Rosenthal Paste: composition, method of application, contraindications

Rosenthal Paste: composition, method of application, contraindications
Rosenthal Paste: composition, method of application, contraindications

Any disease requires immediate treatment. After all, a neglected disease can cause a serious complication. Particular attention should be paid to diseases of the joints. After all, such ailments can significantly worsen the patient's condition, causing a feeling of discomfort and restricting movement. Rosenthal paste will help eliminate pain.

rosenthal paste
rosenthal paste

What is this drug

Rosenthal paste is a mixture of active ingredients. The drug differs from analogues in a red, slightly brownish tint. In this case, the drug has a specific odor, and the consistency resembles a thick syrup or suspension. The paste is used only for topical application. The drug is used to eliminate pain in muscles and joints.

As for the composition, Rosenthal's paste contains paraffin, iodine, medical alcohol and chloroform. These components have an analgesic effect. In addition, the paraffin that is part of the product softens and warms the tissues. Iodine has an antiseptic and irritating effect.

How the drug works

Rosenthal paste, analogues of which are produced by only a few enterprises,prescribed for diseases such as:

  1. Myositis.
  2. Rheumatism.
  3. Neuritis
  4. Neuralgia.

As for the mechanism of action of this drug, it is due to the components that make up the paste. Alcohol, chloroform and iodine have a local irritant effect. Thanks to this, the mechanisms of reflex change are launched. As a result, there is a reduction in pain. Paraffin has a warming effect. This allows you to soften the tissues and additionally anesthetize them.

rosenthal paste analogues
rosenthal paste analogues

Rosenthal Paste: instructions for use

This drug is produced in vials, the volume of which is 50 milliliters. The drug is used exclusively externally. It is recommended to apply Rosenthal paste to the affected area with a gauze swab or cotton pad. It is worth considering that the drug can cause burning and redness of the skin of the hands.

Rosenthal paste should not be distributed evenly, but in the form of a grid and only on the area that requires treatment. Therapy lasts until the elimination of all discomfort and complete recovery.

If excess drug has accumulated on the surface of the skin, they must be removed with a cotton or gauze swab. It is not necessary to rub the drug into the tissues.


Rosenthal paste is contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug. In addition, the use of the drug shouldrefuse to patients suffering from various skin ailments.

Before using Rosenthal paste, you should consult with specialists. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as this may worsen the patient's condition.

Rosenthal paste instructions for use
Rosenthal paste instructions for use

Side effects

Rosenthal paste may cause side effects. As a rule, it is contact dermatitis and urticaria. No other negative effects were identified. There were also no cases of overdose. It should be noted that the drug is combined with alcoholic beverages. Therefore, the use of alcohol during therapy is allowed, of course, if there are no other recommendations from the attending physician.

Application features

Experts recommend using Rosenthal paste with extreme caution, as the drug can cause burns to the tissues of the mucous membranes. Keep the drug away from sunlight and children, and protect from heat. It is forbidden to use Rosenthal paste with other medicines containing ammonia and essential oils.
