Health 2024, October

When the kidneys hurt: how to treat and what to do

When the kidneys hurt: how to treat and what to do

Any kidney disease is very unpleasant and insidious. In addition, it is almost impossible to diagnose such an ailment on your own, since pain in the lumbar region does not yet mean that the problem is related specifically to the urinary system. At least a dozen other diseases may have similar symptoms. Therefore, to determine that the kidneys hurt, the doctor can only after conducting all the necessary examinations

Intervertebral hernia: a symptom of the disease and methods of treatment

Intervertebral hernia: a symptom of the disease and methods of treatment

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are very common today. There are many reasons for this, among which the main one is a sedentary lifestyle. Osteochondrosis has long settled in the top ten ailments in terms of frequency of diagnosis. One of its most severe manifestations is an intervertebral hernia

Confused mind: symptoms, causes and treatment

Confused mind: symptoms, causes and treatment

Confused is a state of consciousness in which the ability to think at a normal speed is lost, the clarity and sequence of thoughts are disturbed. Under this name, a whole group of injuries in the complex work of the brain is summarized

Breathing disorders: types, causes and treatments

Breathing disorders: types, causes and treatments

Respiratory failure: varieties. Obstructive and restrictive type, features of each variety, against the background of which diseases breathing can be disturbed. Nasal breathing, what problems can arise in the process of its violation

Bladder disease: symptoms and treatment

Bladder disease: symptoms and treatment

The organs of the urinary system are often exposed to various pathologies. Most often, doctors detect diseases of the bladder. They can be caused by a variety of adverse factors. After determining the cause of the disease and bladder disease, treatment is prescribed. Not only the penetration of pathogenic microflora, but also hypothermia, neoplasms can lead to the development of pathology

Diseases of the human bladder and their symptoms

Diseases of the human bladder and their symptoms

Bladder diseases are manifested by similar symptoms, which is why complex diagnostics are required for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Therapy involves the use of medications, folk remedies and surgical intervention

Sexual infections: prevention, symptoms and treatment

Sexual infections: prevention, symptoms and treatment

Sexual infections are diseases that in most cases are transmitted through unprotected intercourse of any kind. According to statistics, the most frequent is the infection of a woman from a man, than vice versa. The most common sexual infections: gardnerella, herpes virus, ureaplasma, urogenital mycoplasma, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus

Warming up with bronchitis: methods and contraindications

Warming up with bronchitis: methods and contraindications

Any disease of the respiratory tract is usually accompanied by a cough - this is a protective function of the body, contributing to the removal of all harmful substances from the respiratory tract. A cough is not life-threatening, but if left untreated, it can lead to serious consequences. There are different methods of treating the disease, the most common of them is warming up with bronchitis. About how safe it is to warm the chest and when it is absolutely impossible to do this and will be discussed in the article

Hand hurts: causes, symptoms, treatment

Hand hurts: causes, symptoms, treatment

If you suffer from pain in your hands, then it is very problematic to sleep at night and work during the day. They can occur not only after a bruise or blow, but also due to certain diseases

Electric shock and its consequences

Electric shock and its consequences

When it comes to electricity, you need to know the basic safety rules: the first conductor of current is metal and water. Dry your hands when using electrical appliances. Now metal household appliances, a microwave oven, an electric kettle, a pressure cooker, etc. are in fashion. If you have bought such equipment, first make sure that it is in good working order and free from factory defects

Concussion: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Concussion: symptoms, treatment and consequences

A concussion is a fairly serious injury, the symptoms of which cannot be ignored. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner

Hepatitis C symptoms in women. Hepatitis C: treatment. Hepatitis C: symptoms

Hepatitis C symptoms in women. Hepatitis C: treatment. Hepatitis C: symptoms

"Affectionate killer" - this is the name given to hepatitis C by doctors. Mild symptoms and severe, almost fatal consequences make it possible to call such a complex disease such an ambiguous nickname

Blood infection. Causative agents of blood infections. Disease prevention

Blood infection. Causative agents of blood infections. Disease prevention

Man is attacked by various pathological microorganisms. Some are transmitted by airborne droplets, others through the blood. How to deal with blood infections, and what are the causes of their occurrence?

