Urine is an important biological fluid in the human body, as it removes waste, toxins, and other harmful metabolites from it. For everyone, the usual yellow tint is characterized by the presence of a certain pigment. In some cases, a person has clear urine for this very reason. That is, there is too little pigment in the urine, its concentration is insufficient for staining. As a rule, such a symptom is observed in the hot season, when fluid intake increases. You don't have to worry about this kind of situation. But if for some other reason you have clear urine, and this change constantly bothers you, then you should contact a specialist. Most often, a similar symptom indicates the development of urological ailments. Read more about the possible causes of clear urine, as well as how to deal with them.

Color indicatorurine
When conducting a general urine test, specialists also take into account the color index. By color, the doctor can analyze the content of various minerals, as well as other substances in the urine. For the purposes of prevention, experts recommend taking a general urine test 2 times a year, thereby identifying emerging problems in the human body in time.
Please note that the color of urine in adults is the most intense, which cannot be said about children. The normal color is straw, which is provided by the presence of urobilin, uroerythrin, urochrome, and other pigments. If a person often observes clear urine in himself, the reason may lie in the disappearance of these coloring substances. Since pigments are formed from trace elements and s alts, there is a metabolic disorder in the body.
Prerequisites for discoloration
What will be the reason for the urine being clear like water? It should be noted that the loss of shade is a very common symptom among he althy people. This may be due to too much fluid intake, which is observed with strong thirst, during the hot season, as well as during intense physical exertion. But at the same time, the color is still present, just weakly expressed. You can see the yellowness if you urinate into a white opaque container.
Urine is clear like water - what can this mean? Why does this symptom occur? If the patient's condition is not systemic, but is observed periodically, then the reason often lies innext:
- Abuse of diuretic drugs, that is, tablets, as well as teas containing diuretic herbs.
- Drinking a lot of green, black tea, and coffee.
- Intensified physical activity, hard work.
- Stress experienced.
- Severe hypothermia of the body.
- Drinking alcohol.

Those who take calcium and phosphorus supplements may also experience slightly lighter urine than usual. By analyzing the harmless causes of adult urine, clear as water, one can easily identify those that provoked a similar symptom. In most cases, you can’t do without the help of a specialist, since a change in the shade of urine can indicate the development of any diseases. Let's explore this in more detail.
Possible ailments
So why clear urine? The reasons may lie in the development of a disease. For example, if a person observes a similar symptom in himself in the morning, and daytime and nighttime polyuria also appears, then this may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus. Urine in diabetes, in addition to these signs, also acquires a sweetish aroma. In the most difficult situations, it gives off acetone, and is similar in color to plain water.
We continue to consider the possible causes of white, clear urine. Often this symptom occurs with the development of liver disease. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis, as well as other serious enemies of the liver provoke a violationproduction of pigments. At the same time, urine does not turn yellowish enough, which is why it becomes transparent. Signs of the development of liver diseases are yellowing of the skin, sclera of the eyes, soreness in the right hypochondrium, heaviness in the abdomen, diarrhea and constipation, nausea, bitterness in the mouth.
In addition, similar symptoms occur with the development of diseases of the gallbladder, in particular gallstone disease. It may also indicate blockage of the bile duct by a polyp or tumor. For what other reasons is urine cloudy, opaque, colorless? These should include:
- Chronic pyelonephritis.
- Tumor process in the kidneys.
- Urolithiasis.
- Chronic renal failure.

All these diseases provoke violations of the excretory function of the organ, resulting in a change in the shade of urine, excretion of sediment.
Causes of clear urine in women
Separately, it is worth considering the ailments of the beautiful half of humanity. The main factor affecting the shade of urine is the hormone levels in a woman's body. Various hormonal abnormalities provoke changes in the metabolic process, as well as other disorders. If the urine becomes clear, like water, then the woman should immediately contact an endocrinologist, undergo a diagnosis of the pancreas, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland. This is especially important if there are additional symptoms of diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of hormone-producingorgans.
What else can be said about the causes of urine of a transparent color? Often the shade of urine changes in women during pregnancy. Transparency is most often explained by toxicosis in the early stages, since a woman begins to consume large amounts of water during this period. During toxicosis, urine can also acquire an unpleasant odor, but only a doctor should make an accurate diagnosis. The same signs are characteristic of the development of inflammation in the bladder, kidneys and urethra. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the urine becomes darker, so a light tone requires the exclusion of the development of gestational diabetes.

