How to cure bronchial asthma: drugs, folk remedies, clinical guidelines

How to cure bronchial asthma: drugs, folk remedies, clinical guidelines
How to cure bronchial asthma: drugs, folk remedies, clinical guidelines

Bronchial asthma is a serious allergic pathology. This disease can occur at any age, including children. Is it possible to cure bronchial asthma and get rid of it forever? This disease affects the quality of life of a person and can even lead to disability. Treatment of asthma depends on the nature of the course of the disease. It is possible to completely get rid of the pathological condition only in cases where the disease is mild. If the disease progresses, proper treatment can stop this process or slow it down. How to provide first aid during an attack of this pathology, a doctor of any profession should know.

how to cure bronchial asthma
how to cure bronchial asthma

Asthma: symptoms and treatment in adults

The main symptom of asthma is bronchial obstruction syndrome. It is accompanied by attacks of suffocation. Difficulty breathing is observed at night and daytime. The frequency and duration of attacks depends on the severity of the disease. The suffocation is comingdue to edema and spasm of the muscular layer of the bronchi. At the beginning of the disease, this symptom is provoked by various exogenous influences. Among them:

  1. The penetration of allergens into the body. Bronchial hyperactivity can be manifested by inhalation of the pollen of some plants, animal hair. Asthma attacks are also provoked by food allergens - citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, etc.
  2. Infection with viral and bacterial agents. Inflammation of the respiratory organs aggravates the course of bronchial asthma.
  3. Sudden temperature changes, windy weather.
  4. Cigarette smoke.
  5. Sharp odors of perfumes, flowers, etc.

With the progression of pathology, seizures occur on their own, without a provoking effect. Obstruction syndrome is the main symptom that accompanies bronchial asthma. Symptoms and treatment in adults depend on the degree of respiratory distress. It is possible to determine how narrow the lumen of the bronchi is thanks to special studies: spirography and peak flowmetry. To treat this syndrome, medications are used that relieve spasm and prevent the development of inflammation. These include inhaled glucocorticosteroids.

how to cure asthma permanently
how to cure asthma permanently

Asthma treatments

There is no exact answer to the question of how to cure bronchial asthma forever. However, according to doctors, this is possible if all therapeutic and preventive measures are observed. Asthma treatment is a long process that includes several stages. The use of medications is necessary for the relief of seizures. But only drug therapy is not able to eliminate the causes of pathology. To overcome the disease, an integrated approach is used. The question of how to cure bronchial asthma is discussed in specially organized schools on the basis of a polyclinic institution. They are designed to educate patients about managing their disease.

Treatment options include:

  1. Maintaining a he althy lifestyle. You can defeat bronchial asthma or slow down its course only after giving up bad habits.
  2. Diet therapy. In most cases, the etiological factor in the development of this pathology is an allergic reaction. Therefore, the elimination of certain foods from the diet is necessary to prevent attacks of the disease.
  3. Folk treatments. The use of various decoctions and inhalations based on herbs does not apply to etiological therapy. However, traditional methods are effective in combating asthma symptoms.
  4. Drug therapy. The use of medications is necessary to control the activity of bronchial asthma, as well as to relieve the symptoms of suffocation.

In addition to the listed approaches to therapy, each patient and his relatives should be aware of the possibility of developing an acute condition. In such cases, immediate assistance and hospitalization is required. Effective treatment of bronchial asthma includes compliance with all of the above points. First of all, each patient should be interested in recovery and control of their disease.

bronchial asthma symptoms and treatment in adults
bronchial asthma symptoms and treatment in adults

Clinical guidelines for the treatment of bronchial asthma: a stepwise approach

According to the clinical guidelines used by doctors in all countries, there are 5 stages of drug treatment of bronchial asthma. They are applied depending on the severity and nature of the course of the disease. According to this, stands out:

  1. Intermittent bronchial asthma. It is characterized by rare attacks of bronchial obstruction and short-term exacerbations of the condition. Symptoms of suffocation during the day develop less than 1 time per week. At night, there are no more than 2 attacks per month. Intermittent asthma corresponds to the first stage of treatment. Inhalations of short-acting beta-adrenergic agonists are prescribed. These include the medicines Salbutamol and Fenoterol.
  2. Mild persistent asthma. Peak expiratory flow is more than 80%, which is almost normal. Symptoms of difficulty in breathing occur more often than once a week during the day, and more than 2 attacks per month at night. Compared with the intermittent course, short-acting glucocorticosteroids in inhalation are added to the treatment. These include Budesonide, Beclomethasone, Fluticasone.
  3. Persistent moderate asthma. It is characterized by daily symptoms of suffocation and frequent nocturnal attacks (more than 1 time per week). Sleep and physical activity are disturbed. Peak expiratory flow ranges from 60% to 80%. Corresponds to the third stage of treatment. Prescribe the same drugs, but in medium dosages. Combined medicines "Spiriva", "Seretide" are also suitable for treatment. Low doses of hormones can be used in combination with leukotriene receptor antagonists. These include the drug "Montelukast".
  4. Severe degree of persistent asthma. It is characterized by frequent attacks of bronchial obstruction and a decrease in PSV of less than 60%. For its treatment, the 4th and 5th stages of treatment are used. It depends on the severity of the symptoms. The 4th stage of treatment includes medium or high doses of hormones in combination with long-acting beta-agonists. In some cases, leukotriene receptor antagonists are prescribed. Treatment for the 5th stage is the same, with the addition of oral forms of glucocorticosteroids.

