Violation of the function of the digestive system at least once, but occurs in every person. But there are such pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract that not only cause serious discomfort, but can also be harmful to he alth. Gastroreflux disease occurs in almost half of the world's population. It needs to be treated comprehensively, with lifestyle changes.
General Description

Reflux is a physiological or pathological reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. In the first case, it occurs immediately after a heavy meal, but is not accompanied by symptoms, and is also not systemic. Pathological requires treatment and changes in diet.
Gastroreflux disease is a chronic pathology, which is characterized by a systematic reflux of gastric acid back into the esophagus, regardless of food intake. At the same time, its walls are irritated, the mucous membrane is damaged and the person feels serious discomfort. Acid is thrown through the bottom foodsphincter. You have to deal with such a pathology almost all your life. However, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle provide long-term remission.
Gastroreflux disease can be both an independent pathology and a symptom. Most often, its cause is the wrong lifestyle, errors in nutrition. The risk group includes patients who have reached the age of 50.
Causes of occurrence
GERD is not an easy disease. With apparent well-being, the influence of a negative factor contributes to an aggravation. The following reasons can provoke gastroreflux disease:
- drinking caffeinated beverages as they lower the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter;
- smoking;
- pregnancy (during this period, the load and pressure on internal organs increases);
- obesity;
- alcohol abuse;
- diaphragmatic hernia;
- increased intra-abdominal pressure;
- hurried eating with swallowing large amounts of air;
- gastric and duodenal ulcer;
- the presence of a large amount of animal fats in the diet;
- impaired gastric emptying;
- wearing clothes that strongly squeeze the stomach;
- stomach tumor;
- intense press load;
- increased acidity of gastric juice.
Genetic predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke the development of pathology. Frequent stress and low physical activity can aggravate a person's condition.
Symptoms of pathology

The symptoms of gastroreflux disease are:
- Feeling of fullness in the chest and esophagus, accompanied by pain in the epigastrium, larynx.
- Morning or night cough.
- Frequent throat problems.
- Tooth enamel damage.
- Heartburn that gets worse when bending over, after exercise, while lying down.
- Belching with a bitter or sour taste.
- Hiccup.
- Painful swallowing.
- Increased salivation.
- Bouts of nausea and vomiting.
- Bad breath.
- Breach of stool.
Gastroreflux disease in children is manifested by regurgitation, impaired stool, difficulty breathing, poor appetite. Often, babies become very moody during feeding.
Disease classification

The symptoms of gastroreflux disease largely depend on its type. There is such a classification of pathology:
- Non-erosive. In this case, there are no manifestations of esophagitis, although the reverse reflux of gastric fluid is present.
- Erosive. Here the patient develops ulcers and erosions. The depth of tissue damage may vary.
- Barrett's esophagus. This form of pathology is diagnosed in 60% of all patients. This is the last stage of the development of the disease. It is characterized by metaplasia of squamous stratified epithelium. Here esophagitis provokes the development of a precancerous condition.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease can lead to serious complications, so it needs to be treated comprehensively.
Stages of disease progression
The composition of gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid, which is required for the digestion of protein. This is a very aggressive environment, from which the gastric mucosa is well protected. Normally, juice does not enter the esophagus, so its walls do not need a special barrier. In gastroesophageal reflux disease, the lower sphincter is unable to keep acid in the stomach. It travels back into the esophagus and damages it.
Symptoms of gastroreflux disease in adults and children also depend on its severity:
- First. There are no serious pathological changes in the walls of the esophagus. The mucosa may become red, minor erosions may appear on it. The body itself is able to cope with damage, so a person does not feel severe discomfort. With the timely detection of the disease at this stage, the patient has no consequences.
- Second. Erosive lesion covers up to 20% of the mucosal surface. This does not damage the deeper layers.
- Third. The wound surface expands. Erosions become deeper, affect the muscle layer. Symptoms are permanent. This stage is characterized by nocturnal heartburn, and when lying on the right side, severe pain appears.
- Fourth. Here, ulcers are already diagnosed around the entire circumference of the esophagus. The lower sphincter is also subject to an erosive process.
- Fifth. At this stage throughoutscars appear on the surface of the mucosa, which can provoke stenosis of the esophagus. The patient is able to fully accept only liquid food. In most cases, he needs surgery at this stage.
At the last stage of gastroesophageal disease, the risk of developing oncology increases, so it is better to consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear.
Diagnosis of pathology