Fragility of blood vessels: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Fragility of blood vessels: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Many people experience occasional red dotted skin rashes. If such changes are isolated, do not sound the alarm. Periodic violation of the integrity of the vessel wall can be in absolutely he althy people. But if such dots cover almost the entire body and appear often, this may indicate fragility of the vessels. This article is for such people

Intestinal virus: symptoms and treatment

Intestinal virus: symptoms and treatment

Viral diseases affect a person more than once during a lifetime. The principle of their origin, course and acquisition may differ. Also, each case has its own symptoms. The intestinal virus is especially difficult to tolerate

Enterovirus in children: symptoms and treatment

Enterovirus in children: symptoms and treatment

At a tender age, one may encounter two variations of diseases of an infectious nature that affect the intestines and the gastrointestinal tract. It is a rotavirus and enterovirus infection

How to recognize heart pain? Where and how does the heart hurt

How to recognize heart pain? Where and how does the heart hurt

Before a more detailed disclosure of this topic, it is necessary to clarify that heartache is by no means a joke. If this condition is suspected, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since without a detailed history taking and banal studies (ECG, heart auscultation, etc.), an accurate diagnosis is impossible. How to recognize a heartache from another? This will be discussed in the article

Fractured thumb: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation

Fractured thumb: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation

One of the most difficult to bear and quite dangerous is a fracture of the thumb. Despite the fact that it is the only finger that is located separately in its anatomical location, its role in the functioning of the hand is very large. The activity of the hand largely depends on the capabilities of just this finger. It accounts for almost half of all hand functions

Signs and symptoms of weakened immunity

Signs and symptoms of weakened immunity

Of course, the problem of reducing the immune defense of the body today is quite serious. It affects both children and adult patients. Therefore, many readers are interested in questions about what the main symptoms of a weakened immune system look like. What are the reasons for this violation? Can you spot it yourself?

Aspirin asthma: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Aspirin asthma: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Almost everyone knows about the existence of bronchial asthma. And it is for people with this disease that the instructions for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) provide a separate item warning about possible side effects. This is due to the fact that there is aspirin bronchial asthma, and taking such drugs can not only not bring benefits, but also significantly harm he alth

Asthma therapy: basic principles and treatment

Asthma therapy: basic principles and treatment

Asthma is a serious disease that requires proper complex treatment. Today, various methods are used that can significantly improve the quality of life of the patient. It becomes possible to reduce the frequency of seizures. The disease recedes, allowing a person to get rid of this problem. What is bronchial asthma therapy, what methods does it include, will be discussed in the article

Rezi in the stomach: causes, symptoms, how to treat

Rezi in the stomach: causes, symptoms, how to treat

Periodically appearing cramps in the abdomen cause a lot of discomfort and disturb a person. Cramps in the stomach cause a deterioration in the general condition, can occur in adults and children. It is important to know that any pain in the abdomen is a sign of a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

How to cure bronchial asthma: drugs, folk remedies, clinical guidelines

How to cure bronchial asthma: drugs, folk remedies, clinical guidelines

To explain how to cure bronchial asthma, special courses have been created for patients suffering from this pathology. They are available in almost every medical institution. The main rule in the treatment of asthma is an integrated approach to therapy

Feeling of heaviness in the stomach: causes, methods of treatment, drugs

Feeling of heaviness in the stomach: causes, methods of treatment, drugs

The feeling of heaviness in the stomach is a common symptom that accompanies many diseases of the digestive system. In some cases, this may be due to physiological reasons, such as hunger or overeating, eating heavy food for digestion. But if a person experiences heaviness in the stomach, bloating, stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation), increased gas formation and other unpleasant symptoms quite often, you should contact a gastroenterologist

Apathy: what to do if you don't feel like doing anything? Psychologist's advice and treatment

Apathy: what to do if you don't feel like doing anything? Psychologist's advice and treatment

Often, a lot of people are faced with indifference to any business. This is the norm until apathy sets in for everything. This condition is considered pathological and requires treatment by a psychologist

Black spots on the nails of the hands: description, causes, analysis, treatment and consultation of specialists

Black spots on the nails of the hands: description, causes, analysis, treatment and consultation of specialists

In the article we will talk about why black spots appear on the nails of the hands. We will deal with this phenomenon in detail, as well as try to understand why this happens and how to avoid it. If this topic is relevant to you, continue reading our article

Vidal's lichen: causes, methods of transmission, symptoms, treatment methods, photos and reviews

Vidal's lichen: causes, methods of transmission, symptoms, treatment methods, photos and reviews

