One of the indicators of a woman's reproductive he alth is a stable menstrual cycle. If there is an imbalance in the body, then menstruation may suddenly stop. Temporary amenorrhea is a sign of various pathologies - from simple overwork to hormonal failure in the body. Often the gynecologist prescribes "Duphaston" according to the instructions for use when menstruation is delayed. This drug helps to regulate and even restore the cycle.
What is Duphaston?
The drug belongs to the medicinal subgroup of drugs on a hormonal basis. The main active ingredient is dydrogesterone, synthesized artificially. This substance is a complete analogue of natural progesterone.

"Dufaston" is prescribed for various female pathologies, which are accompanied by hormonal disorders. Usually appointmentis performed after a full examination and testing, but in some cases, when visual signs indicate a lack of progesterone, the doctor may prescribe the woman to take the drug without detecting hormone levels. However, he must first clarify whether Duphaston suppresses ovulation.
Therapeutic action
The drug is preferred to other drugs, because under the influence of a natural analogue of progesterone, there is no change in thermogenesis, basal temperature. This indicator is used to determine the day of ovulation. When taking the drug, it can be measured as before.
Another undoubted advantage is that "Dufaston" does not affect the metabolic processes occurring in the body, and does not affect liver function. The main component (dydrogesterone) has a similar structure to natural progesterone. However, after conducting clinical trials, it was found that Duphaston does not cause negative effects that may occur while taking other modern synthetic progesterone-type medicines.
The drug also lacks androgenic, anabolic, cardioid, estrogenic effects. If the doctor prescribed "Duphaston" during a delay in menstruation, then the medicine has a positive effect on the level of lipids in the blood of the patient. The absence of androgenic properties suggests that after long-term use, the symptoms that occur with the use of other steroid hormones will not appear.
During ingestion, selective properties occurdihydrotestosterone on the endometrium in the uterus. This helps prevent hyperplasia and carcinogenesis. These diseases are often provoked by increased production of estrogen. It should be borne in mind that while taking "Duphaston" there is no contraceptive effect.
When prescribing the drug, the selective effect that it has on the progestin receptors of the uterine mucosa is taken into account. Due to its similarity with a natural hormone, the level of excitability of the myometrium is significantly reduced along with the contractile activity of the uterus. Before you find out if Duphaston suppresses ovulation, you need to consider that it has an individual effect on the body. Therefore, it is difficult to unambiguously predict what the consequences and side effects will be.
The main reason why the doctor prescribes the use of Duphaston is a critical lack of the hormone progesterone. This pathology can provoke the following diseases and conditions:
- endometriosis - the occurrence of foci of the endometrium outside the uterus;
- threatened miscarriage due to low endogenous progesterone levels;
- primary and secondary infertility due to luteal insufficiency (decrease in the functional activity of the corpus luteum of the ovary);
- premenstrual syndrome associated with severe pain, mood swings and other functional changes in the female body;
- secondary amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation, which appeared after a disease of the reproductive system;
- dysmenorrhea is a violationregular menses;
- uterine bleeding of various etiologies.

In addition, the drug can be prescribed by a gynecologist if hormone replacement therapy is needed. It is administered when it is necessary to neutralize the increased effect of the hormone estrogen on the endometrium. Often an effect such as natural or induced postmenopause occurs after surgery, so hormonal treatment is required.
Consultation of a doctor before taking the drug is essential. Your he althcare professional will help you determine the exact dosage. He will be able to determine if there are contraindications for taking the drug. You can not use "Dufaston" if there are the following pathologies:
- hypersensitivity to dihydrotesterone;
- hepatosis - severe liver disease;
- Rotor and Dubin-Johnson syndrome.
If the drug has never been taken before, it is recommended to start the course with a minimum dosage. Then, in the presence of allergic intolerance, it will be possible to avoid negative consequences.
Side effects
When the wrong dosage is chosen or there is an allergy to the components of Duphaston, various side effects may appear. They affect different organs and systems. The main ones are:
- pain in the liver;
- disorders in the gallbladder;
- yellowing of the skin;
- paroxysmal headache;
- breast hypersensitivity;
- urticaria;
- puffiness;
- uterine bleeding;
- hemolytic anemia leading to increased destruction of red blood cells.

