Radiation diagnostics, radiation therapy are two components of radiology. In modern medical practice, they are used more and more often. This can be explained by their excellent information content.
Radiation diagnostics is a practical discipline that studies the use of various types of radiation in order to detect and recognize a large number of diseases. It helps to study the morphology and functions of normal and diseased organs and systems of the human body. There are several types of radiation diagnostics, and each of them is unique in its own way and allows you to detect diseases in different areas of the body.
Radiodiagnosis: types
Today, there are several methods of radiation diagnostics. Each of them is good in its own way, as it allows you to conduct research in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe human body. Types of radiation diagnostics:
- X-ray diagnostics.
- Radionuclide research.
- Ultrasound.
- Computed tomography.
- Thermography.

These methods of research of radiation diagnostics can allow to issue data on the state of he alth of the patient only in the areawhich they are researching. But there are more advanced methods that give more detailed and extensive results.
Modern diagnostic method
Modern radiology is one of the fastest growing medical speci alties. It is directly related to the general progress of physics, mathematics, computer technology, computer science.
Radiation diagnostics is a science that uses radiation that helps to study the structure and functioning of normal and disease-damaged organs and systems of the human body in order to prevent and recognize the disease. This method of diagnosis plays an important role both in the examination of patients and in radiological treatment procedures, which depend on the information obtained during the studies.
Modern methods of radiation diagnostics allow us to identify pathology in a particular organ with maximum accuracy and help find the best way to treat it.
Varieties of diagnostics
Innovative diagnostic methods include a large number of diagnostic imaging and differ from each other in the physical principles of data acquisition. But the general essence of all methods lies in the information that is obtained by processing transmitted, emitted or reflected electromagnetic radiation or mechanical vibrations. Depending on which of the phenomena underlie the resulting image, radiation diagnostics is divided into the following types of studies:
- X-ray diagnostics is based on the abilityabsorb x-rays into tissues.
- Ultrasound. It is based on the reflection of a beam of directed ultrasonic waves in the tissues towards the transducer.
- Radionuclide - characterized by the emission of gamma radiation by radioactive isotopes that accumulate in tissues.
- Magnetic resonance method is based on the emission of radio frequency radiation, which occurs during the excitation of unpaired atomic nuclei in a magnetic field.
- Research with infrared rays - spontaneous emission of infrared radiation by tissues.

Each of these methods allows to identify pathology in human organs with great accuracy and gives more chances for a positive outcome of treatment. How does radiation diagnostics reveal pathology in the lungs, and what can be detected with its help?
Lung Examination
Diffuse lung damage is changes in both organs, which are scattered foci, an increase in tissue in volume, and in some cases a combination of these two conditions. Thanks to X-ray and computer research methods, it is possible to determine lung diseases.

Only modern research methods allow you to quickly and accurately establish a diagnosis and begin surgical treatment in a hospital setting. In our time of modern technology, radiation diagnostics of the lungs is of great importance. It is very difficult to make a diagnosis according to the clinical picture in most cases. This is due to the fact that lung pathologies are accompanied by severe pain, acute respiratory failure and hemorrhage.
But even in the most severe cases, emergency radiology comes to the rescue of doctors and patients.
When is a study indicated?
X-ray diagnostic method allows you to quickly identify the problem in the event of a life-threatening situation that requires urgent intervention. Urgent X-ray diagnostics can be useful in many cases. Most often it is used for damage to bones and joints, internal organs and soft tissues. Injuries to the head and neck, abdomen and abdominal cavity, chest, spine, hips and long tubular bones are very dangerous for a person.

The method of X-ray examination is prescribed to the patient immediately after anti-shock therapy is carried out. It can be carried out directly in the emergency department, using a mobile device, or the patient is taken to the X-ray room.
In case of injuries of the neck and head, a survey X-ray is performed, if necessary, special images of individual parts of the skull are added. In specialized institutions, an emergency angiography of cerebral vessels can be performed.
When the chest is injured, the diagnosis begins with a survey radiograph, the pictures are taken from a direct and lateral view. In case of injuries of the abdomen and pelvis, an examination using contrast should be performed.
Also, an urgent X-ray examination is carried out withother pathologies: acute pain in the abdomen, coughing up blood and bleeding from the digestive tract. If the data is not enough to establish an accurate diagnosis, computed tomography is prescribed.
Rarely used X-ray in cases of suspected presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract or digestive tract.

For all types of injuries and in complex cases, it may be necessary to perform not only computed tomography, but also magnetic resonance. Only the attending doctor can prescribe this or that study.
Advantages of radiodiagnosis
This research method is considered one of the most effective, therefore, considering its advantages, I would like to highlight the following:
- Under the influence of rays, tumor growths decrease, some of the cancer cells die, and the rest stop dividing.
- Many vessels supplying nutrition to atypical cells become overgrown.
- Most of the positives are in the treatment of some types of cancer: lung, ovarian and thymus.

But not only does this method have positive aspects, there are also negative ones.
Cons of radiation diagnostics
Most doctors believe that as amazing as this research method is, it also has its downsides. These include:
- Side effects that occur during therapy.
- Low sensitivityradiation from organs such as cartilage, bones, kidneys and brain.
- Maximum sensitivity of the intestinal epithelium to this irradiation.

Radial diagnostics showed good results in detecting pathology, but it is not suitable for every patient.
Not all cancer patients are suitable for this research method. Assign it only in some cases:
- Presence of a large number of metastases.
- Radiation sickness.
- Ingrown cancerous roots into the largest vessels and organs of the reproductive system.
- Fever.
- The most serious condition of the patient with severe intoxication.
- Extensive oncological lesion.
- Anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
- Disintegration of cancerous tumors with bleeding.
Radiodiagnosis has been used for several years and has shown very good results in making diagnoses quickly, especially in difficult cases. Thanks to its use, it was possible to determine the diagnoses of very serious patients. Even despite its shortcomings, there are no other studies that would give such results yet. Therefore, we can say for sure that at present, radiation diagnostics is in the first place.