Deaf ear: what to do at home?

Deaf ear: what to do at home?
Deaf ear: what to do at home?

People's ears can go deaf under various circumstances. It is often associated with a cold. In any case, this causes severe discomfort. Therefore, if the ear is deaf, everyone needs to know what to do. The treatment of such discomfort is described in the article.

Types of illness

If you are deaf in one ear, what should you do? The reasons must be identified first. Deafness can be congenital or acquired. The first is detected in a child at birth and is often a hereditary disease. She also appears from various pathologies of the mother during pregnancy.

deaf ear what to do
deaf ear what to do

Often there is acquired deafness, which is early and late. Early appears in a child under 5 years old, usually from a difficult birth and genetic ailments of the parents. And when deafness is late, there are many causes.


Ear congestion manifests itself in the form of unpleasant symptoms - hearing loss, a negative reaction to one's voice. It is also likely that there will be ringing in the ears, dizziness.

Sometimes there is pain, which manifests itself in the form of a slight tingling. Still maybe hyperthermia. If congestion is associated with otitis media, then this manifests itself in the form of pain that usually appears at night and is accompanied by high fever.


Most often, sudden deafness occurs from common colds, when pathogens enter the body. First they affect the throat, and then go to the nose, to the ear. These organs are interconnected, so if you do not cure a cold in a timely manner, then the pathogenic microflora will begin to spread through them, causing inflammation.

deaf ear what to do at home
deaf ear what to do at home

In the ear region, otitis media of various types and degrees may appear. Because of this, there is a death of he althy cells that provide the functions of sound reception and sound conduction, and pathogenic microflora appears on them. As a result, hearing is lost.

There are conditions that allow you to prevent the onset of otitis media after a cold:

  1. Complete aftercare of a cold.
  2. Proper nasal rinsing.
  3. Following doctor's recommendations.

Deafness comes from:

  • infectious diseases;
  • neck and head injuries;
  • prolonged noise at work;
  • quick dive to depth while diving;
  • tumors, cystic formations;
  • intoxication.

Usually the symptom appears in people with chronic diseases. For example, in the presence of cardiovascular ailments, when blood circulation is disturbed. In this case, the organs and tissues of the ear system do not fully receive blood and the required amount.oxygen and nutrients. They break and deform, resulting in hearing loss.

If immunity is reduced, then the body itself cannot fight pathogens. The staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli that were previously present in the human microflora are also activated. In a weak body, disease-producing elements destroy the ear system.

If the ear is deaf after a cold, what should I do? If deafness appeared suddenly, and the reasons are not clear, then you should consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe effective remedies to eliminate the symptom.

From water penetration

If the ear is deaf, what to do at home? The sensation of gurgling is not always associated with the penetration of water into the auricle. It could be a symptom of ear problems. The sign appears with inflammation of the Eustachian tube. With extensive inflammation of the auditory canal, deafness occurs, which is considered reversible and is treated. The doctor will help eliminate the symptoms after establishing the exact cause of the disease.

The feeling of water getting into the ear appears after injuries, changes in external pressure, a sharp loud sound, and for other reasons. If liquid has penetrated, then you need to perform simple exercises:

  • jump on one leg;
  • take a deep breath in and out while holding your breath;
  • swallow frequently.

The Eustachian tube removes water from the ear canal. But this is ensured only on condition that the organs are he althy. If the auditory zone is disturbed, water remains either in the auditory tube or through a torn membrane enters the middleear. Then there is inflammation. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Sulphur plug causes hearing loss. When water penetrates, it is able to swell, therefore it presses on the eardrum, leading to deformation. This also leads to hearing loss.

Mechanical damage

In this case, conductive hearing loss is detected. The reasons are related to the mechanical impact on the organs of the ears. For example, hearing loss is observed when an object enters the auricle. This often happens with young children. Sometimes hearing worsens after being diagnosed with a probe. In this case, the reason is the unprofessional performance of the procedures.

deaf ear after a cold what to do
deaf ear after a cold what to do

Mechanical damage leads to fracture of the bones and cartilage of the ear region, perforation of the eardrum and other deformations of the tissues and organs of the ear system. If a child has a deaf ear due to a foreign body, what should I do? In this case, do not remove it yourself. The object can be pushed even deeper into the ear area, which breaks the thin membrane between the outer and middle ear. Such a phenomenon is dangerous, it leads to serious pathologies that require surgical intervention.

If the ear is deaf and noisy, what should I do? In this case, an appeal to a qualified doctor is required. This is the only reasonable way out when mechanical deafness occurs.

Hearing loss and pain

These symptoms appear in various diseases of the ear system: from inflammation to complications of other pathologies. The nature of the occurrence of pain and deafness cannot be identified independently. Ear ailments have many types and subspecies. Diseases related to hearing loss are divided into:

  • conductive;
  • neurosensory;
  • mixed.

Often, deafness appears from tumors, chronic ailments of other organs and systems. Only a doctor can determine the causes. What to do if your ear hurts and becomes deaf? In this case, you just need to relieve the pain and contact the ENT.


