Many women dream of having a baby. For them, this is a long-awaited event, but in order for it to take place, certain changes must occur in the body of the expectant mother. It all starts with ovulation - the process in which the egg is released from the ovary. This cell does not exist for long. Only when it is present in a woman's body is conception possible. About how long the egg lives after ovulation, it will be useful for all the fair sex planning a pregnancy to know.
Egg and sperm formation
Ever since school biology lessons, everyone knows that pregnancy occurs as a result of the union of two germ cells - male (sperm) and female (ovum). However, few people know how these cells appear. Spermatozoa are produced in the testicles, the male gonads. This process happens all the time. This means that there are always sperm in the
Egg cells are formed in women in the ovaries - paired sex glands. These cells in mature form are not always present in the body. That is why women are often puzzled by the question of when a cell ready for fertilization appears and how long the egg cell lives after ovulation.
The process of formation of female germ cells is complex and rather lengthy. To understand it, let's start with the fact that a woman's ovaries contain ovarian follicles. It is in them that germ cells - oocytes - mature. They form eggs.

Maturation of the female germ cell and the beginning of ovulation
In a woman's body, absolutely all oocytes do not mature at the same time. After menstruation, under the influence of the follicle-stimulating hormone produced in the pituitary gland, the growth of one specific follicle begins. This structure gradually increases and in the middle of the menstrual cycle (about 12–14 days) reaches its maximum size. Then the follicle bursts. This process is called ovulation.
When ovulation occurs, only one egg is released into the abdominal cavity, i.e. exactly one germ cell matures in the follicle. After this process, the egg enters the fallopian tubes. She is motionless. It is moved along the fallopian tubes towards the uterus by the villi present there.

Existence of the egg
A mature female reproductive cell does not exist for long. How many hours does an egg live after ovulation? In a woman's body, she is inaverage 24 hours. Only at this time is fertilization and pregnancy possible. If conception does not occur within a day from the moment of ovulation, then the cell dies. A woman gets her next chance to conceive in about a month, in the middle of her next menstrual cycle.
If the female sex cell meets with the sperm in the fallopian tube, then the fertilization of the egg begins. When this process occurs after ovulation, at first the male sex cell seems to stick to the female. Then the spermatozoon penetrates through the transparent membrane. After this process, the walls of the egg become impermeable. Other spermatozoa can no longer penetrate it. The egg continues to move through the fallopian tube. This process from the moment of fertilization to the moment it enters the uterine cavity takes from 3 to 5 days.

Further implantation
By the time of ovulation, various changes occur in a woman's body. He is preparing for a possible pregnancy. The mucous membrane grows in the uterus. When a fertilized egg enters the organ cavity, implantation occurs - the introduction and engraftment of the fetal egg. This is how pregnancy occurs, and the path of the egg after ovulation ends.
In general, implantation is a unique process, an immune phenomenon of engraftment of a foreign living tissue. Experts note that the mucous membrane of the uterus, when meeting with a fertilized egg, loses its immunocompetent properties. However, any other transplant would still be rejected.organism. The fetal egg does not obey the general laws of immune protection during this period.

What women need to know
The process of conception is quite complicated. It has features that women should know about:
- Today, there are ways to find out about ovulation. Those women who are not yet ready for pregnancy seek to determine the moment of release of a mature egg. They need this information in order to exclude sexual intercourse on a particular day. Here it is important to know not only what happens to the egg after ovulation, but also how many sperm cells exist. Male germ cells are active for a rather long period. They can stay in the female body after intercourse from 2 to 7 days waiting for the egg.
- On average, ovulation occurs on the 13-14th day of the cycle (with a 28-day menstrual cycle). But deviations are also possible. Under the influence of negative factors, ovulation can shift. Experts note that the release of the egg in a 28-day cycle can occur between 8 and 20 days.
How to feel ovulation
Vaginal discharge may indicate approaching ovulation. After menstruation they are scanty. By the time of maturation and release of the egg, they become abundant. In their consistency, they may resemble egg white in some women. After the release of a mature egg, the discharge again becomes scarce, loses its viscosity.
Some women on the offensiveovulation indicates a change in well-being. They note minor pain in the lower abdomen, either on the right or on the left side (depending on which ovary the egg has matured in). Soreness is due to a small tear of the ovarian membrane.

Determination of the moment of ovulation by basal temperature
A more reliable way to determine ovulation is to measure basal body temperature. Its essence is the construction of a graph. Basal temperature with this method is measured daily. Observing the values leads to the following conclusions:
- From the first day of the cycle until the end of menstruation, the temperature drops from 37 degrees to 36.3 degrees.
- A couple of days before ovulation, the temperature drops by 0.1-0.2 degrees.
- During ovulation, the temperature rises sharply. If we count 24 hours from this moment, then in the end it will be possible to determine the most favorable period for the fertilization of the egg after ovulation.
- Further, the temperature stays between 37-37.4 degrees.
- Before menstruation, the temperature drops to 37 degrees.
The method of determining ovulation by basal temperature is not simple, because a woman needs to follow certain rules in order to obtain the correct information. First, the temperature is measured in those areas that are closest to the internal organs. This is the vagina, the rectum. Secondly, the temperature is always measured at the same time. It is best to do this in the morning afterwaking up without getting out of bed.
To measure basal temperature, it is recommended to purchase an electronic thermometer. If desired, you can take a regular mercury thermometer, but you should use it very carefully.

Ovulation tests
About when the process of ovulation begins and how long the egg lives after that, you can find out thanks to special tests. They are sold in pharmacies. The tests are impregnated with a special compound that reacts to luteinizing hormone (LH). As you know, LH levels rise rapidly 24-36 hours before ovulation. Before ovulation, a saturated strip appears on the test, which is brighter than the control one. For the next 4 days, women who want to get pregnant can plan sex.
If you test after ovulation, you can see a dull line. This will mean that the mature egg has already completed its journey and no longer exists in the body.

How long does an egg last after ovulation is an important issue for women. The fair sex, knowing this information, can plan sexual intercourse, significantly increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Those women who are not yet ready to conceive a baby can be protected thanks to knowledge about the duration of the existence of the egg. Although this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is not very effective. The viability of the egg after ovulation is known, but when exactly will the mature female appear in the body?the germ cell and how long the spermatozoa will last after the previous sexual intercourse - no one can say for sure. These processes are individual.