Madelung syndrome: causes, treatment and prevention

Madelung syndrome: causes, treatment and prevention
Madelung syndrome: causes, treatment and prevention

Double chin is a defect that may be associated with metabolic disorders or obesity. Sometimes it's just an individual feature of the body. But in some cases, a rapid increase in the amount of body fat is evidence of a serious Madelung disease. The syndrome may not be life threatening, but leads to the development of psychological complexes.

Features of the disease

A type of lipomatosis is Madelung's disease. The syndrome develops due to a violation of metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which fats are not distributed correctly, extensive deposits appear in the neck.

The syndrome was first described in 1888 by the physician Madelung - hence the corresponding name.

madelung syndrome
madelung syndrome

A lipoma appears on the neck, which gradually increases, reaching a huge size. If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, Madelung's syndrome will lead to the fact that the patient will not be able to fully turn his neck, pain will appear.

To a greater extent, older people of both sexes are susceptible to this disease. In children, pathology is practically not diagnosed.


Why does Madelunga (syndrome) develop? Correct answer to thisquestion today no one can. However, there are a number of factors that can contribute to the development of pathology:

  1. Heredity is primarily referred to here. If this pathology was observed in the father or mother, there is a possibility of the formation of similar fatty deposits after reaching a certain age in the child.
  2. In addition, hormonal disorders in the body can become a trigger for the development of the disease.
  3. People with alcohol and drug addiction are at risk.
  4. Violation of metabolic processes in the body can provoke nervous strain and stress. Often lipomatosis, including Madelung's syndrome, the treatment of which requires a special approach, is diagnosed in women who are constantly dieting. As a result of malnutrition, fat begins to be deposited in the wrong place.
madelung syndrome treatment
madelung syndrome treatment


Initially, the patient may notice numerous fatty seals in the lymph nodes of the neck. Unfortunately, at this stage, few people attach importance to unpleasant symptoms without seeking medical help. Within a few months, the neck can increase significantly in size. The result is shortness of breath and pain.

madelung syndrome treatment and symptoms
madelung syndrome treatment and symptoms

If adipose tissue grows into the deep layers of the epidermis, accompanying symptoms occur such as tachycardia, headaches, epileptic seizures.

If there is a hereditary factor, it is worth studying the detailsabout Madelung's syndrome. Treatment and symptoms, methods of prevention - all this information is important.

Treatment of disease

Timely diagnostics is of great importance, which allows to determine for what reason the adipose tissue began to grow rapidly. Based on the information received, the specialist prescribes a therapy consisting of hormonal, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory drugs. But it will not be possible to get rid of large wen without surgical intervention, so the patient is preparing for surgery.

madelung syndrome prevention
madelung syndrome prevention

There are several options for removing large lipomas on the neck. The most accessible and inexpensive method is a simple excision under general anesthesia. Such operations are performed in most public medical institutions. But surgery is considered quite traumatic. With large fat deposits, there is a likelihood of scarring and scarring. And within a few days after the operation, the patient is given antibiotic therapy to avoid infection.

Endoscopic removal of lipomas on the neck is considered less traumatic. However, this technique is only suitable if there are small fat deposits. In private clinics, I also practice surgical interventions using a laser.

Unfortunately, the removal of a benign formation is not a guarantee that Madelung's syndrome will not return in the future. Prevention of relapses consists in the rejection of excessively fatty foods and alcohol, as well as in the managementhe althy lifestyle in general. It will be possible to cure the disease faster if you seek help at an early stage.