If the ear is deaf, what should the doctor do? First, the specialist collects an anamnesis of the disease. This will allow him to determine the complete picture of the onset and course of the disease. Examination allows:

  • identify the cause;
  • in case of inflammation - determine the main pathogen;
  • for chronic ailments - to establish the ailments associated with deafness.
deaf ear and noise what to do
deaf ear and noise what to do

An otolaryngologist performs an external examination of the skin, measures body temperature and pressure. The specialist performs an examination of the ear zone - otoscopy or endoscopy with special equipment and a light beam. The doctor will write a referral for tests, including examination of the contents of the ear cavity. By discharge from the ear, the doctor is able to establish the clinic of the disease:

  • mucous - otitis media;
  • pink - head injury;
  • purulent, bloody - furuncle;
  • hazy - tumors;
  • white, black, gray - otomycosis.

If the ear is deaf, but does not hurt, what should I do? A person cannot independently determine the causes of discomfort,Therefore, contacting a specialist will be the most correct decision. If a specialist has questions before making a diagnosis, then the studies are more extensive. Sometimes holding is required:

  • computed tomography;
  • Tuning fork test;
  • ultrasound;
  • tone audiogram;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • tympanometry.

After carrying out all the activities, the doctor makes a diagnosis. If the ear is deaf, only a specialist can determine what to do at home. The patient can only follow all the recommendations, and then recovery will come quickly.


If the ear is deaf, what does the doctor recommend? Treatment is done with:

  • medication;
  • physiotherapy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • laser or surgical operation;
  • device that enhances hearing.

The type of therapy depends on the type, form and stage of the disease. If the hearing is lost from the sulfuric plug, then the doctor removes unnecessary elements from the auditory tube. And with inflammation, medications and physiotherapy are prescribed. When deafness is associated with organ destruction, surgery is required.


If ears go deaf with a cold, what should I do? When it is associated with inflammation, agents that destroy pathogens are required. If the cause is in microbes, then drugs with an antimicrobial effect are needed, and if in bacteria, then antibacterial and general anti-inflammatory drugs.

the ear is deaf but does not hurt what to do
the ear is deaf but does not hurt what to do

Oftendoctors prescribe antihistamines, vasodilators, which improve blood circulation. Also, treatment involves taking medications and vitamins that increase immunity. For colds with ear remedies, medicines for the throat and nose are prescribed. Since these organs should be treated in parallel with the appearance of mucus, swelling and other symptoms of a cold.

If you are deaf in your right ear, what does the doctor recommend? General and local antibiotics may be prescribed. They also prescribe drops for the ears, alcohol compresses, means to strengthen the immune system, physiotherapy (UHF, UFO, UHF).

Folk remedies

If the left ear is deaf, what does the doctor advise to do? Sometimes the treatment must be supplemented with the use of herbs and other traditional medicine. Then the patient should take the prescribed infusions, teas, compresses and baths. The doctor determines the dose and nature of the treatment himself. He also determines the duration of therapy and the mode of taking herbal remedies.

All therapeutic measures must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to complications. If physiotherapy or injections are prescribed, frequent visits to the clinic will be required.


Such procedures provide expansion of blood vessels, tissue inflammation. With their help, infiltrates resolve, pain and inflammation are stopped. Procedures are performed for tonsillitis, otitis and other ailments of the ENT organs. If the temperature is elevated, then compresses are prohibited.

deaf ears with a cold what to do
deaf ears with a cold what to do

Procedures with "Dimexide" are effective. Applysemi-alcohol, alcohol and oil events. Regarding the implementation of the procedures, you should consult with your doctor.

Probable Complications

If hearing loss is not treated promptly, irreversible consequences may occur. Probably the development of deafness 4 degrees. Therefore, the symptoms of ear ailments should not be ignored. For any discomfort in the hearing organs, you should consult a doctor for advice.

If you endure pain, discharge from the ears, dizziness, loss of coordination, then this leads to complex and serious ailments:

  • meningitis;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • paresis of the face.

Complications appear as tumors and cysts in the ear system. In this case, surgery is necessary.


Deafness that occurs with or after a cold can be prevented. You need to wear hats in the cold season. Even in the cold season, you should not refuse them. It is important not to overcool or overheat.

If the disease has appeared, the entire treatment course is required. When visiting the pool, you must not allow water to enter your ears. It is advisable to harden and keep the immune system in good shape, eat right, eat foods rich in vitamins and valuable trace elements. You also need to follow the daily routine and move more.

deaf left ear what to do
deaf left ear what to do

You still need to follow the rules of daily care. Outside, the auricle is washed with soapy water and wiped dry. Ear sticks are used only for external cleansing.ear canal so that only cotton wool enters the ear, and not half a stick. You should not allow constant and loud noise. You should visit an otolaryngologist at least once a year. By following these simple rules, you will be able to protect yourself from many ailments.

Ear he alth must be protected. Since untreated ailments or prolonged ignoring of painful symptoms can cause sudden deafness in both ears. Therefore, it is important to monitor your well-being and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
