X-ray of the brain: reasons for the appointment, possible contraindications, description of the procedure, decoding

X-ray of the brain: reasons for the appointment, possible contraindications, description of the procedure, decoding
X-ray of the brain: reasons for the appointment, possible contraindications, description of the procedure, decoding

The brain is an extremely important organ. In many cases, X-ray examination is the only diagnostic method that allows you to assess its condition and identify the presence of a pathological process at the earliest stage of the development of the disease. Based on the results, the doctor can draw up a treatment regimen, and then evaluate the degree of its effectiveness.

The essence of the method

X-ray of the brain is an instrumental diagnostic method that allows you to study in detail the state of the bone structures of the organ. Its essence is to assess the penetrating ability of tissues.

X-ray of the brain means irradiation of the organ. At the same time, the cells begin to absorb it to varying degrees. The X-ray radiation that has passed through the tissues has already different characteristics, which are fixed on a special plate.

The doctor can immediately see the result of the study on the monitor. An x-ray of the brain (the photo of the image is presented below) implies obtaining an imagein the form of a negative. In this case, the bone structures have light shades, and the cavities and soft tissues are light. Non-physiological blackouts indicate the presence of a pathological process.



An x-ray of the brain is prescribed to assess the condition of the skull only. If you need to analyze the functioning of the organ itself, you need to conduct a study such as MRI.

Many patients wonder if an X-ray shows a concussion. No, with the help of the study it is not possible to identify the presence of this pathological condition. This is again due to the fact that the x-ray is designed to assess the condition of the bone structures. A competent doctor determines the concussion according to the patient's complaints and clinical manifestations.

Indications for a brain x-ray:

  • Trembling in hands.
  • Head injuries.
  • Frequent episodes of darkness in the eyes.
  • Regular headaches.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • The presence of pain while chewing food.
  • Impaired vision and/or hearing.
  • Faints.
  • Suspicion of the development of the oncological process.
  • Progressive asymmetry of the facial bones.
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the skull bones that are congenital.

X-ray of the brain is contraindicated in pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. If there is a vital need, the doctor correlates the benefits of the study and possiblerisks.

X-ray of the brain
X-ray of the brain

What shows

X-ray of the brain is a diagnostic method with which it is possible to detect the presence of the following conditions and diseases:

  • Osteoporosis.
  • Cys.
  • Congenital deformities of the skull.
  • Brain herniations.
  • Tumours. An x-ray of the brain can reveal both benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Intracranial hyper- and hypotension.
  • Osteosclerosis.
  • Hematomas.
  • Osteoma.
  • Meningioma.
  • Fractures.
  • Calcification.
  • Inflammatory processes in the sinuses.
  • The presence of pathologies of a secondary nature.
  • Accumulation of fluid in the skull.

Most often, the study is appointed after receiving various kinds of injuries. In second place is an x-ray of a brain tumor.

Pathologies of the brain
Pathologies of the brain


Neither the regimen of the day, nor the diet, nor other factors can affect the condition of bone structures on the eve of the study. In this regard, before the X-ray of the brain, you do not need to follow any specific rules. A few minutes before the examination, the doctor describes the essence of the method and warns that the patient will receive a small amount of radiation.

Algorithm for carrying out

The procedure is carried out in the X-ray room. Initially, the patient must remove jewelry, other metal objects, glasses and dentures (if they have a removable design).

Nextthe research algorithm is as follows:

  • A man takes a seat in an x-ray machine. After that, he assumes a sitting or lying position (depending on the design of the apparatus).
  • The doctor puts protective equipment on the patient. Hands, torso and lower limbs are covered with a special apron. The material from which it is made does not transmit x-rays.
  • The patient's head is fixed with special devices (fasteners or bandages). This is due to the fact that during the study it must be motionless. Some clinics use cloth bags filled with sand to fix the head.
  • The doctor takes an x-ray. There may also be several. For example, during an x-ray of a tumor, the doctor takes pictures in different projections. This is necessary to obtain the most complete information about the pathology and draw up the most effective treatment regimen.

The duration of the procedure is several minutes. The study is not accompanied by the occurrence of pain and other discomfort in patients.

The doctor's consultation
The doctor's consultation

Peculiarities of conducting in children

Indications for the study are the same as in adults. However, they try to prescribe an X-ray of the brain to a child only in case of emergency. This is due to the fact that the physiology of babies proceeds in a completely different way than in adults. The body is only being formed and is very sensitive to the impact of any negative factors. In other words, what is relatively harmless to an adultperson, it can be dangerous for a child. That is why doctors try to prescribe X-rays less often so that the body of babies is not irradiated.

The difficulty lies in the fact that other instrumental diagnostic methods cannot be considered as alternatives. For example, with the help of MRI it is impossible to assess the state of the bone structures of the skull, and ultrasound is not able to penetrate absolutely into all areas.

