Health 2024, October

There were bumps from the injection - how to treat?

There were bumps from the injection - how to treat?

A bump on the pope after an injection is formed if the injection is done incorrectly. For example, the drug did not get into the muscle tissue, as it should, but into the fatty layer, and formed a so-called capsule

Phlegmonous appendicitis - what is it?

Phlegmonous appendicitis - what is it?

The most unpleasant diagnosis - phlegmonous appendicitis - is the most common. What lies behind it, and how to deal with it, we learn from the article

Relapse - is it dangerous? Complications after herniated disc surgery

Relapse - is it dangerous? Complications after herniated disc surgery

Relapse is not the most pleasant thing that can happen after surgery, but it is treatable. Let's see what relapses after spinal surgery are

What's the matter if the right arm goes numb from the elbow to the hand?

What's the matter if the right arm goes numb from the elbow to the hand?

If your arm goes numb from elbow to hand, you should pay close attention to this. There can be several reasons for this discomfort

Why does my hand go numb in my sleep?

Why does my hand go numb in my sleep?

Very unpleasant feeling when a hand goes numb in a dream. The cause of its occurrence can be anything from an uncomfortable position to a serious illness. Let's figure it out

Is it possible to treat an intervertebral hernia with folk remedies?

Is it possible to treat an intervertebral hernia with folk remedies?

Treatment of an intervertebral hernia with folk remedies is not welcomed by traditional medicine, if this is the only thing that is aimed at healing. However, folk recipes can be a good aid

Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. PCR analysis (toxoplasmosis): results and interpretation

Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. PCR analysis (toxoplasmosis): results and interpretation

Toxoplasmosis is a common parasitic infection of humans and animals caused by protozoan microorganisms. To detect this disease, a PCR analysis is prescribed. Toxoplasmosis is caused by protozoan intracellular parasites. Visually, they look like an orange slice or a crescent. Their sizes are very small - about 5-7 microns

Trisomy 21: Normal

Trisomy 21: Normal

The second name for this disease is Down syndrome. This disease was first described by Dr. Langdon Down in 1866. The doctor correctly described the main underlying symptoms, but he could not correctly determine the cause of this syndrome. Scientists were able to reveal the secret of trisomy 21 only in 1959. Then it was found that this disease has a genetic origin

How to deal with nephrotic syndrome?

How to deal with nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is a condition that develops against a background of a variety of systemic, purulent, infectious, urological and metabolic ailments. This pathology complicates the process of kidney disease in about 20% of cases

Hypersecretion of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hypersecretion of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hypersecretion of the stomach is a pathological syndrome, popularly known as "increased acidity". Trouble is characterized by irritation of the mucous membranes of the body with excess digestive juices, which is accompanied by a number of unpleasant consequences. There is a whole list of effective medicines and folk therapies that allow you to deal with the development of pathology

Nausea, diarrhea, weakness: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Nausea, diarrhea, weakness: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Causes of high fever, diarrhea, nausea and weakness in the patient. The main causes of an unpleasant condition and possible diseases. Conducting patient diagnostics and prescribing effective drug treatment

Osmotic Diarrhea: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests, and Treatment

Osmotic Diarrhea: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests, and Treatment

Osmotic diarrhea is a pathological intestinal disorder, which is accompanied by an increased number of bowel movements and a change in the structure of feces. The osmotic type differs from other varieties in that it is characterized by a permanent disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

What is anemia? Types, degrees, symptoms and treatment of the disease

What is anemia? Types, degrees, symptoms and treatment of the disease

There are quite a few different diseases of the circulatory system. The most common of these is anemia. Today we will learn what anemia is, how it is classified, diagnosed and treated

What is the danger of a thyroid nodule and how is it treated?

What is the danger of a thyroid nodule and how is it treated?

