First aid for bruises

First aid for bruises
First aid for bruises

A bruise is a closed injury to tissues or internal organs while maintaining the integrity of the skin. As a rule, such an injury is a consequence of the mechanical influence of some damaging agent.

Bruises can occur when falling from a height, when struck with a hard blunt object, when squeezed between objects.

Clinic and symptoms of bruises

The bruise is manifested by a number of symptoms:

  1. Swelling. It appears due to the movement of inflammatory fluid, blood, lymph into the subcutaneous fat. The more the latter is at the site of damage, the more extensive the swelling will be.
  2. Bruising (bruising). Their prevalence will depend on the strength of the damaging agent. They can be either in the form of petechial hemorrhages or in the form of a hematoma.
  3. Pain. It is a consequence of tissue compression by inflammatory exudate.
  4. Violation of function.
Hematoma stages
Hematoma stages

Based onThe color of the bruise can be judged on the time that has passed since the date of the injury. In the first hours, the site of injury has a purple-red color, which then changes to purple-blue. After 5-6 days, this color changes first to brown-green, and then to yellowish.

Severity of bruises

Bruises can be classified by severity:

  • I degree. Clinical manifestations are mild, do not cause discomfort to a person. Recovery occurs in 3-4 days.
  • II degree. A bruise of this degree changes the normal functioning of a person. The pain is sharp, soft tissue injury leads to the formation of edema and hemorrhage.
  • III and IV degrees. Bruising severely limits the function of the damaged area. Muscles and tendons are severely injured.

First aid for bruises

First aid is a set of measures aimed at saving the he alth and even life of a person. Such assistance should be able to provide any person who was nearby when injured.

First aid for bruises is as follows:

  1. Cool the injury site. The cooling object can be frozen food from the refrigerator, ice, snow, a towel soaked in cold water, etc.
  2. If there are various damages to the skin - abrasions, scratches, they must be treated with antiseptic solutions - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine solution.
  3. Immobilization of the limb. In case of damage to the joint, it is necessary to immobilize the limb, for example, withbus.
  4. Elevate injured limb.
  5. Pain relief. With a strong pain syndrome, the patient can take an anesthetic from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Cold compress
Cold compress

Since the procedure for treating bruises depends on the location of the injury, it is necessary to consider each particular case.

Soft tissue injury

Under the soft tissues understand the muscle, subcutaneous fat layer and skin. When bruised, bruising and swelling are characteristic, since blood and inflammatory exudate tend to spread in soft tissues.

First aid for soft tissue bruises is to apply a cold compress. If the victim has scratches and abrasions, then the skin is treated, a sterile bandage is applied. Pain medications (NSAIDs) are used to reduce pain. They can be used orally in the form of tablets, topically in the form of ointments.

Damage to the skin of the leg
Damage to the skin of the leg

After reducing pain, you can do a light self-massage to reduce swelling. For resorption of hematomas, ointments are used, which include heparin or leech extract.

If you feel worse, as well as in the absence of improvement, you should consult a doctor for specialized help.

Bruised limbs

This injury is characterized by pain when moving, increasing swelling and bruising.

Hand bandage for injury
Hand bandage for injury

First aid for a bruised arm or leg includes cooling the injury site. A cold compress is applied immediately after injury for 10-15 minutes to prevent swelling. Damaged skin is treated with any antiseptic solution and covered with a sterile bandage. The injured limb is elevated.

In case of pain, measures to reduce pain are needed - taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The site of injury is treated with ointments based on NSAIDs, heparin.

If you suspect a violation of the integrity of the ligaments, damage to the joints, it is necessary to immobilize the limb and contact the trauma center or the surgical department.

Head injury

Head trauma is a rather serious pathology, as there is a high risk of brain damage.

With the usual bruise of soft tissues, the so-called bumps are formed, which arise as a result of impregnation of the subcutaneous fat with an inflammatory infiltrate. First aid for a head injury of this nature is to apply a cooling compress.

Bump on the head
Bump on the head

With a strong impact of a damaging agent, more serious damage is possible - subaponeurotic and subperiosteal hematomas, skull fractures, intracranial hematomas. Therefore, with severe bruises, you should always contact a specialist.

A serious consequence of a bruise is brain damage. Any violation of consciousness and well-being should be the reason for contactinghospital.

Bruised brain

This damage is the result of a traumatic brain injury, during which the brain structures are traumatized. The frontal and temporal lobes are most susceptible to damage.

Bruising of the brain is dangerous, as swelling of the brain is formed, which leads to the development of dislocation syndromes. Such syndromes include herniation of the cerebellar tonsils into the foramen magnum, temporo-tentorial displacements, and others.

The main symptoms of brain damage depend on the degree of injury.

  • Easy degree. Damage of this severity is characterized by loss or clouding of consciousness. The patient is in a stupor, cannot describe the events that led to the injury. Against the background of edema, intracranial pressure increases, which leads to dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Focal symptoms are not expressed, there is nystagmus, anisocoria.
  • Medium degree. As a rule, consciousness is absent for several hours. After consciousness has returned, the patient is practically in a stupor, in a stunned state. General cerebral symptoms are characteristic - headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, meningeal symptoms, as well as focal disorders. The patient may feel a violation of the sensitivity of certain parts of the body. There are deviations in the regulation of vital vital functions - respiratory failure, heart rate.
  • Severe degree. The patient is unconscious for several days. Violation of vital functions is characteristic - breathing, heartbeat, thermoregulation.

First aid for a brain injury is urgent hospitalization. While waiting for help, if the patient is unconscious, it is better to turn him over and lay him on his side. This action will prevent retraction of the tongue and aspiration of vomit. To reduce the rate of edema growth, it is advisable to give the head an elevated position. Be sure to monitor your breathing, pulse and pressure.

Bruised internal organs

Injury to internal organs is also a fairly severe pathology. Such damage is often the result of car accidents, falls from a height.

Internal organs can be damaged both in the abdominal cavity and in the chest.

Helping the patient in this case will be an urgent hospitalization. Before the arrival of the ambulance, the patient should be laid on his back, put on a tight bandage, apply cold. Before the arrival of specialists, it is better to refuse medical anesthesia, since taking drugs can change the clinical picture.

Bruised joints

The main symptom of joint damage is impaired mobility. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory infiltrate penetrates into the articular cavity. Due to swelling, the joint increases in size, taking on an elliptical shape. In order to reduce pain, the victim involuntarily bends the limb, fixing it in a forced position.

Knee injury
Knee injury

First aid for uncomplicated bruises is to apply a cold compress to the injury site. With more severeconditions, it is necessary to immobilize the limb, cool the site of injury. If necessary, give pain medication and contact a medical facility.

First aid for severe bruises

Typically, the treatment of severe bruises involves going to a specialist. Damage of this severity may be accompanied by accumulation of blood in the joints (hemarthrosis), extensive hematomas. Then you will need to perform a puncture to suck out blood. Sometimes incisions can be used to remove accumulated fluid.

First aid for a severe bruise is to provide rest, apply a cold compress, pain relief.

Cold compress for leg injury
Cold compress for leg injury

Also, with severe bruises, peeling of the skin from the deeper fascia, aponeuroses is possible. With such a pathology, the use of a pressure bandage is necessary.

After reducing pain, therapeutic massage, warming up, and therapeutic exercises are used to resolve edema.
