Any disease of the respiratory tract is usually accompanied by a cough. This is a protective function of the body, contributing to the removal of all harmful substances from the respiratory tract.
The main symptom of bronchitis is also a cough. It is not life-threatening, but if left untreated, it can lead to serious consequences.
The treatment of this disease is mainly aimed at eliminating the protective reflex, that is, coughing. There are different methods of treating the disease, the most common of them is warming up with bronchitis. About how safe it is to warm the chest and when it is absolutely impossible to do this, and will be discussed in the article.
Types of diseases
There are several forms of bronchitis, which are characterized by certain symptoms: chronic, acute, obstructive.
- Acute bronchitis is characterized byviolent cough and copious sputum.
- The chronic form of the disease is accompanied by a violation of the protective functions of the body, the absence of sputum and a persistent cough.
- In obstructive bronchitis, swelling of the mucous membrane leads to blockage of the bronchi. In this case, self-treatment is strictly prohibited, injections and procedures with a blue lamp - a Minin reflector are prescribed.

In addition to the main types of diseases, there are:
- infectious bronchitis - caused by a virus;
- toxic - a consequence of the general poisoning of the body;
- allergic - develops against the background of an allergic reaction.
Bronchitis is characterized by symptoms such as cough, weakness, mucus production, shortness of breath, fever, chest pain. A cough can torment a sick person for about several weeks. If it does not go away for three or more months, these are signs of a chronic form of the disease.
Bronchitis is treated in a variety of ways, among which the most common and popular are physiotherapy. They have a positive effect on the general condition of the body, relieving pain and reducing inflammation. They also improve blood circulation, stimulating the restoration of damaged cells.
Chest massage has a beneficial effect on the bronchi. Fingers produce vibration and tapping movements, intense kneading and stroking. The duration of the procedure is from 6 to 10 minutes. During massagemanipulations use warm oil, after the procedure, the chest is insulated with a blanket.
An equally popular method of physiotherapy is inhalation. It can be carried out using nebulizers - warming devices - or at home using herbal decoctions.
The third set of physiotherapeutic procedures is physiotherapy exercises with static and dynamic exercises.
Warming up with bronchitis. Can it be heated?
There are several ways to treat the disease, including using improvised means. At the initial stage of the disease, when the cough is just beginning, warming up is of great help. For bronchitis, it is very effective if certain requirements are met.

So, at a high temperature, it is absolutely impossible to warm up the chest, otherwise a fever may begin. In addition, warming manipulations cannot be carried out with heart problems and with obstructive bronchitis. If there is damage to the skin, it is also better to refrain from warming up.
With bronchitis, it is necessary to bask with caution: for some types of disease, this is a normal method of treatment, for others it is contraindicated and dangerous.
When heating is prohibited
Many people find that heating is effective when coughing. Indeed, if the respiratory tract is affected by an infection, then warming up is useful: in the bronchi, under the influence of heat, the lumen slightly expands, the blood supply to the cells is restored, which leads to the restoration of the natural structure of the membrane andleads to recovery.
But if a foreign body gets into the throat, warming up is absolutely ineffective. For recovery, this item should be removed from the lumen of the bronchi.

In allergic bronchitis, heating is unacceptable, as it can lead to abundant sputum production, which will fill the bronchial lumen even more.
So, if the question arises whether it is possible or not to warm the chest when coughing, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence, and then take measures to eliminate it.
So, to get rid of a cough, you can use several methods. But it is important to remember that at a temperature, allergies and children under one year old, warming procedures are strictly prohibited.
Yard plasters
Can I put mustard plasters with bronchitis? The answer to this question of concern to many is usually positive. During a thermal reaction, allyl oil is released from mustard plasters, irritation appears on the skin at the site of application, which leads to improved blood circulation in this place and to a decrease in inflammatory processes.
Important rules for treatment with mustard plasters:
- mustard plasters are applied to the area between the shoulder blades on the back;
- you can put them on the chest, but you should avoid the area of birthmarks, mammary glands, heart;
- you can not use mustard plasters if the body temperature is above 37 ºС;
- this treatment can be carried out no more than 4 days in a row.

The principle of operation of cans is as follows. A vacuum is created inside them, and the skin is sucked into the container. This contributes to an abundant blood flow to this area of \u200b\u200bthe dermis. Thus, there is an increase in blood circulation and metabolism. But we must remember that the establishment of cups for bronchitis requires some skill so as not to burn yourself or the patient.
This method of treatment is very effective for bronchitis, pneumonia, arthritis, osteochondrosis, bronchial asthma.
Warm compresses for bronchitis
Treatment with compresses has been known since ancient times. In addition, they are actively used for the treatment of children. The only condition is that you should use substances that do not cause allergic reactions.
Compresses usually have no contraindications, and do not have a negative effect on the liver as medicines.

For compresses, you can use mustard powder, diluted alcohol, s alt, cabbage leaves, honey, cottage cheese, potatoes. The prepared therapeutic mixture is applied to the back, avoiding the heart area, the mixture is covered with gauze, then polyethylene is placed and insulated with a blanket.
The next way to warm up at home is rubbing. Ointments, gels, essential oils with a warming effect have become very popular means for procedures. Badger, goose or goat fat is also used. All of these remedies are effective in soothing coughs.
These substances should be applied in a thin layer so as not to harm the patient, andrub until completely absorbed. After the treatment, you need to wrap the patient with a warm blanket and let him sleep.
Rubbing is strictly forbidden to do if the body temperature is above 37 ºС.
Heating baths
This is the most pleasant and effective healing way to fight a cough. When warming up the body, the patient also inhales the vapors emitted by medicinal herbs. However, this treatment is contraindicated if the temperature is high, as it can cause a fever.

In addition, when warming up in this way, the water temperature should not be higher than 37 ºС, and the procedure itself should not last more than 15 minutes. It is recommended to use decoctions of herbs: chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, coltsfoot.
Warming up in children
Warming in children should only be done after consulting a pediatrician.

Important recommendations for treating children:
- You can use warming ointments, gels, tinctures.
- It is recommended to warm up at night.
- It is best to rub the products with massage movements, then wrap the child well.
- It is forbidden to warm children under 2 years old.
- For babies, the mustard wrapping method is used. A mixture is made from honey, mustard powder, vegetable oil and flour. The mixture is laid out on a cloth and applied to the right side of the baby's sternum.
- At high temperatures, the cold wrapping method is used. On a sheet soaked in cold waters alt, wrap a sick child for 10 minutes.
Helpful tips
Bronchitis requires a long and diligent treatment. During the fight against the disease should:
- Liquids as much as possible to avoid dehydration and clear phlegm quickly. Alkaline mineral water is especially useful during this period.
- Don't drink hot drinks - they will irritate your sore throat and hinder your recovery.
- Eat light and high-calorie food to fill the body with strength and energy.
- Do not abuse citrus fruits as they irritate the throat.
The main rule in the fight against the disease is to eat often and in small portions, and completely refuse hot and spicy food.