A woman should be wary if she observes almost transparent urine. The reason may lie in the development of a gynecological disease. If the color has become too light, and there are white discharges in the liquid, then this indicates an inflammatory process of the walls of the vagina, as well as the cervix. Also in this case, a large amount of exudate is released. All these diseases are accompanied by acute or obsessive pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and general deterioration. If itching and burning, as well as various discharges, are added to the signs, then this may indicate the development of candidiasis.
At the stronger sex
What are the causes of clear urine in men? If sperm enters the urine, it may become white. However, this condition in the representatives of the stronger sex is observed in a matter of hours, without being a pathology. Drinking large amounts of waterquantity during physical exertion, sports training, and work often provokes the appearance of light urine. Don't worry about it.
Increased fluid intake in men may also be associated with the development of hypertension or obesity. If a man is not in the gym, in a hot room, then it will be important to measure the pressure indicator. Perhaps, in this case, the pressure will be increased. Abundant excretion of colorless urine, strong thirst in men can act as symptoms of diabetes. If you suspect the development of this disease, you must take a blood test.

At the child
In children, colorless urine during the first months of life is considered absolutely normal. The fact is that the kidneys of babies work differently, so the concentration of pigments in urine will be quite small. When food other than breast milk is added to the diet, the urine gradually becomes darker. It is not until the age of two that a child's urine becomes similar in color to that of an adult, acquiring a straw-yellow hue.
If a baby who is 8-10 months old and has the required amount of simple foods in his diet has clear urine, then it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis to rule out the following pathologies:
- Congenital diabetes.
- Other metabolic disorders.
- Pyelonephritis.
- Anomalies in the structure of internal organs.
In babiesschool age, the cause of this problem in most cases lies in chronic kidney disease, as well as in the development of diabetes mellitus. In adolescents during hormonal surges, clear urine is often observed. However, this symptom will be normal if it lasts no more than 3-5 days in a row.
Features of treatment
If the cause of clear urine is not a pathological condition, then you only need to normalize your drinking regimen. Adults in the absence of any problems with the kidneys, as well as the heart, should consume about 2 liters of plain clean water per day. If a person is in a hot and too stuffy room, and he also has increased intense loads, then the need for drinking water increases.

It is also necessary to abandon smoked, s alty, spicy, spicy, fried foods, which contribute to fluid retention, as well as disruption of the water-s alt balance in the body. In the case of a forced increase in the amount of fluid, mineral water should be consumed to prevent the washing out of minerals from the human body.
In other situations, it is possible to normalize the shade of urine only with the help of a doctor, eliminating the cause of the disease.
If the urine is transparent due to existing diabetes, then the specialist prescribes hypoglycemic drugs. In some cases, insulin injections are prescribed. If the patient has been diagnosed with renal failure, then special medications are used for this.drugs. These include "Mannitol", "Epovitan", "Furosemide".
Other Therapies
In parallel with the use of drug therapy, experts recommend therapeutic exercises. The fact is that sufficient physical activity stimulates metabolic processes in the human body, while improving the functioning of internal organs and systems.
It would be useful to use physiotherapy. Most often, plasmapheresis, ozone therapy, electrophoresis, and other methods are prescribed for these purposes.
If the urine has become transparent due to kidney failure, then experts recommend patients undergo hemodialysis.
It is important to regularly carry out comprehensive diagnostics for prevention, especially if diseases of the kidneys, liver, and endocrine system were previously diagnosed. You should also reduce the impact of stress, avoid hypothermia, follow the rules of personal hygiene, and eat right. All this will lead to a decrease in the likelihood of developing various pathologies of internal organs.

Please note that treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician. To monitor the effectiveness of the chosen therapy, it is necessary to periodically take tests. Before using medicines, you should carefully study the instructions for use. If any side effects appear, the use of medications is stopped, after whichconsultation with your doctor is mandatory.