Inflammation of the appendages (that is, the fallopian tubes and ovaries) is correctly called adnexitis. This is a fairly common disease that many women experience at least once in their lives.
Any infectious disease can provoke inflammation of the appendages, as a result of which immunity is reduced. Although it also happens that the cause of its development is unprotected sexual contact during menstruation or immediately after intrauterine intervention.
Adnexitis first manifests itself in an acute form, while the body temperature rises significantly, there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back, the menstrual cycle is disturbed.
In the absence of adequate treatment, the acute form becomes chronic. Symptoms at the same time become less pronounced, but there is a risk of impaired reproductive function. Therefore, a patient with inflammation of the appendages needs competent treatment. And the sooner she sees a doctor, the better.
Causes of adnexitis and their impact on the choice of treatment strategy
The most common cause of adnexitisare infectious diseases. Usually we are talking about pathogenic microflora. This is a tubercle bacillus, bacteria that cause diphtheria, as well as gonococci (in such cases they are diagnosed with "specific adnexitis").

However, inflammation of the appendages can also be caused by Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci, various conditionally pathogenic microflora (for example, a fungus that can normally exist in the female body for a long time without causing any negative effects, but under the influence of certain factors actively multiply and cause disease). These pathogens provoke the so-called nonspecific adnexitis.
There are also factors that are provocateurs of this disease:
- difficult pregnancy and childbirth with complications;
- various intrauterine procedures such as IUD insertion or abortion;
- recent appendix removal due to inflammation;
- hypercooling of the body, which leads to a decrease in immunity;
- stress;
- poor personal hygiene.
Sometimes the cause of adnexitis is such seemingly unrelated diseases as diabetes mellitus. In this case, in order for the inflammation of the appendages not to become chronic, it is necessary to treat the underlying pathology.
Treatment of adnexitis: basic principles
Treatment of adnexitis is a process that requires an integrated approach. First you need to establish the cause of the disease,requiring laboratory tests to identify the pathogen and assess its resistance to various antibiotics.
Most often, the treatment of acute or subacute adnexitis is carried out in a hospital, and in the chronic form, treatment at home is also possible. In this case, antibiotics or antibacterial drugs, as well as immunomodulatory, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. This is necessary in order to improve blood microcirculation, relieve pain and inflammation. Physiotherapy methods are prescribed only when the temperature becomes normal.
With timely access to a doctor, the duration of the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Theoretically, you can be treated at home. However, therapy for adnexitis requires bed rest. At home, this is only possible if the relatives take on all the responsibilities - cleaning, cooking, etc. Otherwise, there will be no talk of any peace. In addition, it should be remembered that during the treatment of adnexitis, sex is absolutely prohibited.
In the treatment of the chronic form, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunocorrectors or biostimulants, vitamins, enzymes are prescribed.
Non-drug treatments play an important role. These are, for example, therapeutic exercises, special massage and intimate warming, and other physiotherapeutic procedures. Antibiotics in the chronic form are rarely prescribed - only in cases where pathogenic bacteria that are the causative agents of the disease have been found.
Despite being a chronicadnexitis occurs in a milder form than acute, it can be more difficult to treat - if only because antibiotics practically do not help. There are anti-inflammatory drugs and various physiotherapeutic methods. These are, for example, ultrasound and magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, and other procedures, the action of which is aimed at improving trophism and microcirculation in tissues.
Mud therapy is considered an effective method, but only if the woman does not have benign neoplasms in the pelvic organs.
Drug treatment of inflammation of the appendages: antibiotics
Unfortunately, in recent years, many pathogenic microorganisms have become resistant to the most commonly prescribed antibiotics for adnexitis. Basically, we are talking about tetracycline drugs.
Many doctors today prescribe "Doxycycline" as a remedy with minimal side effects and at the same time quite effective. In addition, unlike other drugs from this group, "Doxycycline" is quickly excreted from the body. But in general, tetracyclines will not be the best choice - both due to the developed resistance of pathogenic microbes, and because of the large number of side effects.