If uterine bleeding occurs during the reception, you should immediately go to the hospital. Also, with other side effects, the doctor should adjust the dosage of Duphaston. Usually a slight increase in the dose leads to a stop of unwanted bleeding and a decrease in the sensitivity of the mammary glands.
As for allergic reactions, these manifestations should immediately alert, because they indicate hypersensitivity to the main component. In rare cases, an effect such as Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock was observed. If these signs appear, you need to stop taking "Duphaston" and consult a doctor about the selection of an analogue. Such side effects are the reason for not taking the drug.
Mechanism of action
Often, women with irregular cycles are prescribed "Dufaston". The mechanism of action of the drug is simple. Synthetic hormone performs the functions of natural progesterone. Therefore, if there is a shortage of it in the body of a woman, the substance will contribute to the proper development of the inner layers of the uterus. If these membranes, called the endometrium, are of normal thickness, the patient will be able to become pregnant without problems and bear a he althy child. Therefore, the long-awaited pregnancy after the cancellation of "Duphaston" is more likely.

During the development of the phases of the menstrual cycle, the endometrial membrane begins to grow and thicken. This mechanism is laid down by nature for better attachment of a fertilized egg on the wall of the uterus. If the whole process went without pathologies, then a high level of the hormone is needed so that the endometrium is maintained in a normal state. When the embryo fails to attach to the wall of the uterus, the percentage of progesterone in the blood begins to decrease, and the endometrium comes out along with bloody discharge.
Effect on ovulation
Most doctors, when asked by women whether Duphaston suppresses ovulation or not, give a negative answer. The drug, prescribed in the correct dosage, cannot have a negative effect on the production of the egg. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to take more than 30 mg of the drug daily. This dose of the hormone under the influence of various factors can adversely affect the reproductive function.

To check if Dufaston suppresses ovulation or not, a scientific experiment was carried out. Doctors took several women under observation. They studied how they develop the process of egg maturation. If the patient had insufficiency of the luteal phase, into which the egg is released from the follicle, she was prescribed this drug. During the next cycle, Duphaston continued to be taken. An ovulation test and an ultrasound machine tracked how the egg is released from the follicle after maturation. In 99% of cases, the process occurred without pathologies andensured successful implantation. Therefore, when asked if there can be ovulation after Duphaston, the doctor will only answer in the affirmative.
How to use
"Duphaston" refers to drugs that can be taken both before and after meals. One tablet contains 10 mg of dydrogesterone. When prescribing, the doctor takes into account all the factors that influenced the development of pathologies, so an individual dose is prescribed for each patient.
There is a standard instruction for the use of "Dufaston" with a delay in menstruation. The drug in this case is prescribed one tablet 2 times a day. The pills are taken from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle. If a woman has amenorrhea, then treatment is prescribed according to the same scheme, while taking estrogen medications. It should be borne in mind that during therapy with Duphaston it is not recommended to drink any alcoholic beverages.

When the cycle is restored
Many patients are interested in how quickly menstruation will improve after Duphaston, after how many days menstruation will come. Doctors advise not to rush to stop using the medicine - the duration of therapy can be completely different. The recommended duration of the course is from 1 to 5 months. If the violations are caused by small functional solutions, everything is restored already on the third day after the drug is stopped.
Sometimes, periods can come before the end of the course of treatment. However, in this case, it is recommended to continue taking, notdeviating from the scheme prescribed by the doctor. This is necessary in order for the hormonal background of a woman to normalize completely.
When observing the prescribed dosage and following the rules for taking the patient, they notice the relationship between Duphaston and ovulation. The reviews left about the medicine prescribed in the absence of menstruation are positive. The drug is effective in most cases. Women write that they asked the gynecologist in advance whether Duphaston suppresses ovulation. Separately, patients note the affordable price of the drug, which is affordable for many categories of the population.

Despite the fact that the medicine has only one active ingredient, "Dufaston" perfectly copes with various problems of the female body, helping to conceive and bear a he althy child. Doctors who prescribe the drug recommend not to make an independent appointment and contact the clinic so that the dosage is correctly selected.