Health 2024, October

How to remove a acne scar: step by step instructions, photos, expert advice

How to remove a acne scar: step by step instructions, photos, expert advice

There are many reasons for scarring. Some can be removed forever. For example, an acne scar can be removed using peeling, surgery, laser therapy and other methods. These methods will be discussed in this article

Nail fungus iodine treatment: reviews of treatment results

Nail fungus iodine treatment: reviews of treatment results

The appearance of a fungus on the nail plates of the legs is called onychomycosis. There are several stages of the disease. A harmless alternative to medications when nail fungus appears, iodine treatment. Reviews of such therapy are different. Some do not like that the fungus does not recede instantly. Therefore, you need to be patient

Anatomical and histological characteristics of the submandibular gland. Features of the inflammatory process

Anatomical and histological characteristics of the submandibular gland. Features of the inflammatory process

The submandibular gland is a paired organ of the digestive system located in the oral cavity that produces saliva. The purpose of the latter is to moisten and disinfect the food bolus, as well as the primary hydrolysis of certain carbohydrates (for example, starch). This organ belongs to the group of three major salivary glands (along with the sublingual and parotid)

Where is the parotid salivary gland located? Inflammation of the parotid salivary gland: causes, symptoms, treatment

Where is the parotid salivary gland located? Inflammation of the parotid salivary gland: causes, symptoms, treatment

Where is the parotid salivary gland located? What is it, and why is it inflamed? You will find answers to all these questions in the materials of this article. You will also learn what symptoms are characteristic of the disease of this internal organ, and how it is treated

Severe lung injury: symptoms and treatment

Severe lung injury: symptoms and treatment

Most often, a lung injury is a consequence of a chest injury. Such damage is closed, and it can be received from impact, squeezing or concussion. In the most severe degrees of the disease, blood vessels and bronchi can be damaged. Bleeding is very common

Bed rest according to all the rules. Characteristics of typical treatment regimens

Bed rest according to all the rules. Characteristics of typical treatment regimens

Diseases come unexpectedly and greatly complicate human life. But they can be treated not only with the help of medicines. Often, in order for therapy to contribute to the full recovery of the body, bed rest is necessary

Numbness of the feet and toes: causes and treatments

Numbness of the feet and toes: causes and treatments

Treatment for numbness in the feet and toes depends on the underlying condition. Therefore, faced with a similar problem, you need to contact a therapist for an examination. First of all, the doctor conducts an oral questioning of the patient and a physical examination in order to identify the essence of the problem, after which he prescribes the necessary laboratory tests

Atopic cheilitis on the lips: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Atopic cheilitis on the lips: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Atopic cheilitis is an inflammatory pathology of the red border of the lips of a chronic nature, resulting from an allergic reaction of the body to a variety of irritants. The disease manifests itself in the form of itching, burning, swelling, soreness, dryness, peeling of the border of the lips and the skin of the perioral region

Papillomavirus: what is it, what is fraught with, causes and prevention

Papillomavirus: what is it, what is fraught with, causes and prevention

What is it - papillomavirus - is of interest to many women who have been diagnosed with this diagnosis or are planning a pregnancy. It is important to know exactly what this infection is, how exactly it manifests itself, as well as the peculiarity of therapy. This will allow timely recognition of the course of the disease and prevent complications

Lung rupture: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and consequences for the body

Lung rupture: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and consequences for the body

Rupture of the lung is a serious injury that occurs when the organ and pleura are injured by parts of broken bones. It is most often observed in severe fractures of the ribs (numerous, paired, with displacement of debris). In isolated cases, pathology is detected with other mechanical damage

Rapid breathing: signs, causes, actions

Rapid breathing: signs, causes, actions

Oxygen is the boundary condition for human life. Without it, the body can survive for a maximum of a couple of minutes - and this is only if we are talking about a trained swimmer or runner. We receive life-giving air in the process of breathing. For him, nature has created an extremely complex system. And if there are any failures in this process, for example, rapid breathing occurs, you should not ignore the alarm

Seborrhea on the head of a child: photos, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Seborrhea on the head of a child: photos, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Seborrhea is a skin disease characterized by the formation of whitish dots on the scalp, face, and body. The disease can be triggered by disruption of the sebaceous glands, hormonal imbalance, weakened immune system. Seborrhea on the head of a child is diagnosed at different ages. As a rule, its signs are found in infants and adolescents during puberty

Otitis: signs, symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

Otitis: signs, symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

Perhaps, otitis can be called a childhood disease. Babies under the age of three years in 80% of cases at least once, but suffered this pathology. By the age of 5-7 years, otitis media appears less frequently. Adults can also suffer this pathology

Acute purulent periostitis: causes, symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment, reviews

Acute purulent periostitis: causes, symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment, reviews

Causes of acute purulent periostitis and the main symptoms of its development. Types of the disease and methods of its treatment: the use of drugs, surgery. How to prevent complications and restore damaged tissues?

