A delicate issue. Causes and treatment of enuresis

A delicate issue. Causes and treatment of enuresis
A delicate issue. Causes and treatment of enuresis

Enuresis is a delicate disease, the essence of which is incontinence of urine during sleep. Usually the disease affects children over the age of 5 years. Over time, while the child grows up, enuresis can pass suddenly and imperceptibly. However, it is very irresponsible for parents to leave the course of the disease unattended, hoping that everything will resolve itself.

It should be noted that enuresis very seriously injures the psyche of the child. Therefore, it is imperative to show the child not only to doctors, but also to a psychologist, so that an inferiority complex does not develop later.

Time to notice! Reasons for the development of the disease

Enuresis treatment
Enuresis treatment

Sleeping kids usually wake up when they feel like they want to use the toilet at night. This is the norm. True, some babies sleep so soundly that sometimes they do not notice the urge to go to the toilet and wake up already on a wet sheet. If a child over 5 years of age wakes up with these urges more than 2 times a month for several nights in a row, then parents should immediately make an appointment with a doctor.

Before prescribing treatment for enuresis, it is worthidentify the main reasons for its occurrence. And there are not so many of them. First, heredity. Yes, speaking of enuresis, the causes must, first of all, be looked for in the genes. Secondly, the reason may lie in the immaturity of the genitourinary system and its inability to retain urine for a long time.

Enuresis causes
Enuresis causes

It should be noted that some children sleep very soundly. Incidents usually occur at the time of deep sleep. If you talk to the child, then perhaps he will tell you that in a dream he was just going to the toilet to relieve himself. And dreaming is also the cause of a one-time uncontrolled nighttime urination.

Treatment of enuresis and successful recovery directly depends on the emotional situation in the family. If parents regularly raise their voices, quarrel in the presence of a child, constantly humiliate his dignity and shame him for failures, then there is no need to look for the causes of enuresis. They are in plain sight.

Proper treatment and observation is the key to recovery

So, how to treat enuresis, a qualified specialist will tell you. You should visit a neurologist, who, after examining the child and talking with him, will prescribe a series of tests and examinations, as a result of which deviations can be detected.

How to treat enuresis
How to treat enuresis

The attitude of parents during the treatment of enuresis in a child is also important. Parents need to understand that the baby should not be punished or insulted, humiliated if the first signs of enuresis are noted. The task of adults is not only to show by their appearance that there is nothing shameful or terriblehappened, but also to prove it to the child, so as not to develop complexes and fears in him.

As for taking medications, only a doctor will prescribe them. Self-medication is not allowed. Although, as practice shows, the treatment of enuresis with pills and potions is not required. It is enough just to be more attentive and delicate to the problem of the baby. It will not be superfluous to control how much the child drank fluids before going to bed, whether he went to the toilet before going to bed, whether he is too excited or upset.

So, let's make a short summary. As such, drug treatment of enuresis is not required. Still, the reasons for the appearance of a delicate problem, most likely, should be sought in the family and in the attitude of parents to the child. Although, there are always exceptions. In this case, a competent pediatric neurologist will help to identify the cause and cure the delicate problem.