In the article we will talk about what Vidal's lichen is. We will deal with this disease in detail, and also learn about how it is transmitted, what methods of treatment exist and are the most effective in modern medicine

Destructive pancreatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Destructive pancreatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pancreatitis is a serious pathology of the pancreas, which develops rapidly and, in the absence of timely treatment, leads to dangerous consequences. In the ICD 10 classification, acute destructive pancreatitis can be found under the K-85 code. With this disease, metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, and the pancreas begins to digest itself. As a result of this process, necrosis of the cells of the organ occurs. In the article we will take a closer look at the symptoms and causes of this most dangerous disease

Dyskinetic syndrome: types, symptoms, possible causes, treatment options, reviews

Dyskinetic syndrome: types, symptoms, possible causes, treatment options, reviews

Dyskinesia is a complex of pathologies of the digestive system associated with disorders of coordinated motor acts, usually smooth muscles. At the beginning, the disease may not cause discomfort, but later it leads to serious complications and difficulties in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Read more about dyskinetic syndrome in this article

Secondary hypertension: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, medical advice and treatment

Secondary hypertension: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, medical advice and treatment

Hypertension is a pathology associated with chronic high blood pressure. In turn, this disease is divided into two types: primary and secondary arterial hypertension. The first type occurs as a result of disruption of the blood vessels, the second is the result of some diseases in different body systems. The primary type of hypertension is much more common. Secondary hypertension requires not only the therapy of the vascular system, but also those organs, the disruption of which provoked an increase in

Staphylococcus in the ears: symptoms, how to treat and the consequences of infection

Staphylococcus in the ears: symptoms, how to treat and the consequences of infection

Staphylococcus in the ears can cause many diseases associated with the development of inflammation. When infected with staphylococcus, unpleasant symptoms occur in the auricles, often purulent discharge appears. At the first signs, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to eliminate the spread of the disease to neighboring tissues and remove the negative consequences. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy

Varicose ulcers: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and advice from phlebologists

Varicose ulcers: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and advice from phlebologists

About such a pathology as varicose veins, probably everyone knows. But not everyone has an idea of what the disease can lead to. Varicose ulcers appear if you start the disease and do not treat it. This is one of the most severe and dangerous consequences of varicose veins. In very advanced cases, the disease can lead to amputation of a limb or death of the patient from sepsis

Viscous saliva in the mouth: causes and treatments

Viscous saliva in the mouth: causes and treatments

Consistency is one of the characteristics of saliva that few people think about for no reason. Most often, a person learns that it can change during a period of a disease. The causes of viscous and sticky saliva can be many, and most often this indicates the presence of he alth problems. Treatment depends on what has become a prerequisite for the development of viscosity. In the article we will analyze these points in more detail

External hemorrhoids: symptoms and treatment

External hemorrhoids: symptoms and treatment

External hemorrhoids are considered a very common disease. Symptoms in women and men are quite common. The disease is an inflammation of the veins of the rectum. Due to the fact that the blood stagnates at the site of inflammation, a lump is formed, which causes inconvenience to the patient

What to do if the chest is bruised?

What to do if the chest is bruised?

What to do when the chest is bruised? This is a very unpleasant and sometimes dangerous injury. However, everything is not always as bad as it might seem at first glance. Let's figure it out

Effective treatment of epicondylitis of the elbow joint

Effective treatment of epicondylitis of the elbow joint

Self-treatment of epicondylitis of the elbow is possible, although it is certainly better to see a doctor who can prescribe the most appropriate treatment for you

Chronic pancreatitis: exacerbation. What to do?

Chronic pancreatitis: exacerbation. What to do?

There is such an unpleasant disease as chronic pancreatitis. Exacerbation of it can be quite painful and often requires hospitalization

Severe heart failure: symptoms and treatment

Severe heart failure: symptoms and treatment

One of the common diseases of the cardiovascular system is heart failure. Symptoms and treatment - what to do with heart failure?

Tendovaginitis is a disease of people of art

Tendovaginitis is a disease of people of art

Tendovaginitis is a very unpleasant disease that can become chronic. Timely treatment will help prevent unwanted consequences

If I pinched a nerve in my back, what should I do?

If I pinched a nerve in my back, what should I do?

There is nothing worse than when you pinch a nerve in your back. What to do in such a situation? How to reduce pain and how to treat?