What to do if the gums have fallen?

What to do if the gums have fallen?
What to do if the gums have fallen?

There is such a violation in dentistry - the gums have fallen. How to treat this disease, you must know, as it can provoke loosening and tooth loss. This disease is a displacement of the gums from the neck of the tooth to its surface. Often the disease proceeds without obvious signs of inflammation. The only exception is a violation when the root of the tooth is exposed during the course of periodontitis.

Main reasons

So, more details. If the gum has fallen, the reason for this may not be a large enough area of \u200b\u200battachment to the neck of the tooth. In this case, absolutely any traumatic factors can provoke its displacement. In addition, among the main factors of the problem, the following can be distinguished:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • hypothyroidism.
the gum has fallen
the gum has fallen

The disease can develop due to malocclusion, which leads to injury to the gums during chewing, and also prevents normal brushing. Important in the development of anomalies is the accumulation of pathogens and the formation of deposits on the teeth. Violation can be observed after treatmentteeth.

Types of receding gums

But in order. The gums have fallen, teeth are loose, aching pain - all these signs can often disturb patients. Such a disease is divided into several types, classified according to such criteria as:

  • spread of the pathological process;
  • severity;
  • presence of a causal factor.

According to the spread of the pathological process - it can affect one or several teeth at once. In addition, such a violation can cover the entire oral cavity. By the presence of a causative factor, the disease is divided into symptomatic, physiological, traumatic.

Main symptoms

Next. If the gum has fallen, the symptoms of this disease are quite obvious. Therefore, it is possible to detect the problem in time and take appropriate measures immediately. Among the initial signs of the disease, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • pain in the root of the tooth;
  • inflammation and redness of the gums;
  • bleeding gums.
if the gums are down and hurt than to treat
if the gums are down and hurt than to treat

If timely action is not taken, the symptoms will increase even more. At the same time, teeth begin to loosen, bad breath appears, and a strong inflammatory process is also observed. In almost all cases, this condition is accompanied by sensitivity of the teeth, because if the gums recede, the teeth are exposed and become more susceptible to external factors. If you experience unpleasant symptoms, you should immediatelysee a doctor for treatment.

Performing therapy

It is important to know how to treat if the gums have sunk and hurt, as it is important to provide timely assistance. There are several different methods of treatment, such as:

  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • orthodontic;
  • surgical;
  • use of folk remedies.

Drug treatment is characterized by the use of various vitamins, hormonal, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory drugs. The choice of drugs must be made by the attending physician, taking into account the main causes of problems.

when the gums have fallen, you can return it back
when the gums have fallen, you can return it back

If the gums have fallen, physiotherapy techniques are used for treatment. Which? Those that help lift the gum and prevent its subsequent omission. For this purpose, apply:

  • electrophoresis;
  • oxygen treatment;
  • ultrasound therapy.

The most effective physiotherapy techniques in combination with other areas of treatment. When the gum has fallen, you can return it back by correcting this violation. Depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the installation of an artificial crown, implant or wearing braces may be indicated.

If the destruction of the gums is too advanced and the mobility of the teeth has become too strong, the only possible method of therapy is surgicalintervention. A good result can be obtained with the use of alternative therapy, however, such methods can be used only if the pathological changes have not gone too far.

Medicated treatment

If the gums have fallen due to tartar, symptomatic therapy involves the removal of various deposits, splinting, filling. And that's not it. With a strong sensitivity of the teeth, deep fluoridation and elimination of enamel defects are carried out. In some cases, a filling material of the appropriate shade is used.

receded gums due to tartar
receded gums due to tartar

In the presence of an inflammatory process, surgical cleaning is performed. Additionally, rinsing with antiseptics is prescribed, in particular, such as Octenidine, Miramistin, Listerine. The use of antimicrobial agents such as Sebidin, Grammidin is shown. In the absence of contraindications, immunomodulators are prescribed. It is recommended to use vitamin complexes with calcium.

Treatment with folk remedies

Other options. If the gum has fallen, traditional medicine will also help to cope with this problem. Very well help drugs such as:

  • tincture of calamus and propolis;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • plant juice;
  • walnut shell.
sagging gums staggering teeth aching pain
sagging gums staggering teeth aching pain

You can make home remedies for brushing your teeth and massaging your gums. To do this, you can use tooth powder, s alt, soda. Goodhelp to cope with the disease home-made ointments. It is not at all difficult to choose the necessary option. Special compresses with aloe will help eliminate inflammation and cope with gum prolapse.


The operation is aimed at restoring the gums and closing the exposed area of the tooth. Flap surgery is considered the standard method of therapy. Separate flaps help close the defect of the tooth.

If gingival atrophy is too severe, a gingival autograft is used. The implant is obtained from a portion of the hard palate. This technique is much worse tolerated by patients and threatens with scarring.

Contraindications for surgery

Complete elimination of gum prolapse is possible only with the help of surgical intervention. However, there are a number of specific contraindications to the operation, in particular, such as:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • presence of somatic diseases;
  • complex inflammatory processes;
  • anesthetic intolerance.
dentistry than to treat the gums sank
dentistry than to treat the gums sank

All these contraindications are relative. That is why you should definitely consult a doctor.


In order to prevent the occurrence of this disease, it is imperative to adhere to certain rules. If the bite is broken, the problem must be corrected as soon as possible, as this can lead not only to receding gums, but also to many other problems.

Very importantobserve oral hygiene, use a soft brush to brush your teeth. In addition, it is not recommended to abuse sweet foods, as they lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.
