The urinary system is often exposed to various pathologies. Most often, doctors diagnose diseases of the bladder. They can be caused by a variety of adverse factors. After determining the cause of the disease and bladder disease, treatment is prescribed. Not only the penetration of pathogenic microflora, but also hypothermia, neoplasms can lead to the development of pathology. Bladder diseases should be taken seriously, because if they are not treated, serious complications arise. Often there is a lesion of the urinary and other organs of the excretory system, kidneys.

Which doctor to contact
Diagnostic measures are appointed by the urologist. However, not everywhere there is such a specialist, therefore, in some cases, the examination is carried out in the direction of a pediatrician, therapist. There are cases when a gynecologist, oncologist or andrologist gives a referral for diagnosis. If pathology is suspectedBladder specialist recommends an examination and a visit to a urologist.
What are the pathologies
There are many diseases of the bladder, among which are most often diagnosed: cystitis, leukoplakia, polyps, urolithiasis, neurosis. Each pathology needs timely detection and treatment.
The bladder is a small hollow organ that acts as a reservoir for urine. With any kind of pathology, the work of the bladder is disrupted.
Most often, bladder diseases are diagnosed in women and children, less often in men. This is due to the anatomical feature of the structure of the urinary system.
Bloody diverticulum
This pathology is characterized by the appearance of saccular depressions in the wall of the organ, which are connected to the canal cavity. The size of education can be different. In most cases, doctors identify a single diverticulum, multiple formations are rare. As a rule, diverticula are located behind or on the side of the organ.
The disease develops as a result of abnormal development of an organ in the womb. There is an acquired diverticulum. Usually this type occurs as a result of prostate adenoma. If there is formation, urine comes out in portions: first, the bladder itself is emptied, and then the diverticulum.

Inflammation of the Bladder
The most common bladder disease is cystitis. Most often, the disease is diagnosed among the fair sex, in children. Less commonly, pathology occurs in men.
Cystitis is characterized by inflammatory processes in the bladder, which occur as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. They can penetrate into the body through the organs of the intestinal tract, genitals. Inflammation of the bladder most often affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, stagnation of urine occurs, which serves as a comfortable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.
Cystitis is characterized by frequent urination, during which pain, burning are noted. Sometimes there are false urges to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. Urine changes color, smell. It may contain impurities of blood, pus.
Cystitis may cause weakness, fever.
Most often, papillomas are diagnosed in people of mature age. Although these formations are classified as benign, they tend to degenerate and turn into cancer. If the papilloma is located on the surface of the bladder, then it does not manifest itself in any way. In case of germination in the deep layers, diagnostic hematuria appears.
Saline diathesis
With excessive accumulation of s alts in the bladder, s alt diathesis occurs. S alts form elements of various sizes that destroy the mucous membrane, as well as causing inflammation. They mechanically damage the endometrium, the output of urine worsens.

Cystalgia or neurosis
This bladder disease is more common in women than in men. This is due to emotional instability. Often the pathology occurs inas a result of hormonal disorders, improper functioning of the nervous system, infection in the body. Other factors can also influence the development of neurosis.
Most often, neuroses occur in women who do not want sexual intercourse, as well as in those who interrupt sexual intercourse. Most often, the disease is formed against the background of mental he alth deviations. Such problems are more related to psychological illnesses, and not to the urinary system.
Symptoms of bladder disease are the formation of stones, sand in the organ. People of all ages suffer from the disease, it can even occur in infants.
The formation of stones occurs due to metabolic disorders, dehydration, lack of sunlight.
When stones form, there is a danger of organ rupture. When the formation exits, it can block the urinary tract, causing severe pain and rupture of the bladder.
Symptoms of stones and sand are manifested in the form of pain of varying intensity, especially during the exit of formations. Also, the presence of sand can provoke inflammation: it occurs due to a mechanical effect on the mucous membrane.
The color of urine changes - it becomes cloudy, mixed with blood. The nature of urination is also disturbed: there are frequent urges, but the volume of urine comes out small.
In some cases, urolithiasis is manifested by vomiting, nausea, hyperthermia, increased blood pressure.

Tumors can be benign or malignant. Distinguish education,located in the epithelium, as well as those that arise from the connective tissue. Inside the organ, squamous cell carcinoma is often diagnosed. Usually this pathology appears as a complication of untreated papillomas. Also, cancer can occur in people suffering from chronic pathologies of the urinary system, with developmental anomalies.
Cancer is characterized by frequent urination, frequent urination, dysuria. Due to the neoplasm, pain occurs in the form of acute renal colic, as well as dull pain in the lumbar region.
In advanced cases, metastases occur.
Signs of bladder disease are changes in the organ, as a result of which the epithelium becomes hard, keratinized. Leukoplakia occurs as a complication of cystitis, with KSD, as a result of a chemical or mechanical effect on the urinary mucosa.

