In most cases, a swollen knee joint indicates that an excess amount of fluid has accumulated in its soft tissues. Such a symptom indicates the development of degenerative-dystrophic pathology or an inflammatory process. If swelling of the joint occurs along with acute pain when it is extended or flexed, as well as while walking, then you should immediately contact a specialist.
Most common causes
If the knee hurts and swells without bruising, then why do these symptoms occur? Doctors will help to identify the factor that provoked such a pathology. In some cases, experts complain about the allergic component. As practice shows, often the knee hurts and swells (without bruising) after taking any medications, as well as eating new products. Unpleasant sensations in such cases arise due to compression of the nerve endings by the accumulated fluid. To get rid of pain andfrom swelling, doctors recommend sticking to the usual way of eating or taking less toxic drugs (or adjusting their dosing regimen).
If the knee hurts and swells without bruising in previously untrained people, then increased physical activity may be the reason for this. Usually, such a condition occurs if a person has not been involved in sports for a long time, and suddenly he suddenly decided to run, pump up, etc. In such situations, pain and swelling can be eliminated with the help of a long rest, as well as the use of a cold compress.

If the knee hurts and swells without bruising for several weeks, then you should consult a doctor, as this indicates a sluggish inflammatory process provoked by infection of the joint, a malfunction of the immune system, or the destruction of hyaline cartilage.
Other causes
Why is the knee swollen without bruising? The causes of this condition can be several diseases, the symptoms of which are joint pain and severe swelling. Consider their features below.
Osteoarthritis and its main symptoms
This is a degenerative-dystrophic pathology, dangerous for its recurrent course. As the disease progresses, the cartilaginous tissues that line the bone heads and ensure their smoothness and glide are destroyed. To stabilize the joint, bone plates begin to grow pathologically, resulting in the formation of osteophytes. Exactlythey compress ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues, thereby triggering the inflammatory process. To alleviate the patient's condition, it is imperative to undergo a complete examination and treatment.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee are:
- morning swelling;
- pain that worsens with heavy lifting;
- stiffness of movement;
- crunching and clicking in the knees, observed when walking.

Treatment of osteoarthritis
Conservative therapy for such a disease involves the use of NSAIDs, chondroprotective drugs and glucocorticosteroids, as well as proper nutrition, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and massage.
Non-steroidal drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Acyclofenac, Movalis, Ketorol, Nabumeton and Ketoprofen will help eliminate pain and reduce inflammation of soft tissues.
Hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids) include: Diprospan, Kenalog, Hydrocortisone and Celeston. And the most effective chondroprotectors are: "Structum", "Don", "Chondroitin", Artra" and "Chondrolon".
In osteoarthritis, it is advisable to combine oral medication and the use of topical agents. The latter include: Menovazin, Voltaren Emulgel, Fastum Gel, Dolgit-cream and Revmagel.
Also, with the disease in question, diet is of great importance. Experts recommend replacing red meat with fish or chicken. It is necessary to consume more dairy products, fruits and vegetables, but it is better to exclude sausages and confectionery.

The following PT procedures are recommended for osteoarthritis: electrophoresis with Dimexide solution, EHF-therapy, laser therapy and magnetotherapy.
What is arthritis?
Such a disease can be gouty, rheumatoid and psoriatic. Also very rare is juvenile arthritis, which affects the joints of teenagers and children.
The pathology under consideration is systemic in nature, that is, not only the knees, but also other joints can hurt and swell. This disease progresses very quickly, and also spreads to he althy bone and cartilage tissues. In remission, the patient suffers from constant swelling of the joints, which limits movement. With relapses, piercing pains of an acute nature develop.
What to do if the knee hurts and swells up without bruising? How to treat such a condition? In this case, it is better to consult a doctor, since self-therapy can worsen the patient's condition. For example, a disease such as synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane of the knee) requires the mandatory use of glucocorticosteroids or a course of antibiotics. Such a pathology is characterized by the accumulation of pathological exudate, which provokes swelling of the joint, pain when walking and at rest.