Before starting the treatment of gastroreflux disease, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. The specialist must find out the type and severity of the pathology, the presence of complications. When diagnosing a disease, the following research methods are provided:
- Laboratory blood tests, liver tests.
- Helicobacter test. This pathogen contributes to the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
- Gastroscopy. Minimally invasive diagnostics, with which the doctor can examine the condition of the walls of the esophagus, assess the degree of damage.
- Measuring the acidity of gastric juice. It can be single or daily. In the first case, a thin catheter and a probe are used, which captures the reflux of fluid into the esophagus. The second requires a special capsule that comes out with the stool.
- Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
- X-ray or scintigraphy with contrast medium. Here it is possible to determine a hernia of the diaphragm, a stomach ulcer. These pathologies often cause gastroesophagealsymptoms.
- Proton pump inhibitor test.
- Manomeria of the lower esophageal sphincter (determination of its tone).
- ECG.
- Electrogastrography. It provides for the determination of the electrical activity of the stomach. Electrodes are attached to the patient's skin (as in an electrocardiogram). Diagnosis is carried out daily. Sometimes it is necessary to take stomach stimulants.
- Biopsy of damaged tissues. It is necessary for suspected Barrett's esophagus or cancer.
To determine gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis, you will have to turn not only to a gastroenterologist, but also to other specialists: a cardiologist, a therapist.
Traditional Therapy

There is no specific treatment for gastroreflux disease. Therapy is aimed at eliminating symptoms, as well as preventing complications and relapses. Medicines form the basis of treatment:
- H2-histamine receptor blockers: Cimetidine, Famotodin, Nizatidine. These drugs reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid produced, reducing the aggressiveness of gastric juice.
- Proton pump inhibitors: Omeprozol, Lansoprozol. Such drugs reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. When prescribing these drugs, the doctor must take into account some nuances: for example, Omeprazole is contraindicated for expectant mothers.
- Prokinetics: "Domperidone" (an antiemetic thatcan lead to disruption of the digestive tract), "Cisapride" (this drug improves gastrointestinal motility).
- Antacids: Gaviscon, Phosphalugel. Such funds reduce the acidity of gastric juice, protect the mucous membrane from its negative effects. However, they can also reduce the absorption of other drugs. They should be taken with caution in people who have unstable blood pressure. And some experts consider antacids not the most reliable protective agents.
Drugs can only relieve the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. To fix the effect, you need to do special exercises. They strengthen the muscles of the diaphragm and esophagus, and prevent pathological reflux of gastric fluid.
If the treatment of symptoms of gastroreflux disease with medicines does not work, then the patient is prescribed surgery. Other indications for him are:
- rapid disease progression;
- presence of complications in other internal organs (heart, lungs);
- ulcer;
- malignant tumor.
The following types of surgical interventions can be distinguished:
- Endoscopic plication. It is often used for bleeding. This equipment can also take tissue samples for biopsy.
- Radiofrequency ablation of the esophagus.
- Fundoplication using laparoscopic equipment. Here, the stomach is sutured around the esophagus to the diaphragm.
- Removing partesophagus that has undergone stenosis. Next, the affected area is replaced with a fragment of the intestine.
Surgical intervention is an extreme measure that does not always give a positive effect. In addition, complications often develop after it. The treatment of this pathology should be comprehensive and requires the patient's careful attitude to their own he alth.
Folk treatment

