Medicated treatment of ovarian cysts: drugs, scheme. Feedback on the effectiveness of treatment

Medicated treatment of ovarian cysts: drugs, scheme. Feedback on the effectiveness of treatment
Medicated treatment of ovarian cysts: drugs, scheme. Feedback on the effectiveness of treatment

The ovaries are responsible for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system, synthesizing the necessary hormones, they are responsible for the process of pregnancy and many more processes, in violation of which such a complication as a cyst may appear. Next, we will tell you how to treat a cyst with medication, without resorting to emergency methods.

What is a cyst and what are the types

Every day in a woman's ovaries there are millions of processes aimed at obtaining offspring, namely:

- maturation of follicles for the further appearance of eggs;

- release of a mature egg (so-called ovulation) for its further fertilization;

-synthesis of hormones necessary for the growth and maturation of follicles, as well as in the event of pregnancy, for its successful maintenance;

- regulation of the menstrual cycle of a woman as a whole.

Medical treatment for ovarian cysts
Medical treatment for ovarian cysts

If one of the listed functions for some reason ceases to be performed or slows down, then the woman has a risk of getting such a complication on the ovary as a cyst.

A cyst is a neoplasm onthe surface of the organ, in its structure resembles a bubble.

Treatment of ovarian cysts with medication may be possible if the following types of cysts are found:

  1. Endometrioid cyst.
  2. Follicular cyst.
  3. Cyst of the corpus luteum.
  4. Polycystic ovary.

Ovarian cyst. Medical treatment without surgery

Hearing from their doctor the diagnosis of the presence of a cyst on the ovary, women immediately become discouraged. And for some reason, it immediately begins to seem that the only way to get rid of her is only to perform an operation.

But that's not true at all. Many types of ovarian cysts, or rather, the most common ones, are amenable to drug treatment. But do not expect your doctor to prescribe a miracle pill that will relieve you of such an ailment as an ovarian cyst in one go.

Ovarian cyst drug treatment without surgery
Ovarian cyst drug treatment without surgery

As a rule, the entire treatment regimen is based on hormone therapy, which means it takes a long time.

Treatment of an ovarian cyst with medication can be carried out using procedures such as physiotherapy, magnetic therapy, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Also, drugs to reduce pain, anti-inflammatory, and, of course, anti-stress therapy can also be prescribed.

The results of such treatment can already be judged after 3 months.

However, it should be noted that the treatment is prescribed individually for each patient, according to the results of the tests and there is no definiteuniversal scheme that would be suitable for every woman.

Endometrioid cyst

Endometrioid cyst is a type of cyst in which there is growth of the mucous membrane. It is also called chocolate, since the contents with which it is filled are often dark brown.

As a rule, this cyst occurs on the right, since it has long been established that in women the right ovary works much more actively than the left.

The endometrioid cyst of the right ovary is amenable to non-operable therapy. Drug treatment mainly includes therapy aimed at regulating the hormonal background in a woman:

- hormone therapy: "Diana-35", "Marvelon", "Regividon". It is recommended to take these drugs from the first day of the cycle, strictly at the same time.

- for the regulation of the menstrual cycle: "Duphaston", "Norkolut".

- drugs for regulating the action of the pituitary gland: "Danol", "Danazol".

Endometrial cyst of the right ovary. Medical treatment
Endometrial cyst of the right ovary. Medical treatment

In parallel to the above medicines, immunostimulating drugs such as Cycloferon, vitamins, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are added.

Follicular ovarian cyst. Treatment without surgery

Perhaps this is the most harmless and safe type of cyst that can occur on the ovary. Its appearance is primarily due to the inability of the mature follicle to rupture. That is, there was no release of matureeggs into the fallopian tube. It is at this place that a similar neoplasm then appears. Pregnancy is recommended to be planned only after the problem disappears. Used to treat a disease such as ovarian follicular cyst, treatment without surgery.

The effectiveness of this treatment is almost 95%.

As a rule, the patient is prescribed hormonal drugs, such as Regulon, Mercilon, Diane-35, Marvelon, Regividon or other contraceptives.

Further, painkillers such as "No-shpa", "Spazgan" can be prescribed. Anti-stress treatment with "Novo-Passit" or "Glycine", vitamins.

As soon as the patient's next menstruation occurs, an ultrasound examination should be performed from the second to the fifth day in order to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment.

As a rule, the follicular cyst disappears with the first onset of menstruation.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

This type of cyst is formed on the ovary after it has completed its main function - covulating. In place of the released egg, a corpus luteum is formed, which, until the 18th week of pregnancy (if it occurs), will secrete the hormone progesterone. However, if the blood flow is disturbed, a cyst may appear in it.

In this case, ovarian cyst treatment is prescribed with medication. It can be removed with the help of physiotherapy, magnetotherapy, washing the vagina with special solutions, herbs.

Very often a woman is prescribed a drug such as "Dufaston". With the right dosage, treatment with only one drug will help get rid of the corpus luteum cyst. Also, a woman is recommended to have sexual rest for the entire period of treatment, in order to avoid twisting of the cyst leg.

Ovarian cyst treatment without surgery. Efficiency
Ovarian cyst treatment without surgery. Efficiency

In most cases, this cyst resolves on its own, but it requires strict observation by a gynecologist for several cycles of her condition.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This is a type of disease in which the ovaries are greatly enlarged. That is, a he althy woman normally matures one egg per month. Due to the increase in 1 follicle, the ovary swells. In the case of polycystic disease, several follicles are enlarged at once, but full-fledged ovulation does not occur, that is, a large number of cysts of various sizes are present on the ovary at once.

Treatment of cysts with medication is recommended as follows:

- diet therapy: the patient is prescribed a diet to control or reduce weight, exercise;

ovarian cyst drug treatment without surgery
ovarian cyst drug treatment without surgery

- hypoglycemic drugs such as Metformin are prescribed.

- hormone therapy: Diane-35, Marvelon, as well as drugs that suppress the production of male hormones, such as Veroshpiron. This method of treatment is used if the woman does not plan topregnancy.

- When planning a pregnancy, drugs that stimulate ovulation are prescribed, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor, in order to avoid rupture of the ovary. Such a drug can be Clomiphene, which must be taken from days 5 to 9 of the cycle for 3-4 months.

As it became clear from the content of this article, it is possible to treat an ovarian cyst with medication. Reviews about this method of treatment are positive both among doctors and patients. Patients say that this method of treatment is absolutely painless and safe, despite the rather high cost of drugs.

Doctors also note that drug treatment of ovarian cysts is the most common method of therapy today. It has a lot of its advantages, in addition to absolute painlessness: the menstrual cycle is restored and, as a result, problems with the skin and hair are solved, which means the general mood of the patient as a whole.

The only disadvantage of this treatment is its duration, which can vary from 3 to 9 months.

You should not self-medicate and at the slightest suspicion or symptoms you should seek help from a gynecologist.