In the treatment of ovarian inflammation with antibiotics in women, drugs from the group of macrolides are also used. They are often given orally, since such drugs are practically not destroyed in the stomach. Due to their long half-life, they remain in the body for a long time and evencan accumulate, which increases the efficiency of their use. Of this group, Klacid and Sumamed are considered the best choice, their effectiveness has been proven by many studies.

The advantage of these drugs is that they act on some pathogenic microorganisms that remain "unnoticed" by other drugs, because they live inside the cells, causing inflammation.
Another group of antibiotics that are prescribed for the treatment of inflammation of the appendages and ovaries in women are fluoroquinolones. Their advantage is that resistance to them develops at an extremely slow pace, so that the drug will not need to be changed. In this group, Lomefloxacin, Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin are considered the most effective drugs.

Very often, in the treatment of adnexitis, not one, but two antibiotics from different groups are prescribed at once. This is due to the fact that inflammation of the appendages is rarely caused by only one pathogen, much more often we are talking about several pathogenic microorganisms at once, both aerobic and anaerobic groups. Tinidazole and Metronidazole can be used to combat aerobes.

For symptoms of ovarian inflammation, antibiotic treatment is beneficial. In this case, drugs can be used in different forms of release - and in the form of intramuscularinjections, and in the form of solutions for intravenous administration. Usually, antibiotics for injection are prescribed first, then means in tablet form. Candles are used in such cases much less frequently.
But there are antibiotics that are produced mainly in capsules - these are Cedex and Ceftributen. They are considered the most effective against pathogens such as streptococci, gonococci and enterococci.
The fluoroquinolones mentioned above - "Ciprofloxacin" and "Ceftriaxone" - can be prescribed both in the form of injections and in tablet form. They cope with almost all types of microorganisms.
Azithromycin and Zoomax also have a wide spectrum of action. In any case, the dosage and method of administration should be selected by the doctor. Of course, this takes into account contraindications to such drugs, the patient's allergies, etc.

