X-ray is one of the methods of research, its basis is to obtain a fixed image by means of x-rays. The result is usually obtained on X-ray film or displayed (if digital devices were used) on a monitor screen or paper. The study is based on the passage of x-rays through the tissues of the body. Usually X-ray is used as a diagnostic method. To obtain more accurate results, an X-ray image in two projections is used.

Chest x-ray
X-ray of thorax (chest organs) is the most common method of examination, which allows to detect pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, ribs, thoracic spine, arising from various injuries and diseases.
How do x-rays work? Passing through the body and organs, they are absorbed in different ways. The result is an x-ray. Fabrics of a denser structure look white on it, thosewhich are softer - dark. After development and drying, the radiologist evaluates the resulting picture. An x-ray of the lungs will show all the pathologies, if any, indicate possible diseases.
Modern digital devices simplify the procedure, while the radiation dose is significantly reduced. There is also mobile equipment that allows you to examine bedridden patients.
X-ray capabilities and interpretation of the result

Chest X-ray helps to detect the following pathologies in the body:
- Respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, pleurisy, tuberculosis, cancer, lung atelectasis, pneumonia. X-ray images are deciphered by the doctor and immediately see the probable disease.
- Cardiovascular system: myocarditis, pericarditis, changes in heart size.
- Mediastinum: displacement of structures, mediastinitis.
- Musculoskeletal skeleton of the chest: fractures of the sternum or ribs, vertebrae, hemothorax, pneumothorax, mediastinal injuries, heart.
Also, radiography is used to track the dynamics of recovery in the treatment of pneumonia. However, X-rays cannot be called a universal diagnostic method. For example, X-ray cannot assess the nature of the tumor, and this study is also limited to immobile patients. For such exceptional cases, computed tomography is used.
When deciphering the result of an X-ray of the chest, the doctor evaluates the size and shape of the mediastinum, the structure of the chest and soft tissues, the transparency of the lungfields, pattern intensity, position and structure of the roots of the lungs, the shape of the pleural sinuses and diaphragmatic domes.
Preparing and conducting the procedure

Special preparation is not required for the X-ray procedure. The doctor recommends only removing clothing and jewelry from the area that will be irradiated. You also need to remove all objects that may interfere with the study (glasses, dentures). If there is a need for the presence of a relative of the patient, a protective lead apron is put on him.
Taking off clothes, the patient is placed in front of the photographic plate. The doctor leaves the room to the console, at his command it is necessary to raise his shoulders, press against the plate and hold his breath for a while. You can't move while doing this. If the patient does not have the opportunity to take a vertical position, he is placed on the table. Relatives or a nurse help him with this.
Examination is painless, does not cause any discomfort. The only discomfort is the cool temperature in the room. The x-ray will be ready within 15 minutes. You will be given it immediately along with a description. Based on this, the doctor will make a diagnosis or refer you for further examination.
X-rays of teeth

X-ray examination has become widespread in dentistry. The picture not only makes it possible to track pathologies, but also reveals deviations in the structure of the jaws. X-ray diagnostics is important when choosing the best optionstreatment.
There are several types of x-rays in dentistry:
- Panoramic. This picture allows the doctor to evaluate the entire panorama of the location of the teeth, determine their number, see the teeth that have not erupted, the rudiments. You can also see the anatomical structure of the jaw, nasal sinuses. Panoramic X-ray is important for dental implantation, bite correction, removal of wisdom teeth.
- Bite. Otherwise, such a picture is called interproximal radiography. Common type of snapshot. It is used to detect periodontitis, caries. Sometimes a bitewing is taken after the crown is placed to check the procedure.
- Sighting. With the help of an aiming picture, you can see exactly what the diseased tooth looks like, and establish the correct treatment regimen. A targeted shot allows you to see a maximum of four teeth.
- Digital. Safe modern diagnostics. 3D X-ray provides a clear picture of the entire dentition and individual teeth. A three-dimensional image is displayed on the screen, after studying it, the doctor determines the methods of treatment.
Procedure for taking a snapshot

An x-ray of teeth is performed on the recommendation of a dentist: in cases of caries, malocclusion, diseases of the periodontal tissues, pulpitis, cysts, jaw injuries, abscesses.
Before the study, it is recommended that the patient remove all metal products and jewelry from himself: they can distort the data of the images. The procedure depends on the type of image. Takes studyA couple of minutes. Irradiation has a minimum dose. The session takes place in a special room. The patient bites the photosensitive film, it should be between the device and the examined tooth.
When examining with a computer radiovisiograph, a special apron is put on the patient, the sensor is installed on the area under study and attached to the device. The result is displayed on the computer.
When using an orthopantomograph, the radiograph is performed as follows: the patient stands up to the apparatus, the chin is fixed on the support. A block is clamped with teeth, which does not allow the jaws to close. The patient must remain still. The device rotates around the head several times. Pictures can be received on the same day.
Image transcript
Based on the x-ray of the teeth, the doctor writes a conclusion, which indicates the number of teeth, size and their location. All detected pathologies will also be displayed in the conclusion.
The picture shows the location of each tooth, the slope, the condition of the bones. Darkening in the picture indicates the presence of pulpitis, denticles. Tooth enamel defects mean caries. Where the density is reduced, enlightenment is noticeable. If the caries is complex, the tooth structure is deformed, granulomas form.
A cyst can be detected - a clear contour of a homogeneous structure of an oblong shape. The cyst is located at the tooth root, it can be small or large. Large cysts can affect two teeth at once. Chronic periodontitis is visible as a sharp darkening in the picture at the root apex. Visible in periodontitisreduced bone marrow area, atrophic processes and sclerotic changes are visible.
X-ray of the spine

When does a doctor recommend an x-ray of the spine?
- For pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar.
- For muscular low back pain of unclear nature.
- With limited mobility of limbs.
- In case of injuries, falls and bruises.
- If degenerative changes in the bones are suspected.
- When diagnosing curvature, osteochondrosis, scoliosis.
X-rays are recommended to be performed in two projections: lateral and direct. Descriptions of x-rays are made by a radiologist, he evaluates the contours of the vertebrae, the gaps between them, the intensity of the color, the presence of growths. After that, an experienced specialist is able to immediately make a diagnosis, determine the probable prognosis and the need for surgical treatment.
How the procedure works

No special preparation is required for an image of the upper spine. If the lumbosacral region is being examined, it is recommended to prepare in advance:
- You need to completely cleanse the intestines, otherwise it will be difficult to make a correct diagnosis.
- Exclude from the diet two days before the procedure products that promote fermentation: bread, milk, legumes, coarse fiber.
- Dinner should be excluded the day before, breakfast before the procedure.
- Quit alcohol and smoking.
- Before the procedurecleanse the intestines with an enema.
- There must be no metal objects on the body at the time of shooting.
- Stay still.
The examination is absolutely painless for the patient. It is carried out for 10-15 minutes. Pictures with descriptions are immediately handed out.