The topic of worms is inconvenient and uncomfortable for many. Many people choose to think they don't have parasites because they wash their hands before eating or don't come into contact with animals. Regrettably, but such self-hypnosis does not help get rid of the problem. The World He alth Organization announced that about 3 billion annually become infected with helminthic invasions, these are the data that were received officially.
Infection occurs not only from animals, moreover, 80% of animals become infected from their owners! Animals are periodically prophylactic, because they walk on the street and sometimes eat raw meat. And the owners think about themselves that they are clean enough and they don’t have such problems.
Parasite and people

Worms feel very comfortable in the human body. They get there when hygiene standards are not observed and after contact with animals. Unwashed vegetables and fruits are also a source of infection, they must be washed thoroughly. Fish and meat products should always be cooked.
Livehelminths are not only in the intestines, absolutely all parts of the human body are suitable for them. Worms can also live in the lungs of a person. Although this is rare, it still exists, and not only in adults, but also in children. Naturally, such cohabitants are harmful to the body, only the manifestations can be similar to other diseases that are usually treated. And the true cause remains unidentified, and the problem is not solved.
What symptoms can tell if there are parasites in the lungs?
Because it is not so easy to detect worms in the lungs, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. If treatment is not carried out on time, then pathological changes can occur in the kidneys, and in the brain, and in the cardiovascular system. Why does the parasite settle in the lungs? And everything is very simple - in this place he finds a favorable environment for himself, where there is enough food, and he does not need anything else. Immediately after infection, you can not feel anything and not even know that worms live in the lungs of a person. Symptoms may appear much later.
Worms living in the lungs

Parasites choose comfortable habitats for themselves, although they live in different parts of the body. The most common worms in the lungs are roundworms. They can live throughout the body, they are infected through food. Once in the stomach, they are absorbed into the lining of the intestines and stomach, through the bloodstream and lymph are carried throughout the body, including the lungs.
When a person coughs, they come out, but ifa person swallowed saliva again, then the worms again end up in the stomach.
Another type of worms in the lungs are alveococci and echinococci. They cannot immediately affect the pulmonary system, because they have a specific protective shell. It dissolves only thanks to the enzymes of the digestive system. When the cocoon breaks down and they are released, they are transported with lymph and blood to the liver and lungs.
Toxoplasmosis causes a disease called toxoplasmosis. This simplest microorganism affects the spinal cord, the visual apparatus, and the liver.
Another type of parasite is pork tapeworm. In a he althy person, it can live long enough in the intestines, where it initially enters. If there are disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and masses from the intestine enter the stomach, then larvae are formed there. They migrate into the oral cavity. So a person infects himself. As soon as the worm hits the mucous membranes, it also reaches the lungs through the blood and lymph. This causes great damage to human he alth, because pork tapeworms multiply in the pulmonary system and form fibrous capsules. This leads to the formation of cysts and cysticercosis.
Common symptoms of patients with helminthic invasions

If a person is infected with ascaris, he may feel tired, he will be bothered by itching in the anus. It occurs when the female worm lays eggs. With alveococci and echinococci, rashes can occur that are similar to allergic ones. Palpation of the chest sometimes causes painsensations.
When infected with ascaris, weakness and nausea, vomiting and frustration appear. These worms in the lungs can reach several meters.
Usually, the patient perceives the defeat of helminths of the lungs as a cold or a common disorder. But besides these, there are other manifestations of the fact that there are worms in the lungs of a person. Symptoms in the early stages of infection are generally absent. Usually, the diagnosis is made by chance during a physical examination and x-rays.
Every detail counts

Sometimes a number of signs still leads experts to the idea that a person has worms in his lungs. Symptoms can be manifested by pain in the chest, allergic reactions. The person is suffering from coughing spells and shortness of breath.
The defecation process is disturbed, either constipation or diarrhea occurs. The patient quickly gets tired, and his body temperature is elevated. Appetite may decrease, as a result, weight is lost. In some cases, vision drops. Different and similar signs can cause different worms in the lungs in a person. Symptoms, treatment are known to the doctor. All reactions of the body to foreign life inside will be negative, because these organisms secrete their waste products inside a person and poison him.
Complaints of patients with alveococcosis and echinococcosis are expressed by shortness of breath, vomiting, nausea, dry cough. Often the head hurts and cyanosis of the lips is manifested. How a person feels depends on the number of capsules and their maturity. If they reach large sizes, then the bronchicompressed, causing respiratory failure.
If the bubble bursts, then the larvae in large numbers will spread throughout the body. This can be fatal, because there is a strong intoxication of the body.
Life cycles of parasites

