Posterior rhinitis in children and adults: description, causes, treatment and recommendations

Posterior rhinitis in children and adults: description, causes, treatment and recommendations
Posterior rhinitis in children and adults: description, causes, treatment and recommendations

Posterior rhinitis is basically an infectious disease that affects the nasal mucosa. Rhinopharyngitis (another name for this disease) occurs more often in children, although it also occurs in adults. If left untreated, this disease very often becomes chronic.

Posterior rhinitis
Posterior rhinitis

What is posterior rhinitis?

If the patient complains to the doctor about the symptoms that are characteristic of nasopharyngitis, the doctor must definitely find out the nature of the disease. As a rule, rhinitis of the back wall is an independent disease, however, there are also cases when similar symptoms are observed in the initial stages of diseases such as meningitis, measles, influenza and scarlet fever. Nasopharyngitis is especially dangerous for children, because such diseases can undermine children's immunity.

An advanced form of posterior rhinitis can affect the tonsils, the entire surface of the nasopharynx and even the submandibular lymph nodes. According to doctors, such an ailment is very easily tolerated by adult patients, which is why a chronic form is increasingly common.nasopharyngitis.

Causes of nasopharyngitis

There are a huge number of reasons for the defeat of the nasal mucosa with posterior rhinitis, but among all the main ones can be distinguished. This is:

  • exposure of chemical components to the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • frequent exposure to cold;
  • sudden temperature changes;
  • presence of foreign objects in the nose of a person (this is more often observed in patients in childhood);
  • side effects of drugs;
  • impaired blood circulation of the human mucosa;
  • mechanical damage and injury;
  • allergic reactions;
  • deviated septum;
  • contact with an infected person.

In children, back rhinitis can occur even due to the wrong diet or even a violation of the daily routine.

Back rhinitis in a child
Back rhinitis in a child

Symptoms of disease

In order to start treatment on time, it is necessary to accurately recognize the symptoms of nasopharyngitis. After that, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, who can confirm or refute the diagnosis of "posterior rhinitis". Its initial treatment is usually simple and inexpensive.

So, the symptoms of this disease include:

  1. Mild cough that gets worse in the morning or at night.
  2. Sensation of mucus at the back of the throat.
  3. Nasal congestion.
  4. Frequent breathing.
  5. Sneeze.
  6. The nasality of the voice.
  7. Bad breath.
  8. Dryness of the nasal mucosa.
  9. Intermittent sore throat.
  10. Appearance of low temperature.
  11. Children sometimes experience nausea, vomiting, and watery eyes.
Posterior rhinitis treatment
Posterior rhinitis treatment

Types of posterior rhinitis

It has already been said that posterior rhinitis is acute and chronic. Chronic rhinitis always appears against the background of an acute course of the disease. In this case, the patient has all the symptoms are mild and persist for 2-3 weeks. Sometimes a chronic course is fixed for several months.

Also, nasopharyngitis is distinguished by the pathogen. They can be:

  • allergens;
  • viruses;
  • mechanical damage, trauma and burns;
  • bacteria;
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • violation of autonomic function (VSD);
  • hormonal disorders.

In addition, this disease can be divided into three more types:

  • catarrhal;
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic.

Catarrhal pharyngitis is characterized by a mild course of the disease and mild symptoms. Atrophic rhinopharyngitis is characterized by a decrease in the thickness of the mucous membrane, and for hypertrophic - tissue thickening.

Posterior rhinitis in a child

In children, nasopharyngitis is almost impossible to recognize at the initial stages. In adults, this disease proceeds somewhat differently than in children, so it is important for the parent to immediately respond to a possible disease and take the child to the doctor.

Back rhinitis in a child treatment
Back rhinitis in a child treatment

So, at the initial stage, children's nasopharyngitis proceeds in the same way as any other cold. There is fever, runny nose, pain when swallowing. When the disease begins to develop further, the symptoms of childhood posterior rhinitis become identical to the disease in an adult. However, at this stage, the disease has already affected a significant part of the mucosa, which will not be very good for the child's immunity.

A caring parent must carefully examine the mucous and oral cavity of the child to confirm the severity of the disease. With a common cold, it will be very inflamed, but there will be no plaque on it. For rhinopharyngitis, purulent plaque is also characteristic, as well as a large amount of mucus.

It is important not to miss the moment and start treatment of the disease on time, as in children, acute rhinitis becomes chronic much faster and easier than in adults.

