Among the vital organs required for a full and normal life of a person, it is necessary to single out the urinary system. If the normal functioning of this organ is disturbed, a variety of diseases occur that can cause significant discomfort to a person.
Basically, such disorders are diagnosed in women due to the location of the urethra. There are many different causes of such diseases, in particular, such as hypothermia or casual sex. Many patients do not immediately turn to the doctor when symptoms occur, as they believe that such pathological processes do not pose any threat. However, this is far from the case and they can provoke serious consequences.
The most common diseases
If you experience the slightest discomfort and symptoms of bladder disease, do not postpone a visit to the urologist. The lack of timely treatment in the initial stages threatens rapidprogression of the pathological process and the development of severe consequences.

The most common bladder diseases that are often referred to the doctor are:
- cystitis;
- stone formation and s alt deposition;
- diseases of a neurogenic nature;
- malignant neoplasms;
- endometriosis;
- leukoplakia;
- cystocele;
- overactive bladder.
Such disorders are the most common and have fairly pronounced symptoms. When the first signs appear, you should consult a doctor, as the consequences can be very difficult.
Among bladder diseases, urolithiasis and s alt deposits can be distinguished. A similar problem is well known to men and women, since the cause of the development of the pathological process is nutritional error and hereditary predisposition.
Besides this, the formation of stones is often the cause of incompletely cured cystitis and urethritis. In addition to the signs that accompany many diseases of the bladder, symptoms include headaches, dyspeptic disorders, decreased frequency of urination. The abuse of junk food, s alty and smoked dishes leads to s alt deposition. For recovery, you need not only to carry out treatment, but also to follow a diet.
Cystitis is a bacterial inflammation of the inner wall of the bladder. Pathogenthis disease is often E. coli and Trichomonas, but can also be staphylococcus aureus. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the cavity of the bladder from the rectum or external genitalia. Mostly cystitis occurs in women, as their urethra is much shorter and wider.
It is worth noting that the provoking factor is a decrease in immunity, which occurs as a result of chronic inflammatory processes occurring in the body and hypothermia. Among the main signs of cystitis are:
- paroxysmal pain and cramps;
- frequent urination;
- burning and itching when urinating;
- cloudy urine and streaks of blood.
Acute and chronic cystitis are distinguished according to the form of leakage. Since the signs of cystitis in women are similar to the symptoms of other bladder pathologies, complex diagnostics are required before treatment. The treatment of this disease is antibacterial and in order to prescribe the required drugs, it is necessary to do a urine culture to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.
For greater effectiveness of therapy, other drugs, alternative therapy may be additionally prescribed, and it is also important to follow a special diet. That is why spicy and s alty foods should be excluded from the usual diet. Cranberry juice is a good drink as it has antimicrobial properties.
Among bladder diseases, leukoplakia, which manifests itself in the form of changes in the mucosa (itsthickening and keratinization). The epithelium becomes more rigid, which prevents its normal functioning and contractility.

Symptoms of leukoplakia are similar to the course of the inflammatory process, which is mainly observed in urolithiasis or cystitis. It is worth noting that there are no characteristic signs of the course of this disease, which is why complex diagnostics are required to determine the presence of a problem.
Treatment requires the use of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agents, vitamins, as well as a course of physiotherapy. This will restore elasticity to the walls of the bladder.
Diseases of a neurotic nature
Many patients are interested in what urinary diseases are neurogenic. They are combined into a separate group, and a distinctive feature is that they arise as a result of a violation of the psycho-emotional background. Such disorders in their symptoms are somewhat similar to cystitis, but pathogens are completely absent.
Among the main symptoms of bladder diseases associated with psychological overstrain, one can single out involuntary excretion of urine, as well as a desire to go to the toilet all the time. Most often, this problem occurs due to a violation of nerve impulses. In addition, other pathologies of the body can provoke the occurrence of diseases, in particular such as:
- multiple sclerosis;
- neuropathy;
- tuberculosis;
- diabetes.
They all have a negative effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It should be noted that psychoemotional disorders are further aggravated against the background of manifestations of neurogenic diseases. A person is in constant nervous tension due to fear of involuntary excretion of urine among strangers.
Malignant neoplasms
Since the signs of malignant bladder diseases appear only in the later stages, the prognosis for recovery is rather unfavorable. Most often, a benign tumor is initially formed, which, without appropriate treatment, increases in size and degenerates into a malignant formation.
Among the main symptoms of cancer are:
- pain in the pubic area;
- fetid odor of urine;
- blood in urine;
- discharge from the urethra.
Urolithiasis, untreated cystitis, malnutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking and many other negative factors can provoke the development of cancer.
Overactive bladder
A specific condition of the urinary system occurs when the overactive bladder syndrome occurs. Among the main signs of the course of this disease, frequent urination can be distinguished. The risk group is mainly the elderly. Among the main reasons provoking such a violation, one can single out the following:like:
- abuse of caffeinated drinks;
- tobacco smoking;
- pregnancy and childbirth;
- injury and damage;
- incorrect treatment of inflammatory processes.
At the initial stage, the doctor prescribes certain medications and physiotherapy for therapy, and if they do not bring any result, then surgical intervention is indicated.
Other diseases
Diseases of the kidneys and bladder can be quite complex and dangerous, as they provoke disruption of the functioning of these organs. Such violations include:
- cystocele;
- cyst;
- sclerosis;
- exstrophy;
- endometriosis;
- tuberculosis;
- ulcer;
- hernia.
Among the diseases of the bladder in women, endometriosis should be distinguished. It is based on a violation in the work of the sexual sphere. When menstrual blood is ejected from the ovaries, it enters the lining of the bladder, which contributes to the spread of endometriosis. Symptoms of bladder disease in women appear as:
- presence of blood impurities in the urine;
- nausea;
- increased pain before menstruation;
- burning in the lower abdomen;
- pain in the legs.
Treatment of pathology is carried out exclusively by surgery after a whole range of studies.
In addition, cystocele is quite common in women, which is characterized by prolapseurinary and vaginal at the same time. It can be provoked by ruptures of the perineum during childbirth, as well as abnormal development of the organs of the genitourinary system. The disease manifests itself in the form of urinary incontinence and frequent urge to go to the toilet. If symptoms of bladder disease occur in women, treatment is carried out immediately by surgery, followed by a long period of rehabilitation.
Sometimes a disease such as diverticulum develops. With such a pathology, one or more protrusions on the bladder can be observed. At the same time, a cavity is formed inside the organ, resembling a sac in which urine accumulates. Against the background of the course of the pathology, patients often develop pyelonephritis or inflammation.