Prophylaxis should be carried out regularly, because a person does not know whether he has become infected or not, and in order to prevent severe helminthic invasions, this issue must be controlled. Treatment of worms in the lungs is carried out in other ways, it is not enough to drink one pill. Ascaris is easier to destroy when it is in the intestines than when it has penetrated into the tissues. Without lungs, roundworm cannot continue its life cycle, although it does not live there permanently. In the intestines, the eggs of the worms become larvae, and already they travel through the bloodstream through the organs. (liver, heart and then lungs).
Movement inside the body
The embryo matures for 2 weeks, and then through the respiratory tract it enters the oral cavity. The person swallows the parasites back into the intestines, where they multiply further and lay new eggs.
Usually all the movements of the worms occur at night, so during this period there may be a strong cough. A patient with pinworms feels itching in the anus in the evening, when the female lays eggs.
Toxocara reaches 18 mm and lives not only in the lungs, but in the eyes, liver and brain. If the worm is localized in the lungs, then the person will have a dry cough and shortness of breath, similar to bronchial asthma.

Correct Diagnosis
If, with all the symptoms, there is an assumption that the worms in the lungs of a person, treatment is carried out only after this assumption has been confirmed. There are a number of studies that the doctor suggests to conduct: X-ray of the lungs, ultrasound. You can also apply computed tomography and scanning of the pulmonary system. In some cases, laparoscopy is performed. Thanks to hardware diagnostics, it is also possible to detect cysts, accumulation of fluid and tumors, and not just helminthic invasions.
Such a diagnosis is simply necessary if there is a suspicion of an accumulation of worms in some organ. If you donate blood for analysis and worm eggs are found in it, it will still be unknown where they are localized. Stool analysis reveals the presence of parasite eggs that live in the intestinal tract. There is no doubt that it is terrible to have worms in your lungs. Photos of these parasites in the human body cause the most unpleasant emotions, let alone people who have to deal with this.
How to heal?
If the suspicions turned out to be correct and after the examination it was confirmed that there is an infection, then the doctor will offer ways to remove the worms from the lungs.
Lung worms are treated with an integrated approach. This is mainly traditional therapy and in some cases folk remedies. Depending on the type of parasites, drugs are selected, here the general condition of the person is taken into account, there may be contraindications for some drugs. In some cases, surgery is indicated.
First of all, traditional treatment is carried out. There are a number of drugs that are used most often: Escazol, Albendazole, Mebendazole, Zentel, Praziquantel. After taking the drugs according to the scheme, hepatoprotectors are prescribed to support the liver, and drugs to strengthen the immune system.
Medications can be prescribed as needed to normalize the digestive system and cleanse the body of toxins. Just because you should not drink these drugs, because they have a lot of contraindications. The body can suffer from intoxication, because it is not easy to remove dead parasites from the lungs. Surgical intervention can also be performed, at the present time it is not so problematic. A thin probe is inserted into the respiratory organs, at its end there is a miniature tool that can pull out the helminth.
Recipes of traditional medicine

Not everyone wants to be treated with traditional medicine, because such treatment takes much more time and not all recipes have a miraculous effect. But if you combine such treatment with the traditional one, you can hope for a favorable result.
To combat parasites living in tissues, you can use this recipe. Two small onions need to be crushed to a state of gruel and pour boiling water. The water should completely cover it. Everything should be infused for two days, and then take the resulting remedy for 4 days in a row on an empty stomach. Portionstwo bulbs last for two days.
You can also drink a decoction of wormwood, cook it according to the recipe described on the package. It tastes very unpleasant and bitter.
If the parasites are in the lungs, then inhalations based on wormwood are effective. It can be made from both dry wormwood and fresh. A dry plant is brewed, and gruel is made from green wormwood, and you need to breathe right over it. This method is not suitable for everyone, because parasites can begin to exit through the mouth when coughing. The very thought of such an exit horrifies people.
It's almost impossible to keep yourself from getting infected. Worm eggs are everywhere and are just "waiting" for the right opportunity to be inside a person or animal. There are basic precautions to reduce the risks a little. First of all, monitor your personal hygiene and teach children to do so. It is also not worth drinking water from unknown sources. You should not contact infected people and animals, but there is a certain difficulty here, you can not know that an animal or person is infected. Moreover, the sick person himself may not know that he is a carrier of worms.
All food must be handled properly. During treatment, you need to adhere to a certain diet, exclude sweet, fried and other foods that contribute to the life of parasites.