Practical medicine has a term for an organic lesion of the heart apparatus - heart failure. We will consider the symptoms and treatment of this disease in the article. Disorders of the cardiovascular system lead to deviations in the work of all other body systems. As a rule, this ailment affects the elderly and people suffering from heart defects, as they lead to excessive stress on the organ. It, together with hemodynamic disorders, is the main factor in the development of the disease.

Heart failure classification
This disease has several pronounced forms, differing in clinical manifestations and causes. Chronic and acute heart failure differs (we will analyze the symptoms and treatment a little later) - according to the nature of the course. It is divided according to localization into left ventricular and right ventricular, as well as total. All of these forms have different manifestations and require a different approach to treatment.
Heart failure: symptoms and treatment

It makes sense to divide symptoms according to the main types of pathologies. In acute form of heart failure, the patient is concerned about pain in the chest (heart area), they are angina pectoris in nature and can last more than twenty minutes. The cause in this case is myocardial infarction, which requires a visit to the doctor without delay. In addition to pain, heaviness in the chest, shortness of breath, decreased pulse, cyanosis of the skin of the extremities, face, and lips may appear. Chronic heart failure symptoms - and treatment, respectively - has others: hypotension, drowsiness, weakness, shortness of breath, asthmatic attacks, dizziness, swelling, nausea, loss of consciousness. Left ventricular failure is manifested mainly by shortness of breath with severe stress or physical exertion. Right ventricular failure is characterized by swelling in the systemic circulation, swelling of the legs and arms, and sometimes in the abdominal cavity. There may be pain in the right hypochondrium, which indicates a violation of blood circulation in the liver. With total heart failure, symptoms characteristic of left and right ventricular failure appear.
Help for heart failure

This disease has an unpleasant property to soon flow into a chronic form. In order to avoid this, or to alleviate the course of the disease, if it was not possible to avoid it, the following recommendations should be followed. Do not stop taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor at your own discretion. Carefully monitor your weight, and with its rapidincrease, contact your doctor immediately. The same should be done if you notice that the symptoms began to appear more often and brighter. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of dietary s alt to five grams (a teaspoon without top) per day: excess s alt prevents the removal of fluid, thereby increasing the symptoms of heart failure. It is recommended to limit the use of alcohol and give up tobacco. Regular moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect: it is better to draw up a program with your doctor. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!