Health 2024, October

Scaly patches on the skin: causes and treatments

Scaly patches on the skin: causes and treatments

He althy skin is the dream of every person. However, often many people notice spots on the skin that differ in color, structure and size. They can appear in any area of the body, regardless of gender and age of a person, thereby causing a lot of inconvenience to its owner

Red rash on the body: causes and treatment

Red rash on the body: causes and treatment

Red rash on the body can appear in infants, adolescents, and adults. The causes of skin rashes can be various factors: from allergic manifestations to serious diseases in the body

Sores on the tongue: photo, causes, treatment

Sores on the tongue: photo, causes, treatment

The appearance of sores on the tongue may be associated with the development of pathogenic microflora of the oral mucosa and the formation of various diseases in the body. Very often, such phenomena are observed in young children: because of their natural curiosity and desire to taste, they drag everything that is within their reach into their mouths. As a result, they often develop stomatitis. However, sometimes similar diseases occur in adults

Brown spots on the skin: photos and names

Brown spots on the skin: photos and names

Brown spots on the skin can appear absolutely anywhere on the body. Usually they do not hurt or itch, but they can cause significant aesthetic discomfort, especially if they appear on open areas of the body: face, neck or hands. In some cases, such manifestations are complicated, they are accompanied by dryness and roughness of the skin, so they seek to get rid of them

Adenoviral infection in children: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Adenoviral infection in children: symptoms, causes and treatment features

One of the culprits for the appearance of a cold can be an adenovirus infection. In children, the symptoms of this disease are accompanied by signs of severe intoxication, fever, lesions of the mucous membranes of the throat, nose and eyes. Often the lymphatic system is also involved in the pathological process

Getting rid of acne: folk and pharmacy remedies, reviews

Getting rid of acne: folk and pharmacy remedies, reviews

Getting rid of acne is a rather laborious and lengthy process. In the fight against this problem, folk, cosmetic and pharmacy products help well. In particularly difficult cases, it is imperative to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist in order to comprehensively eliminate rashes

Spleen cyst: causes, symptoms, treatment

Spleen cyst: causes, symptoms, treatment

In our time, a spleen cyst is an ailment that is diagnosed in almost 1% of the population. It is a pathological formation with a cavity filled with fluid

Dyslalia in children and methods for its elimination. Causes, symptoms, treatment of dyslalia in children

Dyslalia in children and methods for its elimination. Causes, symptoms, treatment of dyslalia in children

Violation of sound pronunciation is called dyslalia. The child can rearrange sounds in syllables, change them to others. Often, babies make substitutions in such a way that it is more convenient and easier for them to pronounce words. Dyslalia in children and methods for its elimination are determined by a speech therapist. This specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis and develop tactics to correct this problem

Alveolitis: treatment, causes, symptoms, complications and description

Alveolitis: treatment, causes, symptoms, complications and description

It's probably not a secret that not only children, but also some adults are afraid of dentists. Therefore, deciding to have a tooth removed for many is a rather difficult decision. And it’s good if the process goes smoothly, and after 7-10 days the wound will heal

Chronic bacterial prostatitis: treatment, causes, symptoms and diagnosis

Chronic bacterial prostatitis: treatment, causes, symptoms and diagnosis

Many men experience bacterial prostatitis. Treatment of the acute form of this disease lasts about 2 weeks. But if the disease becomes chronic, then it will be very difficult to get rid of it

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of bacterial prostatitis

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of bacterial prostatitis

Treatment of bacterial prostatitis is a long process. To get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary to take antibiotics for 2 weeks. Sometimes the doctor prolongs the treatment. At the same time, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed

Gum ulcer: causes and treatment

Gum ulcer: causes and treatment

The appearance of various ulcers in the oral cavity indicates an infectious lesion of the mucous membranes. These formations can cause severe discomfort. But before you figure out how an ulcer on the gum is treated, you need to figure out the reason why it arose

Breathing exercises for pneumonia: the benefits of gymnastics

Breathing exercises for pneumonia: the benefits of gymnastics

Ordinary breathing exercises can help improve the condition of pneumonia. Indeed, when performing simple exercises, the lungs begin to be intensively cleansed. They improve lymph flow, and an increased amount of oxygen enters the circulatory system

Subcutaneous pimples on the face: causes, treatments, drugs

Subcutaneous pimples on the face: causes, treatments, drugs

The appearance of subcutaneous acne on the face causes a lot of trouble. This cosmetic defect not only spoils the appearance, but also causes pain. Large subcutaneous pimples on the face are considered quite dangerous, because pus cannot come to the surface. Because of this, there is a possibility of its penetration into the surrounding tissues and the circulatory system

First aid for high blood pressure: tactics of action

First aid for high blood pressure: tactics of action

People can experience a hypertensive crisis at any age, so everyone should know what first aid is needed for high blood pressure. This condition can occur in those who suffer from chronic hypertension (permanently high blood pressure). But ordinary people also face it after overwork or significant stress

Eating Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Eating Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

It is not possible to self-diagnose an eating disorder in all cases. Sometimes only a specialist can do this. It is necessary to treat such disorders with the participation of psychologists and nutritionists

Pain in the foot under the toes when walking: how to treat, which doctor to contact?

Pain in the foot under the toes when walking: how to treat, which doctor to contact?

