When it comes to electricity, you need to know the basic safety rules: the first conductor of current is metal and water. Dry your hands when using electrical appliances. Now metal household appliances, a microwave oven, an electric kettle, a pressure cooker, etc. are in fashion. If you have bought such equipment, first make sure that it is in good working order and free from factory defects. Only then can you use it at home. Since if this technique proves to be faulty, you can get an electric shock! Also, we must not forget the fact that any electrical device can fail. Take, for example, a washing machine. Each of us has seen an advertisement when a washing machine that becomes unusable is standing in a puddle of water. If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not immediately run to the typewriter and shrug! This can end much sadder than just a broken household appliance. First you need to disconnect it from the electrical network, and then see what the problem is!

You also need to consider that in every family there are children or they will be. First of all, you need to limit access to sockets as much as possible and put plugs. It is difficult for a child to explain that electricity is dangerous. Electric shock affects the human nervous system, even the most harmless discharge. And given the fact that the nervous system in children is constantly developing, then an electric shock affects more and leaves consequences.
Electric shock can have the following consequences: an increase in internal pressure, and the higher the voltage, the more internal pressure increases. For this reason, after an electric shock has occurred, the victim may bleed from the nose and mouth. Also, the victim may have foam on the lips. Sometimes there is a constriction of the respiratory tract (a person begins to suffocate), and even respiratory arrest. There is damage to soft tissues (burns), as well as their complete combustion. Electric shock entails damage not only to external tissues, but also to internal organs. First of all, the heart suffers, the heart rate can either increase or slow down, or the organ will stop altogether. Electrocution can cause arrhythmias and other cardiovascular problems.
First aid for an electric shock victim

If a person gets an electric shock, you need to turn off the power source as soon as possible. But at the same time, be careful not to fall under the influence of the current yourself. Turn off the breaker, if there is one nearby. If there was no knife switch,you can release the victim with a wooden beam or just a board, stick, but make sure they are dry enough to protect you from electric shock. You can also use plastic items, a plastic bag and rubber. After you have released the victim from the effects of electric current, you need to provide first aid. If the victim is unconscious and is bleeding from the nose or foaming from the mouth, the airway must be cleared.
Lay the victim on their side so that blood or foam comes out and does not collect in the airways. Check for a pulse and respiration, if they are absent, you need to do artificial respiration. CPR must be given until the casu alty can breathe on their own or until a medical professional arrives.