Redness under the eyes of a child: causes and treatment

Redness under the eyes of a child: causes and treatment
Redness under the eyes of a child: causes and treatment

Redness under the eyes of a child indicates a violation in the body. If this is not the result of mechanical action or the manifestation of the characteristics of a small person, then it is imperative to find out the cause. It is best to consult a specialist.

redness under the eyes of a child
redness under the eyes of a child

The main causes of redness under the eyes

One of the alarming signs is the redness under the eyes of the child. The reasons for it may be as follows:

  • mechanical impact on the eyes of the child himself (for example, getting trash, etc.);
  • individual characteristics of the baby's body;
  • one of the serious diseases of the body.

In the first 2 cases, there is nothing to worry about. The third reason is serious and speaks of possible dangerous diseases.

Redness under the eyes of a child is a dangerous symptom

Illnesses that a child with red eyes may have:

  1. Infectious. This is the most common reason for redness under the eyes of a child. Harmful microorganismsmultiply, leaving the products of their vital activity in the body of a small person. It can be fungi, viruses, bacteria and even worms.
  2. Tonsillitis (chronic). Angina is accompanied by a strong decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system, which accompanies redness under the eyes of a child in an acute period.
  3. redness under the eyes of a child causes
    redness under the eyes of a child causes
  4. Adenoids. These are growths in the nasal cavity that have arisen after any infectious disease. In this case, the redness under the eyes of the child is accompanied by shortness of breath and swelling of the face.
  5. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease can manifest itself as a result of severe overwork. It is accompanied not only by redness of the eyes, but also by lethargy, irritability and discoloration of the nasolabial folds.
  6. Disease of the oral cavity. It refers to infectious.
  7. Allergies.

Other causes of redness under the eyes

Redness can appear in a child under the eyes only on one side. The reason for this may not be internal diseases, but papilloma or hemangioma. Both of these manifestations are removed surgically.

Papilloma can be acquired and congenital. This is a neoplasm that protrudes slightly above the surface of the skin and has a reddish tint.

Hemangioma looks like papilloma, but has a bluish tint and jagged edges.

redness under the eyes in a child 3 years old causes
redness under the eyes in a child 3 years old causes

Redness under the eyes of a child (causes and photos, symptoms)

Suchan alarm signal, like redness under the eyes of a child, may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • vision loss;
  • swelling and redness of the eyelids;
  • impaired eye function;
  • frequent conjunctivitis;
  • appearance of pain when opening the eyelids;
  • dizziness;
  • high temperature;
  • pain in the head;
  • appearance of an ulcer on the cornea of the eye;
  • compression of the optic nerve.
  • redness under the eyes of a child 2 years old
    redness under the eyes of a child 2 years old

Most often these serious symptoms are caused by an abscess, phlegmon or purulent tenonitis.

Causes of redness under the eyes of a child from one year to 3 years

Redness under the eyes of a child (1 year old and 2-3 years old) can be caused by the following reasons:

  • the skin under the eyes is very delicate and thin and reacts to the slightest changes in the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • teething;
  • frequent colds leading to chronic tonsillitis or enlarged tonsils;
  • dental disease is sometimes accompanied by redness under the eyes of a child (2 years old);
  • heredity;
  • kidney problems (accompanied by lower back pain and swelling);
  • anemia.

Any of the above ailments can show such an alarming symptom as redness under the eyes of a 3-year-old child. The reasons for this are different, so a mandatory examination of a small person by a specialist is required.

redness under the eyes of a child causes and photo
redness under the eyes of a child causes and photo

Treatmentand prevention

Self-medication is not recommended, as its consequences can be very dangerous for the child.

Only a doctor can name the true cause of redness. To do this, you need to pass tests. The specialist will then select the most effective treatment.

Thus, parents will prevent possible complications in the future.

Among preventive measures, the most important place is occupied by hygiene, exercise, hardening and proper nutrition of the child.

Traditional methods for getting rid of redness under the eyes

  1. Before the doctor arrives, you can wash the child's face with a baby remedy and make a poultice on the eyes with a decoction of chamomile or tea leaves. You can also make compresses from infusions of other medicinal herbs. They relieve itching, inflammation and flaking. Be sure to explain to the child that you should never touch or rub your eyes with your hands.
  2. Mask of cottage cheese. To remove redness under the eyes, you need to mix cottage cheese and sour cream in a 2: 1 ratio. Then put a certain amount of the resulting mass on a cotton swab and make a compress on the eyes (15 minutes).
  3. Potato mask. Grind the raw vegetable on a grater. Put the resulting mixture on a thin cloth and make a compress on the affected area (20 minutes). After the procedure, rinse your face with water and apply baby cream.
  4. Cold treatment. It should be done infrequently and no longer than 3 minutes.
  5. Grate unpeeled pumpkin. Wrap the resulting slurry in a thin cloth or gauze and make a compress (20 minutes). Such a procedure can be carried outseveral times in a row, taking a break for 10 minutes.
  6. Rinse the leaves of a young Kalanchoe plant thoroughly, grind into a pulp and apply on the eyelids (15 minutes).
  7. Aloe helps with eye redness. The plant must be over 2 years old for effective treatment. Aloe juice is instilled into the eyes (2-3 drops). Drop honey into a large spoon, mix thoroughly and drip the resulting mixture into the eyes (2-3 drops). There may be a burning sensation and discomfort that quickly passes.
  8. redness under the eyes of a child 1 year old
    redness under the eyes of a child 1 year old
  9. Dill seed lotion. In a steam bath, prepare a decoction of this plant and make compresses on the eyes.
  10. Lotion from marshmallow root. A few grams of the plant must be poured with cold water and insisted for a day. Then make compresses on the eyes.
  11. Lotion from a two-leaf miner. Half a small spoonful of the plant must be poured with a cup of boiling water, insisted for half an hour and strained well. Use a compress morning and evening.
  12. Compress from infusion of blue cornflower flowers. Boil a large spoonful of the plant in boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Before the procedure, the infusion must be filtered.
  13. Make a mixture of onion broth and honey and rinse your eyes with it, but no more than 3 times a day.
  14. Pour a cup of boiling water over the peel of cucumbers. Add a little soda to the broth. Infuse for 20 minutes, then strain. Use for eye wash and also for lotions.

You can use traditional medicine to treat a child, but only after consulting a doctor. Some drugs have a very strong effect onchildren's body and can be dangerous.

It should be remembered that it is important to cure not the symptoms (redness under the eyes), but the very cause of the disease. And self-treatment will not help here. Parents need to teach their child to observe hygiene, exercise and eat right. Then the appearance of infectious diseases will be minimized, immunity will be strengthened and the baby will be he althy.