Treatment of gastroreflux disease with folk remedies is carried out not only in the early stages of the development of pathology, but also to combat its advanced form. But it is important to remember that alternative medicine is only an auxiliary method. Before using it, you should consult with your doctor. The following recipes will be useful:
- Raw potatoes. To eliminate the symptoms, it is enough to chew a small piece of vegetable three times a day. You can also use freshly squeezed potato juice. It should be consumed three times a day for half an hour before meals. You will have to drink juice for a long time.
- Milk. It is able to eliminate the manifestations of heartburn and envelops the mucous membrane, preventing its damage by gastric juice.
- Celery. For treatment, juice from the root of the plant is required. It is necessary to use it for 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
- Sea buckthorn oil. It has a wound healing, regenerative, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. You need to drink it in 1 tsp. per day. Rosehip oil has the same effect.
- Marshmallow root. Out of hima decoction is being prepared. This requires 6 g of raw materials and 200 ml of boiled water. The mixture should be boiled in a water bath for half an hour. After that, the liquid is filtered and consumed 100 ml three times a day.
- Collecting herbs. Requires 2 tbsp. l. plantain, 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Pour herbs in an enamel bowl. Tea is infused for 30 minutes. The infusion is used in the morning, 0.5 cups before meals.
- Collecting herbs. Pour 50 g of chamomile flowers and yarrow herb into the teapot, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. It takes 10 minutes to infuse. Drink this tea three times a day.
- Flax seeds. Requires 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and ½ liter of boiling water. It is better to make the remedy at night, as it should be infused for 8 hours. Strained liquid should be taken 100 ml before meals. The duration of the therapeutic course is 6 weeks.
- Birch bark. It must be crushed into powder and taken in 0.5 tsp. everyday. It should be washed down with a significant amount of water or weak tea.
- Severe heartburn helps to overcome pumpkin seeds. Need to eat a small handful.
- Collecting herbs. Requires 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. crushed aloe leaves, 2 tbsp. l. grape leaves, 1 tbsp. l. elecampane root, 4 tbsp. l. hypericum flowers. Boil the mixture for 15-20 minutes over low heat. It takes 30 minutes to infuse. It is necessary to use the remedy three times a day before meals (half an hour). For treatment, it is allowed to use pure aloe juice. It is taken in a few drops diluted in 1 tbsp. l. water.
- Rawalmond. It helps to reduce the intensity of symptoms and heartburn. Walnut has an enveloping and analgesic effect, eliminates spasm. You can replace the product with almond oil.
- Onion red onion. The head of the vegetable should be chopped to the state of gruel, stir with 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and let it brew for 10 minutes. The remedy is used before and after meals. The duration of the therapeutic course is 2 months.
- Apple cider vinegar. It can be 1-2 tsp. add to tea instead of lemon, and also dilute with water.
- Propolis tincture.
When using folk recipes, it is not recommended to take alcohol-based tinctures. They can aggravate the disease state of a person. Before using herbs, it is also advisable to make sure that the patient is not allergic to them. This is especially true for bee products. Sometimes compositions are allowed to be combined.
Eating Rules

In the presence of gastroreflux disease, diet plays a major role in preventing relapse. It is based on the following principles:
- exclusion from the diet of fatty, spicy and fried foods, as well as canned food, sweet pastries;
- quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, sugary soda;
- you can not drink coffee or strong black tea on an empty stomach, as these drinks impair the functionality of the lower esophageal sphincter, reducing its tone;
- fruit juices, onion and garlic, tomatoes, chocolate are excluded from the menu;
- must be present in the dietfermented milk products, cereals, yesterday's bread, lean fish, vegetable soups.
Meals should be fractional and regular. You need to follow a diet not only during therapy, but also during remission.
Possible complications and disease prevention
If gastroreflux pathology is left untreated, over time it will give complications:
- Replacement of the squamous esophageal epithelium with a cylindrical one. This indicates the development of a precancerous condition. At the same time, the intensity of symptoms decreases, because the surface of the esophagus becomes less sensitive. The patient begins to think about improving the condition, because the signs are pronounced. This is the main danger of this complication.
- Frequent bleeding caused by deep tissue damage.
- Narrowing of the esophagus in children or adults. In this case, partial or complete obstruction of food develops. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention.
- Increased risk of respiratory and cardiac pathologies.
- Scars on the mucous membrane. They not only cause discomfort, but also prevent the free passage of food.
Not all of these complications can be quickly eliminated. Some of them can be fatal.
This disease does not allow the patient to lead a normal life, so it is better not to allow its development or recurrence at all. To do this, you must observe the following preventive measures:
- Quit smoking and drinking alcohol. And notit is worth smoking and drinking alcohol even after the symptoms go away. This will lead to a relapse.
- Observe the principles of proper and rational nutrition, eliminating harmful foods from the menu.
- Try to eat only warm food. Too hot or cold dishes can damage the lining of the esophagus and cause an aggravation.
- Avoid prolonged half-bent work.
- Do not lift weights (more than 10 kg), and also exclude intense stress on the abdominal muscles.
- Sleep with raised headboards only.
- Normalize body weight.
- Don't go to bed right after dinner. After a meal, 2-3 hours should pass.
- It is not recommended to be treated with soda. If at first it helps, then its use has the opposite effect.
- Drink a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning. It is best to do this 15-20 minutes before breakfast.
Gastroreflux disease of the stomach can occur in absolutely anyone, regardless of age or gender. However, it can be avoided if you follow the rules of an active life and the advice of experts.