Fusion of the small lips in girls, which is commonly called synechia, can occur in early infancy or a little later. As a rule, a similar ailment is observed in children whose age is up to 6 years. Often the disease is completely asymptomatic, and parents discover it while caring for their girl, or it is done by a doctor during a medical examination.
Determining the fusion of small lips in girls is quite simple. You can do this by taking a close look at your baby's genitals. The disease can constantly recur. So, let's take a closer look at what is the fusion of the small lips in girls, how to conduct an examination, what are the symptoms and causes of the development of this disease.

First of all, you should start by examining your child. Before doing this, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, cut your nails so as not to injure the delicate skin in any way.baby cover. To determine the fusion of small lips in a girl, spread the legs, carefully examine the genitals. Note the presence of the genital slit through which the vagina is visible.
If you see only a whitish stripe, and you cannot move the labia minora apart, then there is a possibility of this disease. Sometimes fusion of the labia majora is also observed.
But how to identify signs of fusion of small lips in girls? Photos in specialized publications can clearly show what this disease looks like.

As a rule, the disease does not cause any discomfort to the child. Sometimes there may be problems with urination, and during this process the girl begins to grunt, cry and push. However, after urination, as a rule, relief occurs. So, let's consider the symptoms of fusion of small lips in girls (photos are not presented in our article for ethical reasons). The signs will be as follows:
- Redness of the skin in the genital area, as well as the formation of a rash.
- Irritation of the mucous membrane.
- Baby crying, indicating soreness when touched while washing or bathing.
- The jet during urination is directed upwards, but this symptom is typical for boys.
Girls over 1 year old suffer from urine leakage even if they are already using the potty.
Dangerous diseases
To prevent complicationsfor lip fusion in girls, treatment should begin as soon as symptoms are detected. But what will be the danger of this disease?
This disease cannot be regarded as a natural process of the body that can be ignored. It is rarely accompanied by severe consequences for the baby's body. Nevertheless, such a condition can cause the development of various infectious processes. During the progression of the disease in the future, the girl may have problems with the growth of the genital organs, as well as the incorrect formation of the perineum. In addition, a woman in the future may suffer from problems with conception, as well as delivery.
We have determined what the fusion of small lips looks like in girls. At the initial stage, the disease makes itself felt in the form of swelling of the vulva, redness, irritation, and pain during urination. If you suspect a fusion of small lips with large ones in girls, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Synechia is an insidious disease that tends to relapse. Do not rely on your own solution to this problem. As a rule, the disease can be completely cured by the time of puberty. In the case of this pathology, the child should be constantly observed by a pediatric gynecologist, who determines the appropriate treatment for fusion of the small lips in girls (a photo diagram of this disease is available above).

Causes of disease
The reasons for the development of the disease can be many. If you notice symptoms in a newborn girl, then this may be caused by a complicated pregnancy, as well as intrauterine infection of the fetus. The reasons for the fusion of the small lips in girls of preschool age will be as follows:
- Past infectious diseases of the urogenital area, for example, vulvitis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis, when bacteria enter the area of inflammation, provoking the development of the disease.
- Transmission of various micro-organisms by household means, such as through a towel or other household items.
- Incorrect intimate hygiene, the use of too aggressive cosmetic gels and soaps that eliminate the bacterial environment necessary for the body.
- Prone to allergic reaction due to contact of the skin with the remnants of laundry detergent that accumulates on linen, with hygienic wet wipes, as well as diapers, which lead to swelling of the vulva, as well as further formation of synechia.
- Hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by estrogen deficiency in the body.
- Using underwear made from poor quality synthetic materials.
- Intestinal dysbacteriosis, helminthic invasions, the use of certain drugs.

