How and how to cure a runny nose at home

How and how to cure a runny nose at home
How and how to cure a runny nose at home

The nasal mucosa is sensitive to any changes in the body and in the environment and is one of the first to become inflamed in the event of a provocative situation. A runny nose can be of varying intensity, mixed with blood, with clots, or, conversely, watery. It depends on the disease that provoked it; SARS, other viruses, allergic reactions or chronic sinusitis. How to cure a runny nose at home for an adult is described in detail in this article. The most effective folk methods that people have been using for centuries are described.

Varieties of the common cold

Modern medicine distinguishes between the following types of runny nose, in each case, ways to cure a runny nose at home will be different.

  1. Vasomotor runny nose - watery discharge from the nostrils. They are most often not accompanied by sneezing, headache, inability to breathe. With this type of runny nose, it is most often necessary to limit exposure to the street and eating unusual foods.products, since con most often appears with allergic reactions. Allergy at home is not treated - you should either completely minimize contact with the allergen, or take antihistamines.
  2. Infectious runny nose is typical for both children and adults during seasonal colds. Influenza, SARS, bacteria and fungi provoke the appearance of an infectious rhinitis. In this case, the discharge from the nostrils is most often thick, yellowish in color, sometimes with an admixture of blood.
  3. Acute rhinitis is most often manifested due to respiratory diseases and is characterized by headache, tearing, dizziness. In the absence of adequate treatment, it can develop into sinusitis.
  4. Chronic runny nose in a simple form is manifested by copious discharge, often unilateral congestion. It often develops as a complication of an acute form in case of circulatory disorders in the mucosa, diseases of the paranasal sinuses.
  5. Chronic atrophic rhinitis is characterized by a violation of the microflora of the nasal mucosa, tearing, sneezing, migraine. It occurs most often with an advanced form of acute rhinitis or as a result of surgical interventions (for example, removal of adenoids or tonsils).
how to quickly cure a runny nose
how to quickly cure a runny nose

Treatment of acute forms of the common cold

The acute form begins with a feeling of dryness in the nostrils. In parallel, the body temperature often rises, the patient begins to chill. It can be difficult to cure a runny nose at home without pharmacological preparations.

After a couple of hours, the nose is blocked, it hurtshead, abundant discharge begins, you often have to sneeze, the temperature rises. After a week, the discharge becomes thick, purulent.

You should observe bed rest, take sick leave at work. How to cure a runny nose at home for an adult if the disease is chronic?

  1. Put mustard plasters on your legs and back twice a day.
  2. Use the juice of the Kalanchoe plant (the application algorithm is described below).
  3. Rinse the nostrils with saline or calendula infusion.
  4. Eat honey and bee products.
  5. Avoid drafts, stay in bed, don't go outside.
folk remedies for the common cold
folk remedies for the common cold

Treatment of chronic colds

In this case, the patient is not disturbed by fever and chills, the temperature does not rise. But the nose is constantly stuffed up so that it is impossible to breathe. This condition is dangerous because it quickly develops into sinusitis, sinusitis and other dangerous diseases. Mucus is abundantly secreted from the sinuses, the sense of smell disappears, the mouth is dry, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx torment with a burning sensation and sometimes hurt.

As a result, crusts may form on the mucosa. When they decompose, the otolaryngologist diagnoses ozena. This is a fairly common type of complication of chronic rhinitis. Leads to otitis media or sinusitis.

How to cure a chronic runny nose at home without resorting to the use of pharmaceuticals? It is difficult enough to do this. Chronic runny nose can disturb more than one year. Only a competent approach can help get rid of it

How to prevent the development of sinusitis during treatment at home

If a patient has been trying to cure a runny nose at home for a long time, but for some reason he failed, there is a risk of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, ears, sinuses. As a result, you have to resort to surgery or take antibiotics.

If a patient notices that within ten days there is no sense in using traditional medicine, that the condition is not improving - you can’t hesitate, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. Self-treatment is not always successful; as a result, a chronic runny nose can develop over several years. Only competent medical treatment can help, otherwise you will have to remove adenoids or take antibiotics regularly.

List of the most effective treatments

Cure a cough, runny nose at home can be quite fast. Bed rest should be observed and the chosen methods should be used as often as possible. If these are washings, then they should be done at least three times a day, if instillation - but at least once every three hours.

Here is a list of the most effective measures:

  • warming up the sinuses;
  • treatment with honey and bee products;
  • onion and garlic juice treatment;
  • fresh juices;
  • washing the nose with decoctions of herbs;
  • use of medicinal Kalanchoe and Aloe juice.
kalanchoe juice for colds
kalanchoe juice for colds

Warming upsinuses

To quickly cure a runny nose for a child at home, warming up will help. It is easy to make them, it is within the power of every parent. Adults can also use these simple recipes to fight a runny nose.

