External hemorrhoids are considered a very common disease. Symptoms in women and men are quite common. The disease is an inflammation of the veins of the rectum. Due to the fact that the blood stagnates at the site of inflammation, a lump is formed, which causes inconvenience to the patient.
Hemorrhoids do not go away on their own, no matter what stage the disease is at. And the sooner you turn to a specialist, the more effective and faster the treatment will be. In this article, we will look at the causes, symptoms. What does an external hemorrhoid look like? Photos of patients with pathology can be found below.
What is this

Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the veins in the anus, their overflow with blood and an increase in size. The disease is of three types:
- internal;
- mixed type;
- external hemorrhoids.
Symptoms in women (photos are not a very pleasant sight) and men will be discussed in this article.
With external hemorrhoids, inflamed hemorrhoids are locatedoutside of the anus. Do not confuse with the prolapse of nodules during the severe stage of internal hemorrhoids. This disease can be distinguished by the following features: with the internal type, the prolapsed venous plexuses have a mucous membrane. With the external - nodules located near the anal area are covered with skin.
At the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms of external hemorrhoids are disturbing only during trips to the toilet. In the absence of treatment, the nodes become larger and begin to disturb the patient at the slightest exertion: sneezing, coughing or laughing, when lifting weights and with sudden movements. That is why it is necessary to see a doctor at the first sign of illness.
Most often, the main cause of this disease is a predisposition to weakness of the venous wall. As an impetus to the development and exacerbation of hemorrhoids are:
- Inactive lifestyle. With a lack of motor activity, venous stasis of blood occurs.
- Problems with stool. Excessive straining when going to the toilet.
- Wrong diet. Alcohol and an excess of spicy food in food have a particular influence on the development of the disease.
- Pregnancy and childbirth.
- Weightlifting and power sports.
- Heavy lifting, physical strain.
Under the influence of these causes, filling and stagnation occurs in the veins of the small pelvis. Therefore, they stretch, protrude and form hemorrhoids.
First symptoms of the disease

Hemorrhoids can be asymptomatic at the very beginning. During this period, mild itching and discomfort occur in the anus. But patients may simply ignore it. Also, inflammation of the hemorrhoids may be indicated by a burning sensation in the anus and a feeling of a foreign object in the rectum. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids in men and women are the same. Highlight the first signs:
- burning sensation and itching of the anus, discomfort;
- may experience light bleeding while going to the toilet;
- pain during defecation;
- prolapsed hemorrhoids;
- mucus secretion.
Over time, the anus swells and heaviness appears in the groin. Walking and sitting becomes difficult and painful. If the nodule is pinched, the patient may experience severe, sharp pain. When touching the anus, you can feel the bumps under the skin.
Symptoms of external hemorrhoids
What are the symptoms of external hemorrhoids in women? Photos of the disease can cause unpleasant emotions. With the development of the disease, the symptoms become more pronounced, cause a lot of inconvenience.
- Itching intensifies, mucus is secreted in large quantities, which causes severe burning and irritation.
- The seal at the entrance to the anus becomes painful, increases, an inflammatory process appears. In addition, there may be several seals.
- After a bowel movement, there is a feeling of incompleteemptying.
- Going to the toilet becomes excruciating, causing severe pain and bleeding.
It should be noted that such symptoms are also typical for men.

Conservative treatment
Symptoms of external hemorrhoids are eliminated by three methods:
- conservative treatment;
- minimally invasive;
- surgical.
Conservative type of treatment includes measures aimed at eliminating pain and alleviating the patient's condition. It includes medications, diet and lifestyle changes. For treatment, dosage forms such as tablets, gels, creams, ointments are used.
The action of drugs for the treatment of symptoms of external hemorrhoids in both women and men is aimed at relieving inflammation, itching and swelling. Often they contain anesthetics that relieve pain, and substances that promote tissue healing. A positive effect is given by drugs that can thin the blood, they dissolve blood clots and do not allow new ones to form.
Pathology is most often treated with preparations in the form of creams and ointments, since they are easy to apply, and the result comes much faster than after using suppositories. The most popular are:

- "Relief". This ointment contains shark liver oil. The tool has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. It quickly heals tissues, relieves itching, stopsbleeding.
- "Aurobin". The composition contains prednisone. This is a hormonal drug. In this regard, it is recommended to use it as directed by a doctor.
- "Posterized". Restores tissues, increases vascular tone.
- "Proctosedyl". Due to its composition, it has antibacterial, analgesic and antithrombotic effects.
- "Hepatrombin". Reduces swelling, normalizes blood flow, fights inflammation, prevents blood clots.
- Heparin ointment. Reduces inflammation, relieves pain, fights blood clots.
The choice of drugs depends on the symptoms of external hemorrhoids. The doctor prescribes drugs taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. In addition to ointments and creams, oral tablets are also often used. These include:
- "Ginkor Fort". Relieves painful symptoms, tones veins, fights blood clots, normalizes blood circulation.
- "Detralex". Reduces vein extensibility, strengthens capillaries.
- "Asklezan A". Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation.
- "Pilex". Removes puffiness, has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect.
In the treatment of symptoms of external hemorrhoids, non-steroidal drugs are used to relieve inflammation, which are taken orally. These drugs include: "Ibuprofen", "Diclofenac", "Indomethacin". Any remedy should be prescribed by a doctor.
In order to cure hemorrhoids quickly, it is necessary to take drastic measures. These include minimally invasive interventions.
- Sclerotherapy - a substance is injected into the hemorrhoids, which leads to their resorption.
- Infrared photocoagulation - such treatment is effective only at the initial stages of the pathology.
- Fixation of varicose veins with latex rings.
- Thrombectomy - excision of nodules, done under local anesthesia.
Surgical method

This method is used in the event that the manifestation of symptoms of external hemorrhoids cannot stop conservative treatment, the disease progresses, and exacerbations occur constantly. In this case, an opening of the hemorrhoidal nodule and removal of a blood clot are prescribed.
This type of treatment is called a thrombectomy. Often this method is the only option to combat the disease. Thrombosis of nodules is dangerous because over time it can cause tissue death and blood poisoning, which in turn is a threat to human life.
The treatment of symptoms of external hemorrhoids in both women and men by surgery is to remove blood clots from the nodules. The operation takes place under local anesthesia, takes a few minutes and is considered simple. After its completion, the patient is sent home on the same day, and he can return to his usual life.
How the operation is performed:
- anesthesia first;
- after the surgeon makes the incisionthrombosed node;
- a saline solution is injected through the incision, which softens the blood clot;
- blood clot is completely removed;
- after the doctor restores the vessel and sews up the wound.
After the operation, the patient's condition improves rapidly. Pain subsides, swelling and inflammation subside. The wound heals within a few days.
During the recovery period, the patient is strictly recommended to follow the rules of hygiene of the anal area after going to the toilet, as well as to apply dry sterile dressings in the wound area. As a rule, there are no serious complications after surgery. In the first days, pain is possible, which is relieved by painkillers.
Common complications of this disease include:
- Thrombosis of nodules. The formation of a blood clot in a dilated blood vessel. The clot interferes with normal circulation, causes congestion and leads to swelling, which can eventually cause tissue necrosis.
- The occurrence of anal fissures.
- Purulent paraproctitis - inflammation and tissue death near the anus, which can lead to blood poisoning and death of the patient.
It is important to note that the signs of the disease are the same in women and men, it does not depend on age. There is a difference in causes: women experience symptoms of external hemorrhoids after childbirth more often than for other reasons, and men - because of the wrong lifestyle and work.