What is the danger of a thyroid nodule? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because almost any disease of the thyroid gland is accompanied by the appearance of nodules

Intestinal colitis: symptoms, treatment, causes and prevention

Intestinal colitis: symptoms, treatment, causes and prevention

The treatment methods and symptoms of intestinal colitis should be well known to anyone who often encounters pain in the lower abdomen. Pathological processes that cannot be ignored also include a violation of stool and appetite, and indigestion. Quite often, they all become signs of intestinal colitis. In this article, we will talk in detail about this disease, what symptoms it is characterized by, how it is treated, whether there are effective methods of prevention

Hemorrhoidal stroke: causes and consequences

Hemorrhoidal stroke: causes and consequences

Among the serious diseases that are difficult to treat and recover, it is worth highlighting hemorrhagic strokes. The chances of recovery are determined by the extent of cerebral hemorrhage and the timeliness of the therapy started

Symptoms and treatment of serotonin syndrome

Symptoms and treatment of serotonin syndrome

A sharp increase in the level of serotonin is a rather serious condition, which is accompanied by a mass of disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism

Psychosomatics: cough. psychogenic cough

Psychosomatics: cough. psychogenic cough

Psychosomatics of diseases is sometimes able to indicate the path of treatment of a particular disease. Why does psychogenic cough occur? Whether it is possible to cure it somehow?

Swollen eyes and the fight against them

Swollen eyes and the fight against them

Puffy eyes are a big nuisance. How to deal with it and how to prevent it? A few tips to help answer these questions

Where is the pubic symphysis? Divergence and rupture of the pubic articulation

Where is the pubic symphysis? Divergence and rupture of the pubic articulation

Disconnection of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon. Despite a lot of inconvenience, the divergence of the pubic bones does not pose a direct threat to the life or he alth of the expectant mother

Infant mortality: causes, indicators, formula and ratio

Infant mortality: causes, indicators, formula and ratio

One of the indicators of the overall development of the country, a characteristic of its economic and cultural level is the mortality of the population, and especially children. The calculation is based on the number of children who died during a certain period

Exogenous intoxication: features, symptoms and treatment

Exogenous intoxication: features, symptoms and treatment

Exogenous intoxication is a pathological condition in which the occurrence of poisoning occurs due to the ingestion of toxic substances from the environment. The poisoning process can develop rapidly with all the accompanying symptoms or occur slowly

Why does urine smell like fish? Possible diseases and treatment. Unpleasant smell of urine in women: causes

Why does urine smell like fish? Possible diseases and treatment. Unpleasant smell of urine in women: causes

The most numerous people have to deal with such a problem as the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine. Sometimes even strict adherence to hygiene rules does not make it possible to eliminate the trouble. After all, often the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant odor is the development of diseases

Why does urine smell so bad? Possible Causes of Strong Urine Smell

Why does urine smell so bad? Possible Causes of Strong Urine Smell

The analysis of waste products helps the specialist to learn a lot about the he alth of the patient. But even an ordinary person, by some of their external characteristics, can determine that adverse changes are observed in his condition. Why does urine smell so strong? We suggest you deal with this problem. Find out what possible causes are fraught with an unpleasant, sharp, atypical smell of urine in an adult, child and your pet

Treatment of 4 stages of hemorrhoids: the general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, the rules for their use, alternative methods of treatment and proctologist's recommendatio

Treatment of 4 stages of hemorrhoids: the general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, the rules for their use, alternative methods of treatment and proctologist's recommendatio

Modern man is faced with a large number of diseases, the list of which is constantly updated. Recently, such an unpleasant phenomenon as hemorrhoids has become widespread. According to statistics, more than 80% of the total population suffered from hemorrhoids at least once in their lives

Hemorrhoids of the first stage: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment and preventive measures

Hemorrhoids of the first stage: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment and preventive measures

Modern medicine knows many diseases of different parts of the human intestine. For the rectum, the most common ailment is hemorrhoids. The first stage is given more attention, because it is against the background of its course that you can quickly get rid of such a problematic and annoying disease. The symptoms of this disease in women and men usually cause a lot of trouble, interfering with an active and he althy life

Dolichosigma in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dolichosigma in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intestinal dolichosigma is an abnormal elongation of sigma, in which the wall thickness does not change, the intestinal diameter also remains normal, and the length is increased. Sigma becomes pathologically mobile and does not allow normal fecal masses to form and move, while motility and emptying are disturbed