Please note that there may also be partial fusion of the small lips in girls. Photos in medical publications can clearly show what this disease looks like. However, it is worth noting that even such an ailment needs mandatory treatment. Incomplete fusion of small lips in girls can also provoke unpleasant consequences in the future.
If fusion is observed in a small area of the labia minora, then the problem can be solved by observing the rules of personal hygiene, as well as caring for the genitals. However, the greatest danger is complete fusion, which can be cured only if you contact a specialist in a timely manner.
Before starting the main treatment, the child is taken a general analysis of urine and blood, a smear for bacterial culture from the vagina, as well as tests to detect hidden infections.
If the disease was caused by an allergic reaction, then in this case, you will need to consult an allergist.
What does Dr. Komarovsky say?
Below you can find a video in which Dr. Komarovsky gives advice on the treatment of fusion of small lips in girls.

Ovestin ointment
As a rule, topical creams and ointments are used to treat this disease. Often, experts prescribe Ovestin ointment, which is a hormonal external remedy used for various ailments that are associated with a lack of estrogen in the body. The main active ingredient in this product is estriol. Treatment with ointment is carried out for 3 weeks, after which a ten-day break is made. Then the course of therapy is repeated. This ointment is recommended for use no more than 1 time per day. Experts advise treating the affected area before going to bed.

Apply this external agent in a thin layer. Processing is done with gentle rubbing movements. In no case should you press on the genital area, trying to separate the labia on your own.
Ointment "Kontraktubeks"
This cream is quite often prescribed by specialists for fusion of the labia minora in girls. The composition contains an ideal combination of active ingredients: sodium heparin, onion extract, allantoin. This ointment has a bactericidal effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and it is also able to heal wound surfaces.

Apply the product to the problem area twice a day with a thin layer. The greatest effect can be achieved if this drug is combined with Bepanthen. The duration of treatment will be 3 weeks, after which a pause is made. Since synechia is a recurrent disease, it is possible to use an external remedy for prevention purposes. The drug has practically no contraindications. The only thing will be increased intolerance or hypersensitivity to individual components that are present in the ointment.
Ointment "Bepanthen"
This cream is effective if the disease is not complicated by inflammation. The cream eliminates sores, cracks, and erosion on the delicate skin. The use of an external agent can prevent the development of infections.

This remedy belongs tosafe group of drugs. You can use the medicine for both newborn children and older girls. Processing is done after washing, as well as thorough drying of the genital area.
Home remedies
In combination with the main therapy, you can use baths with the addition of calendula, chamomile, and oak bark. In the treatment of labia fusion at home, oils of plant origin are used, for example, peach, sea buckthorn, grape seed, almond.

If conservative therapy does not give the expected results, then the specialist prescribes surgical treatment. In this case, a cut is made. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Such a procedure does not pose any danger to the he alth of the child, while it does not cause discomfort in the baby, and also does not provoke bleeding. The duration of the operation is only a few minutes. After such a procedure, the wound is treated with a special antiseptic solution, after which, after 20 minutes, the child can go home.
After surgical treatment for a certain period of time, the genitals should be treated regularly. As a rule, ointments and creams, as well as vegetable oils, are used for this. Alternatively, you can use a simple baby cream. Soothing baths based on a decoction of calendula, chamomile, string or sage can also be prescribed.
Process the area of smalllabia ointment is necessary for at least 1 month. In the future, this procedure is carried out once a week for prevention purposes.
Unfortunately, this disease can return to the child many times, even if the surgical separation of the labia was performed. The problem can be solved only after the onset of puberty. To reduce the risk of recurrence, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures, as well as follow the rules of hygiene. Prevention will be as follows:
- Washing the baby with plain tap water without the use of cosmetics and soaps, which dry out the vaginal mucosa and wash out the beneficial microflora.
- Don't use bubble bath.
- Lingerie must be worn from natural materials such as cotton. In these panties, the skin of the child breathes freely. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that underwear should not squeeze and rub the perineal area, as this provokes an inflammatory process.
- Viral and infectious diseases should be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. In most cases, fusion occurs due to improper treatment of certain ailments.
- You should also visit a pediatric gynecologist regularly.
- Change baby's diapers in time.
- As a prophylaxis, you can use ointments that contain estrogen (only on the recommendation of a doctor!). This is especially important for those girls who were previously diagnosed with fusion of the genitallips.
- Use cosmetics, toilet paper without artificial colors.

If you follow these simple guidelines, you can keep your child from developing this unpleasant disease.