Thoracic contusion on the right or left, associated with sports, domestic and industrial reasons, is a common occurrence in traumatology. A bruise is the consequence of any collision of soft tissue with a hard, non-sharp object. A bruised chest can be the result of a fall. There are different degrees of severity of injuries, since not only the skin or costal bones, but also lung tissues can be damaged. In particularly difficult cases, the heart muscle is endangered: the most unpleasant consequences are possible - up to a traumatic heart attack. Only a specialist can determine how serious the bruise is, so you should not hesitate to visit the doctor.

How can I tell if my chest is bruised?
Symptomatology of chest contusion is quite unambiguous. When exhaling and inhaling, there is increasing pain. At the site of injury, small hemorrhages and swelling may appear, and in more complex cases, a hematoma. On palpation, severe pain is manifested, which may indicate a possible fracture of the ribs. With strong blows, loss of consciousness and respiratory arrest are likely, as well as a drop in blood pressure, indicating heart failure. A symptom of damage to the pleura is the appearance of subcutaneous emphysema. In addition, if the chest is bruised, closed ruptures of organs and tissues, bone fractures are likely.
Chest bruise and broken ribs

A bruised chest is not so scary, much worse if the ribs break at the same time. This is a fairly common situation, especially when it comes to older people, whose skeletal system is very vulnerable due to age-related changes. Rib fractures can cause hemothorax and pneumothorax. Emphysema also poses a danger: with it, the lung is compressed by the air accumulated in the pleura, which shifts the mediastinum to the unaffected side. As a rule, if the chest is bruised, emphysema resolves on its own and surgery is not required. Hemothorax is formed when the vessels between the ribs are damaged, when a lung ruptures, bleeding. It can be bilateral, which can lead to a danger to life. Unilateral usually resolves on its own, sometimes with a course of antibiotics. Pneumothorax is much more dangerous: it can be open, closed and valvular. Air entering the pleural cavity can lead to pathologies of the broncho-pulmonary system, up to the appearance of oncology.
You have a bruised chest: what to do?

As already mentioned, only a specialist can determine the degree of danger, so the first thing you should do is consult a doctor for a diagnosis andtreatment prescription. If the chest is bruised, it is possible to apply a tight bandage from independent actions, which will help reduce pain. The victim needs complete rest, as well as cold compresses applied to the injury site every 20-30 minutes. For severe pain, pain medication is acceptable, but in no case should it replace a visit to the doctor.