Periostitis: treatment and diagnosis

Periostitis: treatment and diagnosis

What is periostitis? Basic information about this disease will be presented below. You will also learn about the reasons why this disease develops, how it manifests itself and is diagnosed

Empyema of the gallbladder: signs, diagnosis and treatment

Empyema of the gallbladder: signs, diagnosis and treatment

Empyema of the gallbladder occurs in 5-15% of patients with acute cholecystitis. Mostly middle-aged women with pronounced signs of obesity are ill. Empyema belongs to the category of progressive disorders, therefore, after its detection, immediate hospitalization is required. In the absence of adequate treatment, the probability of death of the patient is high

Main types of fever

Main types of fever

Fever is a pathological condition in which the balance between production and heat loss is disturbed. In most cases, it is one of the components of the inflammatory process. When observing and treating patients with fever, a temperature graph is drawn up. It consists of three parts

Arthrosis: stages of development, treatment and consequences

Arthrosis: stages of development, treatment and consequences

Arthrosis of the joints is a chronic disease associated with their deformation, limiting mobility. The disease is characterized by the slow progression of the destruction of the internal cartilage of the joint. The possibility of developing the disease with age increases significantly: degeneration of articular tissues occurs, inflammatory processes occur, bones change

Herpetic eczema: symptoms and treatment

Herpetic eczema: symptoms and treatment

Kaposi's herpetic eczema is less common in adults than in children. This is due to the different stability of immunity, which is formed before reaching the age of 15. In order for the disease to begin to progress, the virus needs to integrate into the DNA chain. This occurs in case of infection with HSV-1 or HSV-2

Signs of sprains and first aid

Signs of sprains and first aid

Quite often an unsuccessful movement, a fall can lead to injury. Let's see what are the signs of a bruise, sprain and dislocation. We will discuss what first aid should be provided for such injuries

Symptoms and treatment of biliary reflux gastritis

Symptoms and treatment of biliary reflux gastritis

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are very common, and the cause of such pathologies is a number of factors. What are the characteristics of reflux disease?

Signs of a wart: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, photos and reviews

Signs of a wart: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, photos and reviews

Signs of a wart are quite easy to recognize, as a small growth rises above the surface of the skin, which often does not cause any discomfort. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner for medical treatment and, if necessary, removal

Scaly lichen: causes, symptoms, treatment

Scaly lichen: causes, symptoms, treatment

Scaly lichen and psoriasis are different names for one fairly common disease, which is characterized by relapses and a chronic course. It appears as a rash. It consists of epidermal papules, which are covered with silvery, loose and easily scraped off scales. The disease occurs with equal frequency in both sexes

Endocrine diseases: causes, prevention, treatment

Endocrine diseases: causes, prevention, treatment

In recent years, the endocrinological field of medicine has made very significant progress in understanding the whole variety of hormonal manifestations and their impact on the vital activity of the human body. Impressive research results and innovative techniques used today help to successfully treat a wide variety of endocrine diseases. However, there is still much unknown in this area

Why knits in the mouth: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Why knits in the mouth: causes, symptoms and treatment features

You can list a huge number of negative factors, due to which it knits in the mouth. In some patients, they are harmless, while in others they indicate serious disorders in the body. In any case, this feeling is very unpleasant and needs to be de alt with

Degrees of foot deformity and methods of treatment of this pathology

Degrees of foot deformity and methods of treatment of this pathology

Foot deformity is a pathology characterized by damage to the joints at the base of the big toe, near which a so-called outgrowth is formed. This defect can spread to other fingers. When the foot is deformed, the patient may experience aching pain in the legs, which is accompanied by rapid fatigue. This defect usually affects older women

Symptoms and treatment of glossitis in adults

Symptoms and treatment of glossitis in adults

Diseases of the oral cavity are usually referred to as diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. One of them, which is often encountered in adulthood, is glossitis. The treatment of this unpleasant disease must be approached with all seriousness in order to avoid dangerous complications, which we will definitely mention in this article. In addition, inflammation of the tongue can manifest itself against the background of other pathologies of the body

Diseases of toenails: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Diseases of toenails: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Diseases on the nails bring a lot of discomfort and psychological problems. On the nails, not only a fungus can occur, but also many other equally serious problems. And often they are only symptoms of some more serious diseases. If any diseases appear on the nails, this inevitably leads to a change in the structure of the nail plate. Try to choose the time to visit a specialist who will help you get rid of this unpleasant ailment

Intervertebral hernia. How to treat them?