  1. Heat flour in a frying pan. Pre-prepare a bag of dense natural cotton, pour hot flour into it, drip mint and citrus essential oils on it. Apply to the bridge of the nose and heat until the flour has cooled.
  2. A similar recipe is good with s alt. It should be noted that the s alt may become excessively hot in the pan and the patient may get burned. Safety precautions should be observed when working with hot s alt.
  3. Recipe for warming with mustard: heat dry mustard powder on a radiator and apply to the bridge of your nose. Caution should be exercised: if dry mustard powder gets on the mucous membrane of the nose or eyes, it can provoke the development of a burn.

Treatment with honey and bee products

Any beekeeper knows how to cure a bad cold at home. Honey and bee products have long been famous for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Several times a day, a teaspoon of fresh flower honey should be dissolved in the mouth. This will help not only get rid of a runny nose, but also reduce sore throat, soften cough. Honeycombs are also good: they can be chewed or replaced with sweets for tea.

Honey water can be instilled into the nostrils. A burning sensation will be felt - this is good, microbes are destroyed. Should be dissolved in a clean containera teaspoon of fresh flower honey in a glass of distilled water, instill a few drops into each nostril several times a day. Using honey water is one of the easiest home remedies to cure a runny nose.

cold treatment with honey
cold treatment with honey

Treatment with onion and garlic juice

Very controversial method, since the pure juice of these plants can cause burns to the mucous membranes. However, our ancestors have been using this method for centuries.

Now there are more loyal methods - for example, honey water or the juice of medicinal plants. If the patient nevertheless dares to drip onion or garlic juice into the nostrils, he should be aware that he may get a mucosal burn.

In order not to use concentrated juice, dilute it with distilled water in a proportion of about one part of onion juice to five parts of liquid. You can add aloe or Kalanchoe juice to the mixture. This will help to quickly cure a runny nose at home. Instill this mixture should be two or three drops in each nostril every three to four hours.

Kalanchoe juice: an effective remedy in the fight against the common cold

kalanchoe juice
kalanchoe juice

Many housewives grow this medicinal plant on the windowsill. Its juice has a literally miraculous property to cure even a chronic runny nose. after instillation into the nostrils, after about five minutes, the person begins to sneeze. For one instillation, about thirty sneezes occur. Intensity - two or three times in ten seconds. Even thick snot at the same time simplyfly out of the nose. The nasopharynx is cleared, breathing becomes easy.

How can a child cure a runny nose at home with Kalanchoe? This remedy is safe and can be safely used for children over five years old. One drop should be instilled into each nostril. After about five minutes, the child will begin to sneeze and his nasopharynx will clear. After that, you can drip honey water into your nostrils.

Aloe juice: application features and results

Tear off a few fleshy leaves at the base of the plant. Grind them to a homogeneous consistency or simply squeeze out thick juice. It will be white in color, non-uniform thickish consistency. The smell is light herbal.

How to cure allergic rhinitis at home with aloe? It's simple: bury a few drops in each nostril. This, perhaps, is one of all folk methods that is effective for a runny nose of an allergic nature. Aloe has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, vasoconstrictor effect. stops the release of fluid for about two hours - during this time you can do the necessary things, and repeat the instillation again.

Note that people with allergic rhinitis may experience a similar reaction to aloe. Any herbal component is potentially dangerous for an allergic person.

aloe for colds
aloe for colds

Using oils for colds

How can you cure a runny nose at home, in addition to the above remedies? Oils have proven themselves quite well.

Not all of them are equally useful for a cold. Of course, sunflower or olive oil will be almost completely useless. You will need those funds that are sold in a pharmacy or he alth shops.

  1. Rosehip oil contains a high amount of ascorbic acid. Bury in its pure form, one drop in each nostril, several times a day. Perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane, stops the secretion of mucus, promotes full breathing.
  2. Pumpkin seed oil is effective in treating allergic oil. It is also very useful to take it to strengthen the immune system, one tablespoon in the morning, on an empty stomach. Instill one drop in each nostril for an exacerbation of allergies.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil is excellent for relieving symptoms of dryness and nasal congestion. To do this, one or two drops should be instilled into each nostril. Sea buckthorn is a fairly strong allergen, so it is not usually used to treat allergic rhinitis.

How to wash your nose at home

You can only wash your nose with a completely liquid remedy. Thick aloe juice or honey water will not work for this. But ideal herbal infusions of calendula, mint, yarrow.

herbal treatment for colds
herbal treatment for colds

The ideal proportion for the preparation of such an infusion is one tablespoon of chopped dry grass per two hundred ml of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour, the broth will just cool down to room temperature. It is advisable to use it after thorough pumping so that pieces of grass do not get into the nose. You can not leave the broth for a long time, it can turn sour. It is optimal to use it all,completely, within the first days after preparation. Decoctions of dried herbs can also be used for allergic rhinitis.
