reduce the production of growth hormone in the body.

In addition, they significantly reduce the synthesis of growth hormone inbody conditions such as diabetes mellitus, pituitary injury, increased blood cholesterol levels.

somatotropic hormone GH growth hormones
somatotropic hormone GH growth hormones


In this article, we examined in detail such an important element as somatotropic hormone. It is on how its production proceeds in the body that the functioning of all systems and organs and the general well-being of a person depend.

We hope you find the information useful. Stay he althy!