Compliance with clinical recommendations helps to control the disease and prevent acute attacks - status asthmaticus. Additionally, symptomatic therapy is used. It includes antitussives, antihistamines and mucolytics.

can asthma be cured
can asthma be cured

Help for status asthmaticus

In addition to how to cure bronchial asthma, you need to know about first aid methods for this disease. In some cases, the drugs that the patient takes daily are not enough. Sometimes the pathology progresses after a break in treatment and exposure to provoking factors. In such cases, such a complication as asthmatic status develops. It is characterized by progressive suffocation that does not go away after inhalation of beta-adrenomimetics.

To help the patient, you should free his neck from tight clothes and open the window. It is important to try to calm the person, as this condition is accompanied by nervous excitement. To stop suffocation, drugs "Eufillin" and "Prednisolone" are administered intravenously. These medicines are available in every first aid kit.

ways to treat bronchial asthma
ways to treat bronchial asthma

Treatment of exacerbations of bronchial asthma

Despite the fact that the answer to the question of how to cure bronchial asthma forever is ambiguous, doctors know about ways to prolong the remission of a pathological condition. In order for exacerbations to occur as rarely as possible, it is necessary to avoid provoking influences. First of all, it is necessary to exclude everything that causes allergies. This refers to household chemicals, dust, carpets, pets, etc. You should also avoid infection with colds. To strengthen the immune system, it is worth taking vitamins, leading a he althy lifestyle.

Peculiarities of treatment in children

Methods for treating asthma in children include the same methods as for adults. It is worth paying attention to the fact that drugs from the group of beta-agonists can be addictive, so you should focus on non-drug effects. In particular, to exclude all possible allergens. How to cure bronchial asthma in a child and not harm his he alth? Glucocorticoids should be started with small doses, the method of their administration is inhalation. Tablets containing hormones cause many adverse reactions, especially on the bodychild. In pediatrics, leukotriene receptor antagonists and mast cell membrane stabilizers are used. Among them is the drug Cromolyn sodium, which prevents the development of an inflammatory reaction in the bronchi.

clinical guidelines for the treatment of bronchial asthma
clinical guidelines for the treatment of bronchial asthma

Indications for inpatient treatment

Asthma is a severe lung disease that often requires hospitalization. Indications for inpatient treatment include:

  1. For the first time identified disease. If the local doctor suspects asthma, hospitalization is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
  2. Deterioration of the patient's condition despite treatment.
  3. Asthmatic status.
  4. Control over therapy. Planned hospitalization should be carried out 1-2 times a year.

One of the indications is the serious condition of the patient and the inability to independently carry out the doctor's prescriptions.

The role of lifestyle in asthma management

How to cure bronchial asthma completely? To do this, you should start with the right lifestyle. In order not to provoke the progression of the disease, it is important to stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Inhalation of tobacco smoke causes inflammation of the bronchial tissue and deterioration. You should spend time outdoors, perform wet cleaning of the room as often as possible. Under difficult working conditions (work with dust, chemicals, physical labor), you should change the scope of activity.

how to cure asthma at home
how to cure asthma at home

Diet therapy for asthma

Patients are often interested in how to cure bronchial asthma at home. In addition to a he althy lifestyle, it is important to pay attention to nutrition. If possible, you should use natural products that do not contain various chemical additives. It is necessary to exclude citrus fruits, canned fish and meat, concentrated milk, drinks, chocolate, honey, nuts, etc.

Folk recipes for bronchial asthma

How to cure bronchial asthma with folk recipes? To prevent exacerbations of the disease, it is recommended to use infusions of tea rose and plantain, lungwort. To relieve inflammation of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to drink a few teaspoons of onion juice before meals. It is recommended to do this every month for 10 days. It is also important to do breathing exercises.

Inhalation for bronchial expansion in asthma

Since bronchial lumen is clogged in asthma, it is preferable to take inhalations for treatment. They are used during exacerbations of the disease. Inhalation based on 200 grams of straw, 2 tablespoons of alcohol and 20 drops of valerian is considered an effective remedy. The listed ingredients are poured with 2 liters of boiling water. The patient should cover his head and breathe this mixture for 15-20 minutes. To improve the condition, you must repeat the procedure 5 times.
