When do leg X-rays? This procedure is prescribed to the patient when there is a suspicion of any pathology in the human musculoskeletal system. As a rule, pathological processes of this nature are accompanied by pain in the foot area. In addition, outwardly, you can notice its deformation.

It is worth saying that X-ray of the legs is considered an effective diagnostic tool and is available to many categories of citizens. This is due to the fact that this method of examination does not require special training from the patient and is done for little money. Also, using X-rays, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and outline a treatment plan.
X-ray appointment
In what cases is an x-ray of the legs assigned to the patient? The examination of the foot is carried out in a special room, which is equipped with the necessary devices. Leg x-rays are ordered when the patient reports the following concerns:

- Pain in the foot. It will be necessary to take an x-ray of the leg in cases where a person did not have physical exertion, for example, long walking, or wearing shoes that are not verycomfortable, etc.
- There are cases when the patient has visual changes in the shape of the foot.
- If the person has an injury such as foot dislocations, sprains or fractures.
- A person who is at risk for disorders of the musculoskeletal system is also assigned an x-ray. This category includes athletes, overweight people and those who have poor heredity.
When is a foot x-ray done?
There are a number of problems in which a person is referred for this examination.

- If a patient has a disturbed position of the bone tissue, then he is sent for an x-ray. Also, this type of examination is prescribed for rupture of soft tissue.
- To obtain data on the condition of the limb, if there are any deformations.
- X-rays are also prescribed to examine the organs of the hip joint in cases where a person complains of pain.
- The patient needs to be examined by X-ray in order to obtain data on the condition of the knee joint, if indicated.
- If a person's leg is in a swollen state, then he is prescribed an x-ray of the limb. If any deformities are present, this examination is also required.

- Injuries such as bruises or sprains are also examined by x-ray. This is necessary so that the doctor cansee the full picture of the state of the damaged area.
- An x-ray of a broken leg is also taken (a photo of its results is presented above for clarity). This study allows you to accurately determine the diagnosis. With arthritis and arthrosis, this examination must also be completed. X-ray of the legs allows you to see the condition of the fingers.
- An examination is usually ordered to see how the joint responds to stress. X-ray of the legs is done in several projections.
- It is worth knowing that with such damage to the legs as frostbite, this examination is also prescribed. This is necessary so that the doctor can find out to what extent the limbs are damaged. If leg dysfunctions are metastatic in nature, then X-ray is the main way to study this disease.
X-ray has great potential for studying certain injuries. But this method of studying the body has contraindications. Namely, it is contraindicated for those women who are pregnant and people in serious condition.
Before an x-ray, a person does not need a preparatory stage. The exceptions are pictures of the spine and coccyx. In this case, a person must come to the study with an empty intestine.
X-ray for heel spur
Surely many people have heard about this type of defect as a heel spur. There is a modern way to treat this disease. It's called radiotherapy. Modern technologies have reached such a level that irradiation does not have a negative effect onhuman he alth.
Modern method of treatment by means of x-rays is that the automatic adjustment of the device is used. Through it, he distributes the radiation influence in such a way that it spreads to a person in the dosage necessary for his condition. Automatic distribution eliminates the possibility of patient exposure.
X-ray treatment brings good results. This is due to the fact that by means of rays malignant formations are destroyed. Due to the high degree of effectiveness of this method of treatment, it has become widespread. Also, by means of X-rays, formations such as papillomas and warts can be stopped.
Another advantage of this method is that the beams are directed only at the damaged area. He althy body cells do not experience any pressure. There are a number of indicators due to which an x-ray of a person’s leg is considered a highly effective method of examination. Namely:
- a small list of contraindications;
- absolutely painless method of exposure;
- radiation is produced only at the site of tissue damage.
In order to make an x-ray of the foot, the legs do not need to go to the hospital. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis.
Diagnosis of a fractured heel bone by x-ray
An x-ray is prescribed to diagnose a calcaneus fracture. You should know that this examination has its own characteristics.