Among the diseases of the bladder in men, a hernia should be distinguished. Often it occurs in older people and at the same time there is a discharge of cloudy urine. The patient may find a mass in the lower abdomen, which becomes somewhat smaller after emptying. If the first symptoms of bladder diseases occur in men, you need to consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination. Hernia removal is performed exclusively by surgery.
The causes of bladder pathologies are very different, which is why the treatment is selected purely individually. It is quite difficult to independently determine the signs of the course of a particular disease, therefore, when the first signs appear, you need to contact a doctor who canprescribe complex treatment.
Main symptoms
Painful urination significantly impairs the quality of life. To conduct high-quality and comprehensive treatment, it is imperative to determine the symptoms of the course of diseases. Among the main signs are considered such as:
- painful and frequent urination;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- discoloration of urine and the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
- incontinence;
- appearance of cloudy impurities.
Sometimes diseases are accompanied by weakness, nausea, fever. Each of these signs indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process, which is why you need to visit a doctor and conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.
Symptoms and treatment of diseases of the bladder can be very different, so you first need to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis to determine the nature of the course of the pathology. The diagnosis is established by an oncologist and specific studies are carried out for this:
- urine and blood tests;
- pelvic ultrasound;
- cytological examination;
- cystoscopy;
- tests for tumor markers;
- tomography.
All this will determine the course of the pathological process and prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will make it possible to eliminate existing disorders quickly and efficiently.
Providing treatment
Only a qualified doctor should prescribe treatment for bladder diseases,who preliminarily conducts diagnostics to determine the course of the pathology. Therapy consists of taking anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs, as well as herbal remedies.

With the occurrence of inflammatory processes, diet is additionally indicated. If the mucous membrane of the bladder is damaged, its instillation is performed. Its principle is to introduce drugs into the cavity of this organ for anti-inflammatory and healing effects.
Drug treatment of bladder diseases in women and men is selected purely individually, depending on the course of the pathology. Basically, drugs are prescribed to help eliminate inflammation, normalize the outflow of urine.

When leukoplakia occurs, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vitamin complexes, are prescribed. Antibiotics are required to treat tuberculosis and ulcers. In the presence of cystitis, doctors prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunostimulants.
Folk Therapy

Treatment of the initial stages of the course of diseases implies the use of folk remedies and techniques. However, before using them, a consultation with the attending physician is required to avoid the occurrence of side effects.
To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can use herbal collection,prepared on the basis of St. John's wort, bearberry, knotweed, chamomile. To remove inflammation, a healing decoction is prepared based on corn stigmas and horsetail. To enhance the calming effect, you need to add juniper and violet to the finished product.

Surgery on the bladder and kidneys is required in the course of malignant processes, complications and ruptures of the organ. It is also carried out with the formation of large stones that are not amenable to drug treatment.
The operation is carried out in several ways, depending on the complexity of the pathology. In some cases, complete removal of the organ may be indicated. After surgery, the patient must follow a diet.
Peculiarities of prevention
It is imperative to take preventive measures, which include:
- hygiene;
- avoid hypothermia;
- Take medication only as directed by a doctor.
If a person has severe pain in the lower abdomen, this may indicate the course of diseases of the genitourinary system. Be sure to visit the doctor for examination and subsequent treatment. Timely therapy guarantees a quick recovery process without consequences.