Intervertebral hernia. How to treat them?

According to statistics, today there are about 100 cases of diseases of various kinds of intervertebral hernia per one hundred thousand people. However, not everyone knows about the main symptoms and methods of treatment of this disease. In this article, we will consider the question of what intervertebral hernias are, as well as what kind of therapy medicine offers in these cases

Back pain: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Back pain: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Most people have had back pain at least once. Pain usually occurs in the lower back. The causes can be both the consequences of the most common cold, and severe trauma

Lower pain is everyone's problem

Lower pain is everyone's problem

Helping to maintain an upright position, the lumbar spine experiences maximum stress. With excessive loads, injuries or other factors, lower back pain occurs. It can be localized at one point or spread to the entire lower back, give to the leg or other part of the body

Vasomotor rhinitis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Vasomotor rhinitis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Unfavorable external and internal factors affect the vessels of the nasal wall, which over time acquire a tendency to expand to reflex stimuli (pungent odor, cold air). As a result, a disease called vasomotor rhinitis develops. It affects about ten percent of the population

How to get rid of alcohol addiction on your own?

How to get rid of alcohol addiction on your own?

Dealing with addiction to alcohol, like eliminating any other addiction, is extremely difficult. How can I force myself to give up alcohol abuse forever? There are a wide range of medical and folk methods, the use of which has the potential to make it possible to stop drinking in a short time

Itching in the ears: causes and treatments

Itching in the ears: causes and treatments

Many people are familiar with itching in the ears, and this is one of the most common problems with which they turn to an otorhinolaryngologist. The natural cause of itching in the ear is the accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal. As a rule, such itching intensifies after water enters the ear canal, since this results in a softening of the sulfur masses

What happens when you get seborrheic dermatitis? Simple treatments

What happens when you get seborrheic dermatitis? Simple treatments

A chronic skin disease characterized by a rash of dotted small follicular nodules covered with yellow-gray scales is called seborrheic dermatitis in medicine. As a rule, lesions are localized on the back in the area of the shoulder blades, head and face (hairy part), along the spine, on the chest, eyebrows, in the nasolabial folds

Inflammation of the skin on the face: causes, types, prevention and treatment features

Inflammation of the skin on the face: causes, types, prevention and treatment features

Why does inflammation of the skin on the face occur? What drugs can be used to treat skin inflammation? What cosmetic procedures can eliminate skin inflammation? Traditional medicine against skin inflammation

Acute suppurative otitis media: causes, symptoms, treatment

Acute suppurative otitis media: causes, symptoms, treatment

Among the available diseases of the human hearing apparatus, doctors distinguish acute suppurative otitis media. Inflammation spreads quite quickly from the eardrums through the auditory tube, while affecting the mastoid process. It is very important to recognize the course of the disease in a timely manner and carry out treatment, since the disease can provoke many complications

Dry seborrhea of the scalp: photo, how to treat

Dry seborrhea of the scalp: photo, how to treat

Weak activity of the sebaceous glands leads to a disease called dry seborrhea. According to WHO, about 8% of the female population of economically developed countries and 4% of the male population suffer from it. This disease inevitably leads to cosmetic defects: bald patches, alopecia, untidy appearance of the hair, flaky skin of the scalp. Therapeutic measures and competent prevention can quickly negate the manifestations of this unpleasant disease

Human pain points: description, features and layout

Human pain points: description, features and layout

Pain points are often mentioned in popular culture. Can they be used to injure, heal pain, or even instantly kill an opponent? These questions have haunted people's minds since ancient times

Fracture of the nose: types, symptoms, severity, treatment, consequences

Fracture of the nose: types, symptoms, severity, treatment, consequences

About 40% of all facial injuries are broken noses. The nose is the prominent part of the face, which is why it is the most vulnerable organ. Typically, a fracture occurs due to direct trauma from a fight, car accident, sports, or an accidental fall (usually in childhood)