Featureconsists in the fact that a picture is taken of two legs at once, namely the heel bones. This is necessary for the accuracy of understanding what deformations have occurred with the injured leg. Thanks to the picture, the doctor will prescribe the method of treatment that will be most effective in a particular case.
Can X-rays be used during pregnancy?
As a rule, the period of pregnancy excludes such a method. But there are cases when an x-ray needs to be done. For example, a broken finger or some other organ.
Be aware that the fetus is sensitive to x-rays. The fact is that the rays of an ionizing nature penetrate to it through cells that are destroyed inside. In this regard, nucleic acids are destroyed, the probability of failure in the chain of deoxyribonucleic acid increases.

Because of this, mutations and pathologies may occur in the unborn child. But if it is necessary to take an x-ray on the toe, then it will not have a harmful effect on the fetus. But an x-ray of the pelvis, abdomen or back is considered dangerous for the unborn child. Therefore, if it is possible to avoid such a method of examination, then it is not prescribed.
Also, you should not do an x-ray of the lungs of pregnant women. This is very dangerous, both for the he alth of the woman herself and for the unborn child. Therefore, the doctor needs to be one hundred percent sure of the diagnosis, since an x-ray of the lungs may be unjustified. If the doctor nevertheless prescribed such a procedure to a woman in the position of pregnancy, then there is no need to worry, as modern technology minimizesthe harmful effects of x-rays on the body.
Where to get tested?
Where to take an x-ray of the leg? It is worth knowing that it can be done in different medical institutions. It is necessary to pay attention to the devices that are in these places. As a rule, in clinics and emergency rooms there are old devices for carrying out such a procedure. But paid medical institutions have more modern X-ray machines.
If a person goes to a paid clinic, then he should find out what type of X-ray machine is available in this clinic. Below you can see the price list and find out its technical characteristics. It would be better to have an x-ray in an institution where modern medical devices are available. The quality of research and treatment will be much better with modern equipment. What indicators of the device should be paid attention to:
- on the dose of radiation that affects the human body;
- at the time of taking pictures;
- is it possible to select a better quality picture;
- is it possible to make the study area larger;
- how much weight the machine can support.
Fractured leg: x-ray
Fracture of the foot is less common than other parts of the body. But by no means should it be taken lightly. The fact is that a fracture in the foot can lead to the fact that a person will not be able to walk. First of all, it is worth saying that with such an injury, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to contact a medical institution for a professionalhelp.
What does a leg x-ray show? Different types of fractures, namely:
- displaced fracture;
- metatarsal injury;
- fractured scaphoid.
The study can also show if there is a cuboid fracture. In all of the above cases, an X-ray of the foot is taken to make a diagnosis.

It's also worth knowing that the recovery period is important. It should not be neglected, as rest is an important component of treatment.
There is a statistic that a foot fracture occurs in 3 or 10 percent of the total number of fractures. The peculiarity is that if one element is damaged, dysfunction of the entire foot is created. This is because all elements are interconnected. It often happens that damage to the foot leads to complications such as arthrosis and flat feet. All bones are interconnected through ligaments and joints. When different bones of the foot are damaged, a person develops certain symptoms.
How is a broken bone treated?
If a person's talus is damaged, then the patient undergoes a reposition of the remnants. It is worth knowing that if time has passed, then the remains can be collected only in such a way as open reduction of the bones. A skeletal traction is also done. When the posterior process is fractured, a cast is applied for 3 weeks.
Other parts of the talus are immobilized for four or five weeks.

After 3 weeks the splint must be removed from the patient's leg. You also need to do special exercises. This is necessary in order to stretch the ankle joint. In addition to the above treatment, a patient with a fracture is prescribed physiotherapy, massage sessions, and special gymnastic exercises. The human body is fully restored after this type of fracture after 3 months. Then it is necessary to take care of the injured leg and use the arch support for another year. These measures are necessary to ensure that the human leg is not re-injured. Give your body time to recover.
Rehabilitation period
The fact is that wearing a cast for a long time has a bad effect on the human body. Therefore, the patient will need to do a complex of physical activity. But you should not choose exercises on your own. Follow your doctor's advice.
Now you know why an X-ray of the legs is done, in what cases and what it shows. We hope that this information was useful to you.