Health 2024, October

Acute diseases of the abdominal organs: features, causes and treatment

Acute diseases of the abdominal organs: features, causes and treatment

Diseases of the abdominal organs: general characteristics and causes. Acute intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis, perforated ulcer, incarcerated hernia, gastrointestinal bleeding, peritonitis, damage to the abdominal organs and other serious conditions requiring surgical intervention

How to treat loose tonsils?

How to treat loose tonsils?

Enlarged, inflamed and loose tonsils (what this means will be described below) are quite common, especially in young children. We are talking about specific nasopharyngeal and palatine tonsils located in the nasopharynx. They are small collections of lymphoid tissue. Their functionality in the human body is not fully understood

Enzyme deficiency: types, possible causes, symptoms and treatment

Enzyme deficiency: types, possible causes, symptoms and treatment

The term "enzymatic deficiency" refers to a pathological condition in which the amount of enzymes produced does not correspond to the real needs of the body. The lack of biologically active substances contributes to the occurrence of disorders of the digestive processes. Enzymatic deficiency is not an independent disease. This is an alarming sign that indicates the development of a serious pathology in the body

Frequent heartbeat: reasons for what to do at home

Frequent heartbeat: reasons for what to do at home

Frequent heartbeat can occur for a variety of reasons, they can be physiological or formed during the course of diseases of the internal organs. Be sure to pay attention to the presence of a problem and conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, and if necessary, treatment

Cerebral vasoconstriction: symptoms and treatment

Cerebral vasoconstriction: symptoms and treatment

Narrowing of the vessels in the brain is a very serious pathological disorder. It fully depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and requires a special approach in the study of the causes and symptoms for the appointment of treatment

Increased heart rate: reasons for what to do

Increased heart rate: reasons for what to do

The pulse is an important indicator of the well-being of every person. It becomes more frequent with various emotions and physical exertion. And sometimes tachycardia is a pathological he alth disorder. Therefore, it is important to know about the causes of rapid heart rate and treatment, which is presented in the article

Neuroses: symptoms, diagnosis, causes, methods of treatment

Neuroses: symptoms, diagnosis, causes, methods of treatment

It is very important to know the main symptoms of neurosis in adults and children. The speedy recovery of a person depends on how early the manifestations of the disease are detected. Since the symptoms and treatment of neurosis in adults and children are interrelated, sufficient attention should be paid to this disease in order to detect the disease in time and proceed with timely and effective therapy

Brain training: exercises. Brain and memory training

Brain training: exercises. Brain and memory training

The purpose of this article is to tell you that the most important activity for every person is brain training. Various exercises for training the right and left hemispheres, as well as the brain as a whole - you can read about this in the text below

The finger of the left hand goes numb: what could be the reason?

The finger of the left hand goes numb: what could be the reason?

Why does the finger of the left hand go numb, what could be the reason, and how to install it, this article will tell

The finger of the right hand goes numb: causes and consequences

The finger of the right hand goes numb: causes and consequences

Why does the finger of the right hand go numb, and what could be the causes of this ailment, our article will tell

How do people who quit drinking live. Former alcoholics

How do people who quit drinking live. Former alcoholics

Over the long years of regular alcohol intake in people who have stopped drinking, there is a whole mass of conditioned reflexes and stereotypes that again and again force them to return to the addiction. The very process of drinking alcoholic beverages turns into a kind of ritual, it becomes extremely difficult to renounce the repetition of which over time

Anaphylactic shock: symptoms, emergency care

Anaphylactic shock: symptoms, emergency care

Many people think that allergies are not dangerous. To some extent, this is true. However, some types of allergies are fatal. An example is anaphylactic shock. Lives can only be saved with the right first aid

Peripheral arterial disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Peripheral arterial disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Peripheral artery disease develops due to impaired blood circulation in the arteries of the lower extremities, as a rule, this happens due to atherosclerosis. This is explained by the fact that an insufficient amount of oxygen penetrates the tissues. What is this disease, what are the causes of its development, what symptoms are observed in this case? How do doctors diagnose peripheral arterial disease and is it treatable? What preventive measures are currently in place?