If an x-ray of the brain is a vital necessity, then it is carried out, but precautionary measures are increased several times. The child's body is wrapped in lead aprons to minimize the risk of exposure to other organs.

Young children are almost impossible to get to stay still for several minutes. In such cases, it is advisable to administer the drug, after which the child will have a drug-induced sleep for some time.

X-ray of the brain for children
X-ray of the brain for children


The study is carried out using an X-ray machine. This is a setup that consists of the following items:

  • Power supply.
  • X-ray tubes (there may also be several).
  • A device designed to transform radiation that has passed through tissues.
  • Devices for converting the flow of light beams.
  • Devices that can be used to move radiation sources if necessary.

X-ray machines can be mobile, fixed and portable. Modern devices are equipped with a digital radiation meter. Therebytranslucence of the organs becomes not constant, but pulsating. As a result, the patient receives the minimum dose of radiation.

Possible risks

The technique is considered relatively safe. Doctors have determined the maximum degree of radiation that the body can receive without risk. The dose from one procedure is as much as a person would receive, relaxing on the beach on a sunny day for an hour. And this is only 5% of the figure calculated by doctors.

In critical situations (for example, if the patient's life depends on the result of the study), specialists increase the dose. This is necessary in order to get the most clear picture and to identify the development of the pathological process. But even in this case, a brain x-ray is a relatively safe study.

Children are the exception. The smaller the body size, the higher the radiation dose. In addition, an additional risk is created for the work of other internal organs. The child's body is constantly in the stage of active formation and growth. If at this time to influence him with X-rays, there will be a risk of developing all kinds of anomalies. That is why such a study of the brain is carried out only if there is a threat to the life of the baby. The procedure should always be carried out with a preliminary increase in security measures.

X-ray unit
X-ray unit

Interpretation of results

The speed of obtaining images and their clarity directly depend on the type of X-ray machine. If the unit is equipped with a digital instrument, images can be outputpatient on the same day. However, most often they are provided on electronic media. It takes about half an hour for a doctor to decipher the study in a private medical institution and up to 3 days in a public one.

If an x-ray of the brain was taken using an analog setup, the specialist needs additional time to develop the image on film. In this case, the clarity of the image will be lower than that of those received on a digital device.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor fills out the study protocol. The specialist evaluates the shape of the skull bones and sutures, their size and thickness. The doctor also analyzes the vascular pattern. A specialist may suspect the development of a pathological process by evaluating the tones and semitones of the image. For example, darkening in the image may indicate the development of an inflammatory process or oncology.

Where to do it

X-ray of the brain is an instrumental diagnostic method, which is carried out both in private and public medical institutions. This is a widespread study. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 of all medical institutions have the necessary equipment.

In private clinics, it is enough to pre-register for the procedure. In this case, you can simply call in advance by phone and choose the most convenient time. In public clinics, you must first issue a referral from a general practitioner or attending physician of a different specialization. As a rule, in budgetary institutions, the procedure is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Snapshot of the headbrain
Snapshot of the headbrain


X-ray of the brain is an examination that has an affordable price. In private clinics, its cost is, on average, 1000 rubles. The minimum price of the method is 600 rubles. Regarding the availability of the service and its cost, you must find out directly at the registry of the selected medical institution. However, it is important to know that the price of a brain x-ray does not exceed 1,500 rubles.

You can take the study for free. To do this, you must first contact the local therapist, who will issue a referral. To undergo the procedure, it is enough to present an insurance medical policy.

Reviews of doctors

X-ray of the brain is a study that currently has no analogues. In some cases (when the degree of possible risk outweighs the benefit), doctors prescribe an MRI or ultrasound of the organ. However, with the help of magnetic resonance imaging it is impossible to assess the state of the bone structures of the skull. In the process of ultrasound, ultrasound does not penetrate into all areas, due to which the overall picture becomes incomplete. According to reviews, doctors prescribe a study even in dangerous situations, if it is impossible to identify the disease by other methods and, accordingly, correctly draw up a treatment regimen.

Contrary to popular belief, X-ray does not show concussion. Doctors explain it as follows. A concussion is a form of trauma characterized by brief contact between the brain and the skull. As a result, there is a change in the chemical or physical properties of neurons. In addition, there is a temporary break in the message betweensynapses, which leads to the development of functional disorders. In other words, the substance of the brain and nerve fibers are damaged.

If the integrity of the bone structures is not broken, the disease will not be detected in the picture. An X-ray is not needed to detect a concussion. The pathological condition is detected on the basis of examination of the patient and his clinical manifestations. In severe cases, an MRI may be ordered.

In closing

X-ray of the brain is an instrumental diagnostic method. With its help, it is possible to identify pathologies at an early stage of their development. The study is assigned to assess the state of bone structures, as well as to detect neoplasms.

X-ray is a relatively safe procedure. In all cases, before it is carried out, the patient's body is covered with lead aprons that do not transmit radiation. Precautions are heightened if an x-ray is required for a child.
