In ancient times, the term "stomach" meant something completely different than at present, and symbolized life in the broadest sense of the phrase. Then the essence of the concept narrowed. However, the stomach is still directly connected with existence, since it is in it that almost all significant organs are present: the liver, gallbladder, intestinal tract, spleen, stomach, pancreas, kidneys and adrenal glands, bladder.
In addition, the representatives of the stronger sex in the lower abdomen (abdomen) have a prostate and seminal vesicles, and the girls have internal female genital organs, which include the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Since all organs are placed very closely, often only a doctor can establish a clear root cause of this or that pain or cramps in the abdomen after a painstaking examination and as a result of obtaining the results of medical laboratory tests. There are many treatments and causes of pain in the stomach after eating and before it. Let's deal with some of them.

What canstomachache?
Today's choice in grocery supermarkets is impressive in variety. Inviting colorful packaging, chic food selection greatly simplifies life - there is an opportunity to cook dinner in a couple of minutes and cater to the tastes of even very critical connoisseurs of good cuisine. However, a certain way of life is only one side of the problem. Another, less cheerful, is found at the appointment of a gastroenterologist.
Fast eating, snacking, eating semi-finished products and all sorts of smoked goodies are better than other factors provoke gastric diseases. Cramping in the stomach and abdomen is the main symptom that accompanies digestive pathologies, and is well known to most.
In order for the doctor to establish a diagnosis as specifically as possible (we are talking about the initial (preparatory) diagnosis, which is necessary in order to remove critical signs), it is necessary to state your own feelings and their localization as specifically as possible (the zone in which place these sensations brighter).
Of course, in order to determine a clear diagnosis, more various examinations and laboratory tests are needed, and only the results of absolutely all analyzes will make it possible to draw final conclusions. For this reason, in no case should one dwell on intermediate (hypothetical) conclusions. When cutting in the stomach, it must be borne in mind that quite important organs are concentrated directly in the stomach:
- If pain or all sorts of other unpleasant feelings appear a little below the ribs, then the doctor will talk about inflammatoryactions in the inlet of the stomach; about pathologies of the digestive tract; about liver diseases, and it can also be hepatitis (there are several of them) and cirrhosis. Each condition requires specific treatment. The causes of pain in the stomach and diarrhea in this case can be established independently.
- If the pain is concentrated in the upper abdomen on the right side, then there is reason to suspect cholecystitis. This is one of the more frequent complications of gallstone disease, which is called inflammation of the gallbladder. It should be noted that cholecystitis is different, pain and other signs also differ slightly. In addition, in the same place, on the right side above, there is pain in cholelithiasis, which is called cholelithiasis.
- With a concentration of pain and other unpleasant feelings in the upper abdomen and approximately to the navel, we can talk about pangastritis, that is, chronic gastritis that affects the fundus and antrum of the stomach. However, in some cases, pain in this area can indicate intestinal pathologies, that is, problems with the intestinal tract.
- Feeling pain in the epigastric zone (under the pit of the stomach) and in the hypochondrium, one can suspect that this pain is due to duodenitis, or otherwise inflammation of the duodenum (often the conversation is only about inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum). To clarify: the epigastric zone is the area of the abdomen that is located immediately below the chest. But a similar location of pain in duodenitis is not necessary, soas in diseases of the intestinal tract, pain in the majority of cases is concentrated slightly below the navel.
- If it is difficult or unrealistic to establish the causes of pain in the stomach and diarrhea, the doctor will suspect a stomach ulcer or a tumor disease.

Types of pain
To the doctor, in order to more specifically establish the true cause of the pain, the main thing is to know when this pain appears.
The bottom line is that the main job of the gastrointestinal tract is the assimilation of food, for this reason, you can trace the direct relationship between me altime and pain:
- If the pain appears shortly after eating, or rather after twenty minutes (in some cases, this period can reach up to 40 minutes), and remains measured for quite a long time (up to 3 hours), then this is called early pain. Such pain subsides if the dish (food that got into the stomach and is digested) undergoes the main processing in the stomach. Early pain in the stomach can indicate various inflammatory diseases of the middle and lower parts of the stomach, as well as talk about gastritis, peptic ulcer and polyposis that has formed on the inner surface of the intestine.
- If the pain occurs after a sufficiently long period after eating (not earlier than one hour, however, the period of onset of pain can be 2 hours after eating) and with all this has an increasing character, that is, it increases and becomes very intense,called late pain. Such sensations often overcome after emptying the intestinal tract. Delayed pain appears in numerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis with high acidity, with duodenitis, with increased pancreatitis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, cholelithiasis and cancer.
- If pain appears after a very long period after eating (after 4-5 hours) and it can be described as pulling and quite strong, but often such pain goes away after a couple of sips of sweet tea or after a small meal (fruit, cracker or nuts), then we can say about hunger pain. It is quite stereotyped for stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers, as well as for pre-ulcerative conditions.
- Many doctors separately evaluate night pain in the epigastric zone. Such pain can last up to 3 hours in a row. Often, such pain disappears after a certain period after simple food enters the stomach.

Mechanism of occurrence
Often, the root cause of cutting pains in the stomach area is indigestion, and more specifically, the failure of the peristalsis of the intestinal tract, the inability of the body to promote food that has entered the gastrointestinal tract.
Peristalsis is a uniform contraction of the intestinal tract, which has a wave-like character.
The gastrointestinal tract is a very sensitive department that reacts vigorously tomindless diets, the wrong diet, stressful situations, and numerous other living conditions that may or may not be related to digestion.
Any negative factors can significantly aggravate smooth muscle contractions, and instead of undulating contractions, unhe althy spasms can occur. And then these spasms will become a prerequisite for cutting pains in the abdomen.