Know what to do at the first sign of a cold. Medicines at the first sign of a cold for children and adults

Know what to do at the first sign of a cold. Medicines at the first sign of a cold for children and adults

Not every person knows what to do at the first sign of a cold. We decided to dedicate this article to this topic

Foot diseases: names, symptoms and treatments

Foot diseases: names, symptoms and treatments

Diseases of the legs can be very different, it all depends on which area of the lower extremities was affected and what provoked the onset of the disease

Intercostal nerves: description, structure, causes of neuralgia, treatment

Intercostal nerves: description, structure, causes of neuralgia, treatment

Neuralgia of the intercostal nerves or thoracic sciatica is a neurogenic pain syndrome in which there is compression or irritation of the roots of the intercostal nerves due to inflammatory and degenerative changes in the spine

Why do the soles of the feet burn: causes, treatment and prevention methods

Why do the soles of the feet burn: causes, treatment and prevention methods

The sensation of burning feet can occur under a variety of conditions. And it is important to determine the cause so that they can receive treatment. Some of them, such as foot fungus and tight boots, are very easy to fix. But if the symptom returns, then you need to see a doctor. A specialist can diagnose and prescribe treatment. The article details why the soles of the feet burn

Foot cramp: causes, treatment

Foot cramp: causes, treatment

Practically everyone knows what a cramp is. This muscle spasm can occur at the wrong time, such as when running, swimming, or at night. There is a cramp in the foot and calf muscles. She experiences acute pain. Despite the fact that this condition lasts no more than 1-2 minutes, I want to eliminate it as soon as possible, and also prevent it in the future. This is what is discussed in the article

How to quickly reduce the pressure

How to quickly reduce the pressure

Human blood pressure fluctuates greatly. Its value is influenced by physical work, mood, emotional and mental state, as well as the time of day when measurements are taken

Ripple in the head: causes, symptoms, treatment

Ripple in the head: causes, symptoms, treatment

One of the most common complaints that patients of any age turn to doctors is a pulsation in the head. Such noise and sensation of blood flow, knocking, synchronous with the pulse, arise for various reasons. Pulsation can occasionally appear after stress, hypothermia or increased physical activity. And it can occur often and be a symptom of serious disorders in the work of blood vessels and other organs. It can be just an unpleasant sensation or throbbing pain

What is biliary pancreatitis? Symptoms and prevention

What is biliary pancreatitis? Symptoms and prevention

In many people, the pancreas begins to fail, it becomes inflamed due to impaired bile output. Biliary pancreatitis develops, which most often affects adults. This disease is treatable, but subject to timely access to a doctor and compliance with all necessary prescriptions

Liver abscesses: treatment, symptoms, causes, prevention

Liver abscesses: treatment, symptoms, causes, prevention

By the way, such a disease can be both primary and secondary. According to statistics, an abscess appears against the background of other liver diseases no more than in 3-5% of cases

Involuntary Urination: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Testing, Monitoring, and Treatment

Involuntary Urination: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Testing, Monitoring, and Treatment

Enuresis is a pathological disorder of the functioning of the body, in which a person experiences involuntary urination. In most cases, this happens during sleep, but it happens when people have dysuric disorders that make themselves felt when coughing or sneezing, as well as laughing

Nasal polyposis: signs and treatment

Nasal polyposis: signs and treatment

Nasal polyposis is a lesion of the mucous membrane, in which this layer begins to grow and block the nasal passages. Breathing becomes worse. You can fix the problem surgically, but it is important to listen to the recommendations of doctors in order to prevent a relapse

Liver failure: stages, symptoms and treatment

Liver failure: stages, symptoms and treatment

Acute liver failure is a disease that progresses rapidly, develops suddenly. It is not preceded by any pathological condition of the organ. Potentially, AKI is reversible. Without adequate treatment, liver encephalopathy is possible. From the onset of acute renal failure to the development of encephalopathy, 8-26 weeks pass. It is also possible disruption of the hematopoietic cells. In acute renal failure, plasma hemostasis is impaired

Hyperesthesia of the skin - causes, symptoms and treatment

Hyperesthesia of the skin - causes, symptoms and treatment

Although hyperesthesia is not an independent disease, its external symptoms are quite unpleasant and even dangerous. An excessive mental reaction to environmental stimuli, increased sensitivity of the skin or teeth integuments cause a lot of discomfort to the patient. The difficulty of dealing with pathology lies in the fact that in order to eliminate the symptoms, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence

