Cancer is currently a priority. Mortality from this disease is in second place after cardiovascular diseases. Many institutes and scientists are engaged in the search for drugs to get rid of this formidable disease.

This brings certain results: the number of deaths is significantly reduced every year: risk factors are identified, preventive examinations of the population are carried out. However, no panacea has been found for this disease. But the well-forgotten old in some cases still helps. Among the effective methods of combating malignant lesions of tissues and organs of the body, many doctors use ASD (fraction 2). Application in oncology and other serious diseases shows a good therapeutic effect.
What is ASD?
ASD is an antiseptic stimulant - a drug that was invented by A. V. Dorogov in 1947-48 in the laboratory of veterinary chemical protection. The scientist studied the effect of sorbents in the body in case of poisoning. He found that the capturedsubstances that are obtained by burning animal tissues, in particular, frogs, have some new interesting properties. After numerous experiments and approbations, the drug began to be actively used for patients with non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, chronic inflammatory diseases, osteomyelitis, and tuberculosis.
Invention Story
The ASD-2 fraction in the treatment of cancer has established itself as a panacea for this serious disease: many people overcame the oncological process, in particular, Beria's mother, who had uterine cancer with metastases in the lungs and liver. Then, for unknown reasons, persecution of the scientist and a mysterious death followed. This was due to the fact that the invention does not belong to a physician, but to an ordinary veterinarian who taught professors of medicine. Developments have not stopped, they are still ongoing. ASD-3 fraction has been patented for external use by patients with various skin lesions. ASD (fraction 2) against cancer is not yet widely used, but it has received recognition from veterinarians, is allowed and is widely used in animal therapy.

Its main property is to have a positive effect on the immune system and normalize all processes at the cellular level, affecting not only individual microorganisms and tissues, but also the entire body as a whole. The main cause of various diseases is stress. However, the protective and restorative forces of the human body are not fully utilized in disease states. That's whythe main purpose of the ASD is to awaken these forces of recovery and defeat the disease on your own.
ASD action (fraction 2)
Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator - this is how ASD-2 stands for. The use for humans is explained by the multiple positive effects of the biogenic stimulant. Firstly, it is a pronounced adaptogen, that is, a drug that increases the resistance of body tissues to various adverse effects, especially stress factors. Having a similar structure to living cells, the drug easily penetrates into every cell of various tissues and does not cause a rejection reaction. The drug does not have a side effect, does not affect the fetus, although it easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier. When applied, the hormonal background is restored and the functions of the peripheral nervous system are activated.

In addition, ASD affects the metabolism, has immunomodulatory properties. If you use this drug for a long time, then the relationships between the cells of organs and tissues are restored and a clear and rhythmic work of various organs and systems is ensured. And so the body itself struggles with various pathological processes and restores its functions. In the reference books of traditional medicine and on the Internet, you can find many articles on the topic "Drug ASD-2, use for humans." Instructions for use will help in the correct selection of the desired dosage and method of use.
Advantages and disadvantages of the drug
Drug ASD (fraction 2) absolutelyharmless and non-toxic. The drug is well tolerated by patients. It must be taken for quite a long time, there are no symptoms of accumulation and intoxication. Traditional medicine advises to combine the intake of ASD (fraction 2) with the use of potent tinctures: hemlock, celandine, aconite.
One of the big drawbacks of the product is a strong unpleasant odor. There have been attempts to eliminate this property, but then all the useful properties of ASD-2 are lost. Application for people who suffer from cancer, however, helps to prolong a person's life. Therefore, the smell in these cases does not play an important role.
Treatment of animals
The drug is sold in veterinary pharmacies and is in great demand for the treatment and prevention of diseases in all animals. Good results were noted in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system, genitourinary organs and skin, as well as in the restoration of debilitated animals with the ASD drug (fraction 2). Application for oncology in animals (and our pets also suffer from these diseases) shows excellent results. Reviews of veterinarians about this drug report an improvement in the general condition of animals with malignant processes.
Cancer Therapy

There are many known cases of curing diseases with the ASD fraction. Treatment of cancer (oncology) with this drug is extremely effective. Dorogov's antiseptic stimulator was widely used during therapy:
• cancer processes of various organs;
• fibrocystic breast disease;
• leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis;
• fibromas or adenomas of the mammary glands, prostate;
• uterine fibroids;
• nodular goiter;
• polyposis of the stomach and intestines;
• cystic formations of the kidneys, liver.
With these diseases, as well as with infectious diseases, patients use ASD (fraction 2). Use in oncology is not the only indication. The drug helped well in the post-war period for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases: trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

ASD-2: human use
The instructions include other indications for human use of the drug:
• psoriasis;
• eczema;
• varicose veins;
• severe pneumonia, pleurisy;
• cardiovascular disease;
• gout;
• rheumatism;
• lymphadenitis;
• impotence;
• obesity and many more.
This is not a complete list of all the pathologies with which the drug fights.
How to use the drug correctly?
To use this drug, many scientists have developed their own tips and secrets. ASD, fraction 2 (oncology, various infectious diseases, diseases of the immune system recede under the influence of the drug) will be effective if the medicine is taken correctly, because it acts in minimal doses. Only the right intake and adherence to deadlines will lead to a cure.

The activity of the drug decreases when it comes into contact with air, so after shaking the vial, you need to quickly draw up the medicine with a syringe without opening the vial. This can be done by piercing the rubber stopper and drawing the required amount. The drug must be diluted in boiled cool water.
As already noted, ASD (fraction 2) has an unpleasant odor, so you need to be able to drink it. To do this, you need to take a deep breath of air, exhale sharply, and, holding your breath, quickly drink the solution. You can close your eyes. After drinking the medicine, you need to take a few breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. ASD (fraction 2) is easier to drink in a ventilated room or even on the street.
Studied the norms and doses at which the best result of the use of the drug ASD (fraction 2) was obtained. Oncology is treated if you drink the solution in the morning 30-40 minutes before meals and in the evening 2-3 hours after dinner. Proper intake and adherence to deadlines will lead to a cure.
Assume that ASD-2 thickens the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to drink acidic juices daily, eat lemon or take half a tablet of Aspirin or Cardiomagnyl. Supporters of the ASD drug (fraction 2) advise drinking plenty of fluids - up to 2 liters per day - to remove various toxic and harmful substances from the body.
Cancer treatments
Methods and dosages of the ASD preparation (fraction 2) have been developed. Application in oncology provides for an intensive course with an increase in the volume of the drug. Apply 4 times a day every 4 hours: the first 5 days - 5 drops,the second 5 days - 10 each, the third 5 days - 15 each, and so on, adding 5 drops each, until a dose of 50 drops is reached. Then take 50 drops until complete recovery.

When taken sparingly in 30-40 ml of water or cold tea, add 3 drops on the first day, 5 on the second day, 7 on the third, 9 on the fourth, 11 on the fifth, 13 on the sixth, in the seventh - a break.
In the second, third and fourth weeks, take the same, in the same dosage. Then a week break. Start the next course with five drops, gradually adding 2 drops daily, as in the first week. A break is also needed after a month of taking.
Taking the drug should not make you feel worse. If this happens, then you should stop using it.