It is especially important to choose the right antibiotic during pregnancy. It is impossible to avoid taking such pills in the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries (right, left or both), since the disease can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Since self-medication is contraindicated for women in position, we will refrain from providing even familiarization information about prescribed drugs. Only a doctor can assess the likely risks and draw up a treatment regimen.
This is the treatment prescribed for patients with inflammation of the ovaries. In men, inflammation of the epididymis is also often diagnosed.(orchiepidimitis). For treatment, all the same antibiotics are prescribed, but taking into account the clinical picture and the characteristics of the patient's body.
Other drugs for adnexitis
In some cases, if the causative agent of the disease is a fungus, drugs such as Nystatin, Miconazole and Fluconazole are used. The first two drugs are designed for a course duration of 10-15 days. Last medicine - for 5 days maximum.
As for desensitizing drugs (for women with inflammation of the ovaries, complex treatment is prescribed), Betamethasone and Tavegil are recommended. The latter is a first-generation antihistamine and may cause drowsiness, which should be considered when taking the remedy.
Of anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs such as Diclofenac (in the form of a rectal suppository) or Nimesulide (Nise), which are drunk in tablets, are usually prescribed.
It is recommended to take vitamins, primarily antioxidants (these are vitamins A, E and ascorbic acid). It is also important to take vitamins of group B. A doctor will help you choose a complex (usually Vitrum or Triovit are prescribed).
Another group of drugs used in the treatment of ovarian inflammation in women are biogenic stimulants. Their action is based on substances of animal and vegetable origin, formed only in natural conditions. They are usually needed for accelerated tissue regeneration. These stimulants include, for example, aloefaith.
Diet for adnexitis
In the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries at home, therapeutic nutrition plays an important role. The diet is built in accordance with the principles of a hypoallergenic diet. This means that the following products will have to be excluded from the menu:
- cow's milk;
- egg white;
- chocolate;
- citrus, kiwi, other exotic fruits;
- shrimps and seafood.
At the same time, spicy dishes and smoked meats are prohibited, since they only aggravate inflammatory processes. Sweets, baked goods, coffee are all restricted.
Low-fat meats and vegetables (except starchy ones) are recommended, both best served boiled or stewed.
Drinking regimen plays an important role. During the period of illness, drinking plenty of water is recommended. And it can be not only mineral water without gas. Doctors advise rosehip broth, lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks, weak black tea without sugar, but with lemon.
In addition, while a woman is taking antibiotics, fermented milk products, even low-fat yogurts or kefir, will have to be excluded from the diet, as they reduce the effectiveness of the drugs.
But there should be as many vegetables and fruits in the diet as possible to normalize digestive processes and ensure regular bowel movements.
Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of inflammation of the appendages
Practice shows that antibiotics do not always help in the treatment of adnexitis, especially when it comes to its chronic form. Therefore, inDoctors are currently looking for new drugs and effective physiotherapy methods.
Some of the options that are already widely used today include:
- various types of gynecological irrigations (hydrosulphuric, carbonic, radon);
- laser therapy, in which the iliac regions are treated with a helium-neon laser;
- electrophoresis using copper, zinc, magnesium and iodine;
- magnetic therapy of the corresponding area;
- mud packs, etc.
One of the most effective methods for adnexitis is plasmapheresis, in which the patient's own plasma is replaced with fresh donor plasma.
This technique is mainly used for a long-term chronic form of inflammation, when the syndrome of internal intoxication develops and blood microcirculation is disturbed. Such procedures are recommended to be carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the doctor selects the number of sessions individually.
Some experts prescribe what is popularly called intimate warming, and this technique is correctly referred to as DLG - dosed local hyperthermia. This is an auxiliary physiotherapy procedure in which heat is treated. It is prescribed for many inflammatory gynecological diseases. For her, a nozzle is taken, which is inserted into the vagina, due to which local heating of the problem area is provided.
The number of procedures and temperature conditions are assigned in each caseindividually. But with each subsequent time there is a gradual increase in temperature. The maximum heating level is +54 °C. At the same time, women who have gone through this procedure claim that it does not cause discomfort.