The main symptom of bladder disease is involuntary urination.
When the nerve endings that send impulses to the bladder from the spinal cord are injured, atony is diagnosed.
In pathology, urine does not come out completely, the bladder remains full. The cause of this pathology is a back injury.
Atonia is characterized by urinary incontinence, pain, weak stream, which increases when pressing on the wall of the peritoneum.
Polyps or outgrowths of the urinary tract are formed on the mucous membrane of the organ. If the disease of the bladder is not treated, then the polyps begin to increase in size. Mostcases, the disease is not dangerous, does not manifest itself. Because of this, polyps are not treated on time. Only with a significant increase in formations, the first symptoms appear in the form of a violation of the outflow of urine. In this case, cystoscopy is recommended to normalize the outflow of urine.

Bubble burst
In some cases, there is a rupture of the walls of the bladder. The pathology is characterized by symptoms of peritonitis, dysuria.
Rupture may be extraperitoneal, in which there is no communication with the abdominal cavity; intraperitoneal, when the cavities communicate; combined.
Symptoms of bladder disease in women and men depend on the location of the fistula. It can be located near the intestines, connecting the bladder and intestines. In this case, the contents of the organs will be poured into the intestines, and from there into the bladder. In women, fistulas can connect the urinary and vagina, causing severe irritation, intoxication, and inflammation.
The main sign of a fistula is the leakage of urine through the vagina, anus, an external opening in the skin.
Recently, doctors began to detect herpes of the bladder, caused by a virus of the second type, which causes genital herpes. In men, herpes causes prostatitis or urethritis. From these organs, the inflammatory process passes into the bladder.
Other diseases
Bladder diseases in men and women are not always associated with pathological processes occurring inside the organ. In some cases, illnessoccurs as a result of abnormal kidney function, diseases of the genital organs, due to which the bladder is affected. Doctors can also identify the following diseases:
- Cystocele. With this pathology, the prolapse of the vagina and bladder occurs. The disease occurs as a result of pregnancy, difficult childbirth, obesity, neoplasms, when lifting weights, as a result of constipation, as well as during surgical interventions and more.
- Estrophy. There is an ailment in violation of the formation of an organ in utero.
- Cyst. So far, scientists have not been able to determine the cause of the cyst formation. According to some hypotheses, it occurs due to a violation of the embryonic development of the urinary system. For a long time, the cyst does not manifest itself, but as soon as a pathogenic microorganism enters the organ, the formation begins to grow and increase in size. This causes pain, obstruction of the outflow of urine.
- Sclerosis affecting the neck of the organ.
- Endometriosis. Pathogenic microorganisms are able to penetrate the mucosa of the endometrial bladder.
In isolated cases, doctors diagnose bladder tuberculosis. The causative agent penetrates into it from the kidneys, causing the destruction of the inner shell. As a result, nodules, sores form on the inner shell. When they heal, scars appear in their place, leading to dysfunction of the organ - it decreases in size, shrinks.
When pathogenic pathogens are introduced, sepsis may occur. Infection of the blood can be the result of trauma to the bladder, as well as the penetration of the pathogen into the blood. Sepsis -it is a dangerous complication of bladder disease leading to death.
Identification of pathologies in children
In case of bladder pathologies in children, the causes of diuresis disorders are produced by the same methods as in adults. This is due to the fact that they are safe for the child's body and help to determine the cause of the disease with high accuracy and prescribe treatment.
Diagnostic Methods
To make a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. To detect a pathology caused by an infection or a virus, they give urine for analysis.
Be sure to do an ultrasound of the bladder and pelvic organs.
When blood is released during urination, the patient is sent for urography. Cytology, cystoscopy, CT scan, analysis for tumor markers can also be prescribed. After the results of all diagnostic procedures are read, the doctor selects the treatment. It takes into account all the characteristics of the body, the presence of concomitant pathologies, age, physiological characteristics of the body, etc.

Treatment methods
The treatment of bladder disease depends on the correct diagnosis. Symptoms in men and women of pathologies appear the same.
In most cases, drug therapy is prescribed, which the urologist selects individually in each case.
First of all, any treatment for bladder disease in women and men involves the use of drugs that can eliminate the infection: usually a course of antibiotics is prescribed.
Pain syndromeeliminated by antispasmodics, phytotherapeutic agents. At home, doctors recommend taking diuretics to help restore normal urine output.
When a tumor is detected, as well as when the bladder ruptures, an emergency surgical intervention is performed. Doctors choose the method of surgical intervention depending on the severity of the disease. The operation is indicated for the formation of large stones that cannot be dissolved or removed naturally.
Folk treatment
Treatment of symptoms, diseases of the bladder in women and men is possible with folk remedies. But before starting therapy, you should consult with a specialist.
You can remove the pain syndrome using herbs that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic effects.
The most common remedy for diseases is a decoction based on knotweed, St. John's wort, bearberry and chamomile. Each plant is taken fifty grams and poured with two glasses of boiling water. The remedy is infused for an hour. To achieve the effect, it takes about three weeks to take the decoction.
If symptoms of a bladder disease suddenly appear, treatment and a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. He will accurately diagnose, determine the complexity of the disease, select an effective treatment regimen, and also recommend folk methods of dealing with the disease.