Posterior rhinitis in adults: treatment

Despite the similarity of symptoms to the common cold, nasopharyngitis is a complex disease. You should not use drugs to "smooth out" symptoms on your own. The patient should be examined by a doctor and diagnosed with posterior rhinitis. In adults, treatment should also be carried out under the supervision of a general practitioner or ENT doctor.

It is worth noting that an experienced doctor can determine the nature of the occurrence of nasopharyngitis by the color of the mucus:

  1. If there is white or transparent sputum, then, most likely, rhinitis has arisen due to a violation of the microflora of the mucous membrane or due to allergens that have entered the body. In this caseappropriate medications are prescribed.
  2. If the sputum is light yellow or greenish, then it is a common viral disease. Treated with antiviral drugs.
  3. Green or bright orange sputum is characteristic of an infection. Usually the sputum is also thick and difficult to expectorate. Antibiotics are often prescribed for these symptoms, and a doctor can refer you for a pap smear if needed.

Regardless of the nature of the disease, drinking plenty of water and taking vitamins and minerals is prescribed. It is worth noting that during the period of illness it is not recommended to abuse dairy products and coffee, as they are able to remove fluid from the body.

Rhinitis of the back wall
Rhinitis of the back wall

Treatment of nasopharyngitis in children

Therapy of any disease must be chosen correctly, especially when it comes to such a disease as posterior rhinitis in a child. Treatment should be chosen by the pediatrician. First of all, a medical worker must prevent the degeneration of an acute form into a chronic one.

First, the child is prescribed drugs that eliminate cough and sore throat. Without a he althy throat, rhinitis treatment is pointless. Antibacterial medicines are suitable for this. With children's rhinopharyngitis, regular rinsing of the oral cavity is mandatory. Antibiotics are prescribed in extreme cases, when, for example, the disease has already been complicated by some symptoms.

It is best to treat a runny nose with drugs that contain oils. This is necessary due to the fact that posterior rhinitis is characterized by dry mucous membranes.shells. Oil-containing medicines not only treat, but also moisturize the nasal cavity.

Prevention of posterior rhinitis in children

To prevent a child from getting sick with posterior rhinitis, it is important to constantly ventilate the rooms where he is. Of course, ventilation must be carried out in its absence. It is not bad to maintain the optimal air temperature in the room. +20 … +22 ° С is considered favorable. Bacteria do not thrive in this climate.

In an epidemic, it is necessary to wash the child's nose with saline solutions, and also keep the mucous membrane constantly moistened. The throat can be gargled with decoctions or tinctures.

In addition, preventive measures include the constant hardening of the body, as well as proper nutrition and adherence to the daily routine. Parents are encouraged to walk daily with the child in the fresh air. Only one thing should be remembered that during walks it is necessary to prevent hypothermia of the child. Hypothermia is the first cause of nasopharyngitis.

Posterior rhinitis in adults
Posterior rhinitis in adults

How to avoid posterior rhinitis as an adult?

An adult also needs to avoid hypothermia. It is important to wear clothes that are in season. In winter, be sure to wear gloves, scarves and mittens. In cold weather, you should breathe through your nose, as contact with cold air can cause swelling of the mucous membrane.

Also, adults need to systematically take multivitamins and restorative drugs. Along with this, physical exercises and morning exercises are shown. Daily personal hygiene is important.

It is also worth remembering that mechanical damage to the mucosa can also cause rhinitis. It is important to handle foreign objects carefully. Preventive methods also include hardening, following the correct daily routine and eating he althy food.

Folk remedies for back rhinitis

How to treat posterior rhinitis with folk remedies? Is full recovery possible without medication? These are the main questions of patients who do not trust modern medicine.

It is hardly possible to fully recover, but you can and should help your body, because folk methods are a great way to increase immunity.

Posterior rhinitis in adults treatment
Posterior rhinitis in adults treatment

So, beetroot juice is an excellent remedy for a cold. It is recommended to bury it in the nose as often as possible. It will perfectly relieve swelling, inflammation, and with it pain.

Dried plantain will also help in the fight against rhinopharyngitis. It must be poured with boiling water for 2 hours, filtered and taken orally 3 times a day for 2 tsp. 30 minutes before meals.

Aloe juice has long been known for its ability to treat the common cold. It perfectly relieves congestion and moisturizes the mucous membranes.

Licorice root (decoction) fights coughing fits. In addition, it has a mild mucolytic effect. By the way, like licorice root, coltsfoot and eucalyptus act on the human mucosa.

Calendula tincture is also great for treating back rhinitis. A decoction of calendula is dripped into the nose against a runny nose, and diluted tinctureindicated to gargle every hour.