Acute appendicitis
The cause of pain in the stomach and temperature can be appendicitis, which is scientifically called inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the caecum. Acute appendicitis is a dangerous disease, in some cases it can be fatal (in cases of severe peritonitis).
Acute appendicitis can make itself felt with a sharp cutting annoying pain that occurs first in the navel, and then instantly (however, the rate of pain spread is very individual) spreads throughout the abdomen. After a certain number of hours, the cutting pain is concentrated in one area (most often this is the area of localization of pain in appendicitis - the right iliac zone).
If the cause of severe pain in the stomach is inflammation of the appendix, then in most situations, in addition to pain, vomiting and nausea occur. Often there is a fever (the temperature reflex is individual, but in some cases the fever can rise to crisis levels). Often this situation is accompanied by dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
If such pain suddenly and quickly stops, it is rather a reason for moreanxiety, as it may be a rupture of the wall of the appendix. Inflammation itself poses a significant threat to life.
That is, only a timely visit to the doctor, up-to-date diagnostics and timely surgical intervention can ensure a favorable outcome of this disease.

Rezi in the stomach during pregnancy
Often in the stomach during pregnancy there are feelings of discomfort, cramps. In ordinary people, this is an indicator of gastritis or ulcers, but during pregnancy this phenomenon is standard, as the uterus grows and begins to press on the internal organs. Of course, if during pregnancy other signs are added to the cuts, namely diarrhea, nausea and fever, then you need to go to the doctor for an examination to determine the real root cause.
If the doctor does not find any diseases, then a woman in position will be required to drink a special course of medications, which the doctor will prescribe, as well as follow the established diet in order to balance acidity and relieve a lump in the throat, heartburn, cramps and other signs. During pregnancy, self-treatment, including by national methods, is prohibited, otherwise complications or premature birth may occur.
If a girl is not in a position and she has abdominal cramps, a lump in her throat appears, then the reproductive system is considered the root cause. Signs may be due to failures of the monthly cycle. Many pregnant women have an ovarian cyst or uterine tumor. Notit is necessary to discard the manifestation of signs due to an infection that is sexually transmitted. Cutting in the right side or left, in the middle of the abdomen may be due to stress or unrest.

What to do with pain in the stomach?
Often, abdominal discomfort appears unexpectedly. Faced with this difficulty, no one is in a hurry for specialized medical care, preferring to be treated on their own. There are situations when going to the doctor is impossible. In this case, it is allowed to accept:
- antispasmodics - "Drotaverine", "Buscopan" will remove painful spasms, have a slight disinfecting effect;
- enzymes - "Mikrazim", "Creon" can help with pancreatitis, improve the digestion process;
- if the root cause of pain is malnutrition, resulting in diarrhea and indigestion, Omeprazole, Ranitidine can help; substances contribute to the restoration and renewal of the inflamed gastric mucosa;
- Antacids - "Phosphalugel", "Maalox", "Almagel" are ready to neutralize the hydrochloric acid contained in the gastric secretion, the substances can help with pain pain caused by exacerbation of gastritis;
- in case of poisoning, adsorbents - "Polysorb", "Filtrum", "Enterosgel" can help; drugs in this category remove toxins from the intestinal tract, inhibit diarrhea.
Strictly prohibited
For various reasons, cuts instomach and intestines prohibited:
- apply heating pads and hot compresses to the abdominal area;
- do rubbing;
- put cleansing enemas;
- eat large amounts of food - it is better to refuse food intake.

When should I visit a doctor?
If the problem appeared and went away without the help of a doctor, there is no particular reason for concern at all. With a periodic resumption of pain, you should go to a specialist. The attending physician will prescribe a suitable study, if necessary, therapy. Treating repeated cramps at home is unacceptable.
The main symptoms that serve as a signal for immediate medical attention:
- painful cramps, accompanied by repeated vomiting of the color of coffee grounds, have every chance of talking about internal hemorrhage;
- dark feces - an indicator of intestinal bleeding;
- fever, diarrhea, cramps spreading through the abdomen - a criterion for appendicitis, intestinal infections;
- a sharp dagger pain can indicate a rupture of an ulcer and incipient peritonitis (inflammation and infection of the stomach).
Folk recipes
Folk treatments are based on herbal medicine and the use of other harmless ingredients - honey, aloe juice, plantain. Decoctions and infusions of herbs, despite the natural origin, it is more correct to take after consulting a doctor, as part of complex therapy.
Populartraditional medicine recipes:
- chamomile infusion (1 sachet per glass of hot water) will help soothe the inflamed mucosa and relieve spasms, normalize digestion; it is more correct to take chamomile in the intervals between meals, 50 milliliters 5-6 times a day;
- aloe juice is a good cure for ulcers and duodenitis, it is allowed to use pharmaceutical or collected juice from the leaves of the plant; the method of administration is simple - 10 milliliters 10–15 minutes before meals;
- a mixture of honey and plantain juice can perfectly help with indigestion and severe cramps; for manufacturing, it is necessary to stir liquid honey and juice of plantain leaves in equal amounts, boil and cool; consume 10 milliliters 25-40 minutes before meals.