If you feel pain in the foot under the toes when walking, you need to see a doctor. After all, this may indicate the development of flat feet, Morton's neuroma, arthrosis, vascular problems, or certain neurological diseases

What are the symptoms of a heart cough

What are the symptoms of a heart cough

If the cough is provoked by heart disease, in medicine it is called cardiac. Naturally, the symptoms of a heart cough are different from those of a common cold. Read more about this in the article

What are the signs of an enterovirus infection

What are the signs of an enterovirus infection

Signs of an enterovirus infection can range from chest pain to seizures and sudden fainting. Read more about this disease in this article

Treatment of laryngotracheitis and varieties of the disease

Treatment of laryngotracheitis and varieties of the disease

It is very important to start the treatment of laryngotracheitis in a timely manner. It is much easier to cure a disease in the early stages of its development than in an advanced form

Erythema is a cause for concern?

Erythema is a cause for concern?

Erythema is a normal physiological phenomenon of a newborn, associated with redness. Sometimes it is toxic. Is treatment required for this symptom?

Because of what may be vascular dystonia

Because of what may be vascular dystonia

For quite a long time there has been a debate in medicine: can vascular dystonia be considered an independent disease, or is it just a combination of certain symptoms? This article is also devoted to this issue

Hemorrhagic fever: symptoms, causes of the disease

Hemorrhagic fever: symptoms, causes of the disease

Not everyone has heard of such a disease as hemorrhagic fever. The symptoms of this disease are very different - from fever to acute pain in the abdomen

Symptoms of sinusitis in a child: how to identify the disease in time?

Symptoms of sinusitis in a child: how to identify the disease in time?

Symptoms of sinusitis in a child are very similar to the symptoms of colds and viral diseases. Therefore, it is very important not to miss the onset of the disease

Causes of Meniere's disease

Causes of Meniere's disease

Dizziness attacks, hearing impairment - these symptoms indicate the development of Meniere's disease. The disease prevents a person from leading a normal life

Pre-infarction condition: signs, treatment

Pre-infarction condition: signs, treatment

An advanced form of angina pectoris leads to such a result as a pre-infarction condition. Signs of this are frequent chest pains that are not relieved by nitroglycerin

Adnexitis is a serious disease that cannot be ignored

Adnexitis is a serious disease that cannot be ignored

Adnexitis is a disease of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. It develops as a result of inflammatory processes in the female genital area

What is the treatment for elbow bursitis?

What is the treatment for elbow bursitis?

Usually this disease is common in people whose type of activity is directly related to injuries or excessive load on the elbow area (students, athletes). Treatment of bursitis of the elbow joint should be started at the initial stages of the disease, as ignoring it can lead to the development of a purulent form of this disease

Hand goes numb at night: causes and prevention

Hand goes numb at night: causes and prevention

Often a person notices that his hand goes numb at night. The reason for this can be both an uncomfortable posture during sleep, and the presence of any disease

Umbilical hernia in adults: treatment necessary when the disease manifests itself

Umbilical hernia in adults: treatment necessary when the disease manifests itself

The protrusion of organs through a hole in the abdominal region indicates the presence of such a phenomenon as an umbilical hernia. In adults, treatment most often requires surgery

"When I get up, it gets dark before my eyes" Causes and risk factors

"When I get up, it gets dark before my eyes" Causes and risk factors

"When I get up, it gets dark before my eyes…" How often such complaints are heard at the doctor's office! What is the reason for these common phenomena?

Why feet go numb: food for thought

Why feet go numb: food for thought

The question "Why do my legs go numb?" occurs in most of the inhabitants of our planet. After all, numb limbs cause a feeling of discomfort in people

Why does a child have diarrhea with mucus?

Why does a child have diarrhea with mucus?

Child has diarrhea with mucus. Should parents of a baby be scared when they find such, at first glance, an abnormal phenomenon?

Vesicular respiration - physiology and pathology

Vesicular respiration - physiology and pathology

Shallow weakened vesicular breathing occurs as a result of the stress state of small particles of the lungs (alveoli) due to their uneven distribution

If the eyes swell, the reasons may be different. This applies to both adults and children

If the eyes swell, the reasons may be different. This applies to both adults and children

Often, parents notice that their child's eyes are swollen. The causes of edema can be very different - from fatigue to any disease

Ligament rupture: treatment, symptoms of injury

Ligament rupture: treatment, symptoms of injury

Topical problem for athletes is ligament rupture. Since the main load falls on the ankle joint, injury to the legs occurs quite often

The article talks about what are the signs of worms in people

The article talks about what are the signs of worms in people

The habitation of helminths in the human body can go unnoticed for a long time. Signs of worms in humans are very small, they can only be identified by research

Symptoms of endometritis. Treatment of the disease in traditional and folk ways

Symptoms of endometritis. Treatment of the disease in traditional and folk ways

Increased body temperature, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar region - all these are symptoms of endometritis - an inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa

PEP in a child: how serious is it?

PEP in a child: how serious is it?

PEP in a child, otherwise perinatal encephalopathy, unites a large group of brain lesions of unspecified origin that can occur during pregnancy and during childbirth

Causes of speech disorders. Diagnosis and treatment of speech disorders

Causes of speech disorders. Diagnosis and treatment of speech disorders

The causes of speech disorders in children are completely different. Only a qualified specialist can determine them