One of the main indications for this method is inflammation of the appendages, regardless of what pathogens it was caused by, whether the infection is caused by bacteria or viruses. However, there are contraindications. These include, for example, any neoplasms of the mammary gland and organs of the reproductive system, endometriosis, the presence of cervical erosion, pregnancy. Also, the procedure is not carried out during menstruation.
Gynecological massage is also performed with the help of the device used for DLG. The fact is that the device can operate in mechanical vibration mode, and this helps to normalize ovarian function and even allows you to get rid of small and loose adhesions, if any. And gynecological massage also increases the effectiveness of the use of any medications. But before signing up for this procedure, you must definitely undergo an examination by a specialist, and the doctor will most likely refer you for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
Spa treatment of adnexitis
With a long course of chronic inflammation of the appendages, spa treatment is often prescribed. In addition to helping relieve stress and boost immunity, microcirculation in tissues improves, recovery processes go faster.
In resortscommonly used methods such as therapeutic mud, baths with various extracts and healing waters, vaginal irrigation. The latter are also usually carried out using sulfide or sodium chloride waters. The duration of the course is usually prescribed by the doctor. But with hydrotherapy, on average, 10-12 procedures are indicated, and with mud therapy - at least ten.
Rest on the sea is also considered useful. But you can go to the coast only if at least eight weeks have passed since the last exacerbation.
It is very important to follow the safety rules. You can spend no more than 20 minutes in sea water, and when you go ashore, you must immediately change your swimsuit to dry. And of course, it is recommended to avoid overheating - it can be no less dangerous than hypothermia.
Inflammation of the appendages: treatment with folk remedies
It is clear that where antibiotics are the main treatment, folk remedies simply do not work, because they cannot be considered effective enough. However, traditional medicine recipes can be used along with drugs as an adjunct therapy.
For example, in women with inflammation of the ovaries, treatment with folk remedies involves the use of the following:
- Steam inhalation from a decoction of wormwood. To do this, bring 2 liters of water to a boil, throw a handful of dry herb wormwood into a container, hold on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then the container (it is advisable to take a bucket or a pan) must be placed on the floor and sit down over it for 15-20 minutes. Such warminghelps relieve inflammation. The course should consist of 5-6 sessions.
- Decoction or tincture of the boron uterus (it is also called one-sided ortilia). This plant is used to treat a variety of gynecological diseases. A decoction is made from it like this: dry grass is ground (it is possible in a coffee grinder), take 1 tbsp. l. of this raw material and pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, leave on low heat for 5 minutes. After that, you need to wait a couple of hours, strain the remedy and drink 1/3 cup three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Some herbalists suggest making an alcohol tincture of the boron uterus - 50 g of grass per 0.5 l of vodka. The remedy is insisted for 14 days. It is recommended to take 30-35 drops three times a day one hour before meals.
- Paraffin applications. For this method, you need to melt 400 g of paraffin to a liquid state (it is best to do this in an aluminum bowl). Then the fabric is moistened in paraffin and the lower abdomen is lubricated with this hot composition. When this mass is applied to the skin, it is covered with plastic wrap and a woolen blanket on top. Paraffin is kept on the body until it cools down.
- Infusion of bergenia root. To prepare this product, it is recommended to grind 50 g of this raw material, pour 0.3 liters of boiling water and insist for 8 hours, and then strain. The infusion is used for douching - the procedure is repeated twice a day. In pharmacies, you can find ready-made bergenia extract. It can also be used for douching, but then it should be diluted - 2 tbsp. l. extract in 2 liters of water. You can use a homemade tampon impregnation agentgauze and cotton wool.
- Decoction of the femoral plant. Collect raw materials during flowering. But for a decoction, they take only dry chopped grass - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of hot water. The agent is brought to a boil and kept on low heat for 10 minutes. Ready broth is filtered and gradually drunk with honey throughout the day. Some herbalists advise using this remedy for douching.
Also in the process of treating inflammation of the ovaries with folk remedies, it is suggested to use buldenezh - this is one of the varieties of viburnum. For tincture, flowers are collected that resemble large white balls. They are laid out in a liter jar to the very top, and then pour 0.5 liters of vodka. The remedy is infused for two weeks. They do not drink it, but rub it on the lower abdomen, and some believe that the flowers from this tincture can be used for applications. That is, they are also applied to the problem area for a couple of hours, covered with plastic wrap.
The listed funds are suitable for the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries at home in the acute form of the disease. Phytotherapy is also used to treat chronic inflammation of the appendages. For example, in such cases, traditional medicine suggests taking 4 tsp. crushed buckthorn root, peony and Chernobyl, 3 tsp each. elecampane root and burnet and mix it all. From the resulting mixture take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil, keep on low heat for about half an hour, and then cool. After that, you need to strain the remedy and take 0.5 cups three times a day, adding a little honey fortaste improvements.
Prevention of inflammation of the appendages
Preventing adnexitis is much easier than curing it. Meanwhile, preventive measures for inflammation of the appendages can even be called banal, since the main role is played by the observance of personal hygiene rules. The fact is that even if a woman has a permanent partner whom she trusts, this does not guarantee protection against genital infections. Not to mention those cases where intimate relationships are episodic.
To protect yourself from infection, you should buy a special antiseptic gel or spray that can be used within the next two hours after sexual contact. This minimizes the risk of infection.
If a woman often experiences acute inflammation of the appendages, then it would be advisable to abandon tampons in favor of pads during menstruation, and it is recommended to change them at least after 3-4 hours of use.
For intimate hygiene, do not use ordinary soap or shower gel, as there is a risk that the microflora of the vagina will suffer from them. There are special funds.
To avoid inflammation will help and take care of your own immune system. In order for it to work with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to avoid not only hypothermia, but also stress, overwork, etc. It is important to take vitamin complexes prescribed by a doctor during the cold season.
And of course, you need to regularly, at least once every six months, come for a preventive examination to the gynecologist.