Tracheoesophageal fistula: possible causes, symptoms, necessary diagnosis, treatment

Tracheoesophageal fistula: possible causes, symptoms, necessary diagnosis, treatment

Tracheoesophageal fistula is a congenital or acquired pathological condition in which a connection is formed between the lumen of the esophageal tube and the trachea. Such a defect is characterized by a number of specific symptoms and requires mandatory surgical intervention, regardless of the form of the lesion and its severity

Gastritis: attacks, types of pain, symptoms, causes, first aid, traditional and folk methods of treatment and disease prevention

Gastritis: attacks, types of pain, symptoms, causes, first aid, traditional and folk methods of treatment and disease prevention

Let's think about how often a person in his life faced this or that abdominal discomfort? Lots of times, right? And how many times did you just not attach any importance to it? The answer to this question is quite obvious. This article describes cases in which abdominal pain occurs. The issue of gastritis, its consequences, how long the symptoms last during an attack of gastritis, as well as methods of dealing with them and treatment are also considered in detail

Stenosis of the esophagus: causes, symptoms, treatment

Stenosis of the esophagus: causes, symptoms, treatment

Stenosis of the esophagus is a condition that is accompanied by a pathological narrowing of the lumen of the esophageal tube. Such an anomaly may be congenital or appear at an older age. The disease can lead to many complications

Pain in the stomach area: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pain in the stomach area: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pain in the stomach can occur for a variety of reasons. This may be due to diseases of the internal organs, as well as overeating. If you experience significant discomfort, you should definitely consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Brucellosis - what is it?

Brucellosis - what is it?

Brucellosis is an infectious disease that is transmitted from pets to humans. It has a lot of unpleasant symptoms and severe complications. Therefore, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with preventive measures and ways of infection in advance

What is mitral valve collapse? collapse it

What is mitral valve collapse? collapse it

Collapse is a specific clinical manifestation of acute low blood pressure, a life-threatening condition characterized by a drop in blood pressure and a low blood supply to the most important human organs. Such a condition in a person can usually be manifested by pallor of the face, severe weakness, cold extremities

Cracking in the neck

Cracking in the neck

The usual crunch in the neck can cause the development of osteochondrosis. Therefore, the question becomes how to get rid of this disease. How to treat osteochondrosis?

Pain in the lower abdomen in children: causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Pain in the lower abdomen in children: causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

When a child has a stomach ache, parents do anything but go to the doctor. In what cases is medical assistance needed, and in which it is not necessary? Today we will try to understand this problem and its origin

Stress ulcer: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Stress ulcer: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Stress ulcer is the destruction of the lining of the stomach or duodenum. This pathology is usually manifested by multiple ulcers. If timely therapy is carried out, the disease is completely curable, with perforation or bleeding, the mortality of patients is approximately 80% of all recorded cases

Elevated blood cholesterol: symptoms, causes, treatment. Foods that raise blood cholesterol

Elevated blood cholesterol: symptoms, causes, treatment. Foods that raise blood cholesterol

Atherosclerosis is an extremely common disease that threatens the patient's life. Its basis is high cholesterol in the blood, and you can lower it yourself

Persistent constipation: causes, treatment

Persistent constipation: causes, treatment

Persistent constipation needs urgent treatment, because such a condition is fraught with serious consequences for the body. The doctor will select the tactics of treatment and tell you how to prevent the accumulation of feces in the future

How to quickly cure snot at home - features and recommendations

How to quickly cure snot at home - features and recommendations

Depending on the degree of inflammation and the number of pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membrane, a runny nose can be easier or more difficult to treat. Many patients become dependent on vasoconstrictor drops and have to use them for the rest of their lives. How to prevent such pathologies, and at the same time quickly cure a runny nose? How to quickly cure snot with a stream using folk therapy methods is described in this article

Acute intestinal obstruction: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Acute intestinal obstruction: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

What is acute intestinal obstruction. Typical symptoms and main causes of the disease. Diagnostic measures and effective methods of therapy. Practical recommendations, prevention and forecasts