How to soften feces: a review of drugs, products with a laxative effect, medical advice

How to soften feces: a review of drugs, products with a laxative effect, medical advice
How to soften feces: a review of drugs, products with a laxative effect, medical advice

How to soften feces with constipation? This question is asked mainly by those who constantly suffer from chronic constipation. The topic is very sensitive, but important, because over time, hardened feces can create a fecal plug, which entails consequences. In addition, solid excrement causes a lot of discomfort and is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.


Improper nutrition is one of the main causes of hardening of feces, and also an inactive lifestyle. When the body is dehydrated, too dense or dry stools are also observed. Problematic emptying is most often chronic due to the fact that a person eats snacks, drinks tea or coffee with food, not water.

toilet in the bathroom
toilet in the bathroom

The main causes of hard stools include:

  • overeating;
  • increased bowel activity;
  • lack of fiber in the diet;
  • taking certain medications;
  • abuselaxative;
  • drinking a lot of alcohol;
  • drinking carbonated drinks;
  • hormonal failure;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Psycho-emotional problems or depression can also cause changes in fecal structures. In the postpartum or postoperative period, there is constipation with a dense stool. With prolonged neglect of the urge to defecate, for example, with hemorrhoids, hardening of feces is also diagnosed. In this case, a small constipation develops into a chronic ailment, the course of which can become much more complicated. The longer no bowel movements occur, the denser and harder the feces become, which in many cases leads to the formation of a fecal plug.


The bowel functions normally when its work is characterized by regular defecation, which occurs painlessly and easily. If the act of emptying is difficult or the stool occurs less than once a day, then we can state that the person has constipation.

man on the toilet
man on the toilet

In case of intestinal stagnation, the structure of feces can take the following forms:

  • round pea-shaped feces come out individually;
  • masses are dense and have a ribbed surface;
  • feces are lumpy.

Acute constipation

The acute form of constipation includes those conditions when the hardened mass of feces gets stuck in the intestines, and its exit is completely stopped.

The following symptoms are typical for this varietyproblematic stool:

  • rectal discomfort felt;
  • there is a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • no emptying at all;
  • failing urge to void.
stool problems
stool problems

Often, a dense stool is accompanied by such a pathology, when constipation with hard feces is due to the incomplete release of fecal masses accumulated in the intestines. The process is quite painful, since previously stuck feces pass through the intestines, they damage its walls and lead to rupture of the anus.

If you do not take measures to soften hardened excrement before emptying, then the consequences of such constipation can be hernia, rectal prolapse, the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Softening feces at home

You can normalize the structure of feces in the first place, starting with adjusting the diet. If you suspect hardened feces inside the intestines, you should avoid foods that can worsen the problem and add more plant foods containing fiber to your diet.

Gastroenterologists recommend for constipation, which is accompanied by too dense feces, to adhere to these recommendations:

  • diet should be filled with fresh vegetables;
  • should give up rice and semolina;
  • soups should be prepared with low-fat broth;
  • you need to eat at least 5 times a day, but in small portions;
  • eliminate caffeine from the diet;
  • eat fermented milkproducts that do not contain thickeners and flavorings;
  • it is necessary to add two or three drops of vegetable oil to the prepared food.
black enema
black enema

Because hard stools can be caused by dehydration, it is essential to moisten feces by drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day. You should drink pure water, as tea or coffee, on the contrary, can cause dehydration.


If a therapeutic diet fails, a stool softener can be used. Since all laxatives have a number of contraindications, they must be drunk with caution. For example, you should not take a fast-acting laxative for hard stools, as it does not help soften the stool, the passage of stool may be accompanied by soreness and rupture of the anus.

Which drugs to use to soften feces depends on how advanced the pathological condition is. When choosing a drug, the patient's age and the presence of any concomitant diseases should also be taken into account.

Stool softeners

There are several types of preparations for softening feces. Some of them are applied rectally, others - orally. However, they all have one goal - to cleanse the intestines by softening and removing accumulated feces.

If we talk about drugs in the form of tablets, they are divided into:

  • stimulants that irritate intestinal peristalsis and muscles;
  • soft action products;
  • voluminous;
  • prebiotics.

Their difference lies in the time of exposure and the effect on the fecal structure. For hardened stools, it is best to use bulk laxatives or mild medications. Emptying occurs within 10-12 hours after taking them, during which time the stool becomes softer, and its exit is easy and painless.

constipation in a man
constipation in a man

These tools include:

  • "Guttalax";
  • "Duphalac";
  • "Lactitol";
  • "Dulcolax";
  • "Mukofalk".

Since laxatives become addictive rather quickly, it is best not to get carried away with them. If you use them regularly, the intestines will stop working on their own, and atony will set in. Also, do not consume more than one laxative tablet per day, as this can lead to severe diarrhea, which in turn will lead to dehydration.


Suppositories for softening feces are an excellent substitute for laxative tablets. The intestine is their immediate area of action. They are quite effective for functional constipation. If the cause of constipation is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the proper effect of the suppository will not come. In this case, it is better to use an enema or laxative in the form of tablets, since the accumulation of feces occurs in the upper intestine. Mechanical obstructions in the intestines (scars,neoplasms) will also not give any effect from the use of candles.

blue enema
blue enema

Oil and enema

If medications have not given the desired effect, or there are contraindications to their use, there is another way to soften the stool in the rectum - an enema. If constipation is not started, a hypertonic enema is used, which is aimed at washing out feces by introducing a specially designed solution into the intestine. This method is quite effective if the question arose of how to quickly soften the stool. The softening of feces is due to the fact that s alt water increases the osmotic pressure, because of this, their exit is painless and free.

Constipation of neglected etiology

An oil enema should be used to soften the stools for this type of constipation. The effect of it is not so fast, but for the complete softening of hard feces, this is ideal. Only warm oil should be poured into the intestines, its temperature should be 37 degrees. This will relax the intestinal muscles and relieve spasm. With pathogenic constipation, this is very important. Enemas should be done carefully and follow all recommendations.

How to prevent hardening of feces

Most often, hardening of fecal matter occurs due to bowel dysfunction. So that the feces do not have time to accumulate and come out regularly, it is necessary to make sure that emptying is daily.

good digestion
good digestion

With a problematic intestine, you must follow the datarecommendations:

  • diet should be filled with foods that soften feces;
  • the use of flour products should be reduced to a minimum, the baked goods used in food should be stale;
  • At least one and a half liters of pure water should be consumed per day;
  • exclude spicy, fried, fatty foods from the diet;
  • eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (except beans, pears, grapes and persimmons);
  • dried fruits should be present in the diet (especially dried apricots and prunes);
  • in the daily diet must be boiled beets with vegetable oil;
  • start the day with a light workout.

If constipation is associated with a gastrointestinal disease, prevention should not only consist of proper nutrition, but it is also necessary to get rid of the underlying cause that leads to bowel dysfunction. This therapy should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist and with the use of medications.