Symptoms and treatment of knee bursitis
For such a disease just likeand for synovitis, an inflammatory process occurring in the synovial membrane is characteristic. However, with bursitis, the pathological focus is localized and does not extend beyond the joint bag.
Who should I contact with such a pathology? What are the symptoms of this disease? The treatment of bursitis of the knee joint is carried out by: traumatologists, surgeons, orthopedists, arthrologists and rheumatologists. As for the signs, they include:
- minor swelling of the knee;
- pain when walking;
- reddening of the skin;
- stiff movement.
It is impossible not to say that such a disease has a special specific symptom. When feeling the knee, specialists can detect a seal. When it is pressed, the movement of the “ball” with liquid is felt.
It should also be noted that knee bursitis is often accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication. The development of such a disease may be preceded by:
- stretching of the joint due to its overload;
- injuries and injuries of the knee joint;
- a sharp increase in physical activity;
- infectious lesions;
- joint inflammation.
Regardless of where the pain is located, joint immobility and complete rest are the main factors in dealing with it.
If the diagnosed bursitis is the reason that the patient's knee is swollen without bruising, folk remedies are not recommended. Such a disease should be treated comprehensively with the help of:
- medication;
- massage;
- physiotherapy.

What is tendinitis and ligamentitis? Disease symptoms
Such terms are used to refer to inflammatory pathologies that affect the connective tissue structures of the knee joint. Tendinitis affects the tendons, while ligamentitis affects the ligaments.
The causes of such pathologies are metabolic disorders, infection of tissues, osteoarthritis and recurrence of arthritis. The knee with them looks swollen, and the skin around the joint turns red due to the rush of blood. Pain increases when trying to palpate the joint, as well as at rest and during movement.
Neurological disorders such as fatigue, apathy and weakness often join the physical symptoms of the disease. Also, a characteristic sign of tendonitis and ligamentitis is the inability to unbend and bend the affected joint.
How to treat at home
Swollen knee without bruising and it hurts non-stop? To determine the exact cause of such a pathological condition, you should make an appointment with a doctor. At the same time, before the consultation, experts do not recommend patients to take any analgesics, diuretics and NSAIDs, as well as use anti-inflammatory gels and ointments. Otherwise, it will greatly distort the clinical picture and complicate the diagnostic process.

To improve your well-being in acute pain or in the absence of the possibility of going to a doctor, you must adhere to the following rules:
- take a comfortable position;
- avoid dynamic and static loads;
- raise the diseased limb by placing it on a pillow;
- For unbearable pain, take Nise, Ketorol, or Ibuprofen.
How to remove swelling yourself?
To get rid of swelling at home, you can use cold compresses. To do this, a plastic bag is filled with crushed ice, wrapped in a dense cloth and applied to the diseased joint for 8-10 minutes. The procedure is repeated every hour until the edema is completely resolved. Some experts recommend using a knee bandage, which should be wrapped around the joint several times. However, it must be remembered that the damaged joint should not be excessively compressed, as this will increase the severity of edema due to vascular clamping.
Prohibited activities
What can not be done if the knee is sore and swollen without bruising? Which doctor should I contact for advice? In such cases, it is advisable to visit an orthopedist.
Until the exact causes of pain and swelling are established, experts categorically prohibit any warming procedures. Do not use pepper patch, heating pads, transdermal agents, mustard plasters, etc. In addition, warming drugs with bee venom, red pepper extract, turpentine, snake venom and mustard oil are absolutely contraindicated. It must be remembered that all types of edema are formed against the background of tissue inflammation, and under the influence of heat, the swelling may increase, spreading to he althy joints.

It is also forbidden before contacting a specialist:
- try to relieve pain with exercise;
- massage the knee;
- walk a lot and lift weights.
In addition, you can not use popular folk remedies for joint pain. These include: an alcohol tincture of chestnut flowers, black radish juice with honey, etc. It should be borne in mind that under the influence of ethyl alcohol and mustard oil in a diseased joint, the temperature may rise, causing increased swelling and severity of pain.