Cytological examination of smears. Features of urogenital analysis

Cytological examination of smears. Features of urogenital analysis

The main diagnostic method for detecting early precancerous diseases and oncological pathologies of the cervix today is a cytological examination of smears. This type of analysis is extremely effective, as it allows timely detection of various changes in the epithelium of the endo- and ectocervix at the earliest stage

Lower body temperature in humans: causes and consequences

Lower body temperature in humans: causes and consequences

Reduced temperature indicates the presence of disorders of a different nature in the body. The causes of its occurrence, as well as the symptoms and preventive measures will be discussed in the article

Moses symptom: causes and treatment

Moses symptom: causes and treatment

The symptom of Moses, as well as the symptoms of Homans, Lowenberg, Louvel, Opitz-Raminez, indicate that a person has thrombosis or thrombophlebitis in the deep veins of the lower legs - diseases in which the veins are clogged with blood clots. Their detection at an early stage greatly facilitates treatment and improves the prognosis, so knowing what the Moses symptom and other symptoms of blockage of the veins are is very important

Characteristic symptoms of damage to the cerebellum. Causes, signs, diagnosis and treatment of cerebellar disorders

Characteristic symptoms of damage to the cerebellum. Causes, signs, diagnosis and treatment of cerebellar disorders

Article on the manifestations of lesions of the cerebellum. The main tests that will help determine that a person has problems in this area of u200bu200bthe brain are considered

Mycoses of the nails: how to avoid and how to treat

Mycoses of the nails: how to avoid and how to treat

Fungal diseases, regardless of location, are contagious. Most often, a person has mycosis of the feet and nails. The disease onychomycosis (nail fungus) begins after contact with objects used by a sick person. The fungus prefers to settle in humid places with elevated temperatures, so special care must be taken in baths, in shower gyms, in pools

Fungal diseases: features of prevention and treatment

Fungal diseases: features of prevention and treatment

Fungal diseases are now very common and cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. However, they can be treated, as well as take all preventive measures that will help protect yourself from mycosis

Scrofula behind the ears: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Scrofula behind the ears: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Scrofula is a skin lesion characterized by itching, inflammation, redness, flaking and crusting. The term is outdated, it is almost never used in scientific medicine. It combines diseases with different causes and similar symptoms

What to do if the lymph node hurts on the neck under the jaw? How to treat?

What to do if the lymph node hurts on the neck under the jaw? How to treat?

If the lymph node hurts, then this indicates that there is a focus of infection next to it. It should also be noted that such discomfort is often associated with the inflammatory process

Disease of the hearing and vision: types, causes, treatment, prevention

Disease of the hearing and vision: types, causes, treatment, prevention

A person has several sense organs that help to navigate in the world around him and receive information from it. If there is a disease of the hearing organs, then the quality of life is reduced, urgent treatment is needed

Flaming nevus (wine stains): causes and treatment

Flaming nevus (wine stains): causes and treatment

What is a flaming nevus and how to get rid of it? Everything you need to know about the disease: causes, clinical picture, danger, methods of treatment and diagnosis, features of the course, main symptoms

Detritus - what is it? The meaning of the term in medicine and not only

Detritus - what is it? The meaning of the term in medicine and not only

The word "detritus" can be found in a variety of situations, from a doctor's office to studying a textbook on the ecology of aquatic ecological systems. Let's see what can be hidden behind this term. After all, "detritus" is a word with many meanings

Psoriasis - what is it and how to get rid of it

Psoriasis - what is it and how to get rid of it

Psoriasis - what is it? This is a skin disease - inflammation that appears on the skin in the form of clear areas of a pinkish color with peeling. Although the disease is common, the causes of its occurrence are still not known. There is an assumption that the disease is genetic in nature

Effective treatment of nail fungus (neglected form): drugs, methods and reviews

Effective treatment of nail fungus (neglected form): drugs, methods and reviews

Nail fungus is not just a cosmetic defect, so it is better to start treatment immediately after its appearance. But what about those who for some reason "overlooked" the problem? The most effective treatment for nail fungus (advanced form) and reviews about it you will find in this article

Why do people get scurvy. Scurvy: conditions of occurrence, complications, treatment

Why do people get scurvy. Scurvy: conditions of occurrence, complications, treatment

The risk of getting sick with scurvy (scurvy) did not disappear anywhere. True, in our time scurvy is extremely rare. Since the disease has moved into the category of rare ailments, many of us are wondering why people get scurvy and what is scurvy disease?