Treatmentpathology during pregnancy is carried out with extreme caution and requires an individual approach. When choosing medicines, all contraindications and the duration of pregnancy are taken into account in order not to harm the fetus. With such a disease, while carrying a baby, it is imperative to consult a doctor, you should not self-medicate.
Treatment of symptoms of external hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy consists of the use of ointments and gels. Most commonly used:
- "Fleming";
- "Posterized"
- ointment with sea buckthorn;
- gel and ointment "Relief";
- cream "Bezornil".
Also, for the treatment of pathology in pregnant women, tablets with a venotonic effect are used. These funds include: Phlebodia, Venarus, Detralex, they contain hesperidin and diosmin, which help eliminate congestion and strengthen veins.
These drugs can be taken during the entire period of pregnancy, but only under the supervision of a doctor who will establish the necessary dosages and duration of the course. Tablets, as a rule, are used during periods of exacerbation of symptoms of external hemorrhoids, they have a positive effect on the entire circulatory system. But under certain conditions, drugs have a negative effect on pregnancy, so only a doctor can prescribe them.
Treatment of hemorrhoids during this period requires a competent approach. Therefore, before using folk remedies, it is best to visit a proctologist. Timely contact withspecialist will help to avoid many problems.
Folk remedies

Conservative treatment of pathology can be combined with the use of traditional medicine. Before starting treatment with folk remedies, it is best to consult a doctor.
Traditional medicine is an effective measure to speed up recovery. But a complete cure is possible only when combined with drugs prescribed by a specialist.
- One of the most common remedies is sea buckthorn oil. To treat the disease, they are impregnated with a gauze swab and applied to the affected area.
- To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, infusions of wild rose, horse chestnut or hazel are used.
- Pain symptom is relieved by baths with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, sage, onion peel.
It must be remembered that the treatment of folk remedies must be agreed with the doctor, it should not contradict his prescriptions.
Diet and nutrition rules
In order to quickly recover from the symptoms of external hemorrhoids, you must follow a special diet. Strengthening foods should be excluded from the diet:
- pomegranate, pears, mountain ash, raisins, grapes;
- pasta;
- eggplant;
- boiled meat, broths, eggs;
- cottage cheese;
- carrot;
- white bread;
- bagels;
- crackers;
- semolina and rice porridge;
- black tea, compote;
- mashed potatoes;
- chocolate;
- decoctions from -chamomile, bird cherry, oak bark, mint.
It is necessary to include laxative products in the daily menu:
- beets;
- cauliflower;
- pumpkin;
- broccoli;
- zucchini;
- apricots;
- dried apricots;
- figs;
- apples;
- peaches;
- prune;
- cereal or grain breads;
- plum juices, apricots and vegetables with pulp;
- white wine.
In order to replenish the necessary trace elements and vitamins in the body, the menu includes:
- vitamin P: rose hips, green tea, blackcurrant, chokeberry, oranges, buckwheat;
- vitamin K: liver, green vegetables and plants, kale, spinach, soybean oil, tomatoes, walnuts;
- magnesium: tomatoes, olives, green leaves, nuts, parsley, pumpkin, plums, oats, rye bread, bran;
- vitamin C and B: tomatoes, berries, cabbage, green onions, sorrel, black currants, strawberries, citrus fruits, kiwi, bell peppers.
Fast way to develop hemorrhoids - heavy lifting, little activity and frequent constipation. To prevent the cured disease from returning, prevention of constipation is necessary. You need to make sure that the bowels are released daily, without holding back the stool.

Effective treatment and prevention of the reappearance of the disease is impossible without proper prevention, which includes:
- tracking the regularity of going to the toilet, bowel movements directly depends on proper nutrition and motoractivity;
- daily washing the anus with cool water;
- reduce physical activity;
- active lifestyle, increased physical activity if the work is sedentary;
- proper nutrition - avoid eating spicy food, it promotes blood flow to the pelvic area, resulting in the formation of blood clots;
- the use of drugs whose action is aimed at toning blood vessels.
If you follow these instructions, you can forget about the disease for a long time.