Pancreatic necrosis is considered one of the most serious diseases affecting the pancreas. Both women and men are equally affected by this disease. Pancreatic necrosis is diagnosed most often in young people under 30.
In this article you can read about what you can eat with a disease such as pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas, as well as what dishes are included in the diet. It will also describe which products are strictly prohibited for this disease.
What is pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas?
The development of this disease occurs as a result of dysfunction of the local protective mechanism of the pancreas. A provoking factor can be the use of junk food and alcoholic beverages in large quantities. As a result, the production of external secretion increases and the outflow of pancreatic juice is disturbed, which provokes a significant stretching of the pancreatic ducts.

Further process of destruction of the acini of the gland and the formation of edemacause massive tissue necrosis. The penetration of tissue decay products and enzymes into the blood causes toxic poisoning of the whole organism. As a result, the liver, heart, kidneys and brain can become foci of intoxication.
If the usual methods of treatment failed to give positive results and the total and subtotal tissue necrosis did not stop, then the patient is prescribed a surgical operation. Surgical intervention is carried out after an exacerbation of the disease.
General nutrition rules before and after surgery
The patient must follow a diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas, both after and before surgery. 24 hours before the start of the intervention, the patient is strictly forbidden to eat food and any liquid. Thus, the pancreas will not produce the enzymes involved in the process of digestion of its parenchyma.
Despite a strict diet for pancreatic necrosis, before the procedure, the patient must have the strength to endure the operation, so he is injected with various body-supporting substances intravenously.

After the operation, it is allowed to feed the patient only on the sixth - seventh day. Before that, it is supported by warm medicinal water ("Narzan", "Borjomi") or weak tea without sugar. The amount of fluid consumed should not exceed 800 milliliters per day. If the patient's condition after the operation is considered too severe, the use of any liquid is again prohibited. Nutrition occurs through intravenous injections. Only whena person's condition will return to normal, his diet will include products that promote the regeneration of the digestive system.
The postoperative diet menu for pancreatic necrosis is based on the elimination of negative factors that destroy the pancreas. It is also aimed at reducing the excitability of the gallbladder and the rejection of pathogens of pancreatic secretion.
It used to be that a diet after pancreatic necrosis in the form of prolonged fasting without drinking (about three days) contributes to postoperative recovery. However, modern medicine has resolutely abandoned this concept.
Recent scientific studies have shown that if the patient is not allowed to drink warm medicinal water after surgery, lipolysis and hypodysproteinemia may develop. Thus, the duration of a starvation diet for pancreatic necrosis does not exceed one day, and in extremely difficult cases it is completely abandoned. Then the patient after parenteral nutrition is gradually transferred to the use of dietary food. This postoperative recovery scheme has been proven to be the most effective. It is worth remembering that liquid, even in small quantities, will benefit the patient after surgery.
The diet menu for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas includes low-calorie foods. In the composition of products, the daily mass fraction of proteins should not exceed sixty grams. At the same time, it is allowed to consume no more than fifty grams of fat per day. The main element of the diet should be semi-liquid or viscous carbohydrate foods.consistency.
Allowed Foods
The composition of the diet for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas should include vegetables (zucchini, carrots, potatoes). Of these, it is advised to prepare lean first courses or use them boiled and chopped. In the same way, porridges are prepared based on ground cereals (buckwheat, rice).

First and second courses are allowed to be s alted, but only if the total share of s alt per day does not exceed two grams. In a slightly stale form, you can use pastries from flour of the first grade.
From fruits, non-acid apples are recommended in baked form or as part of mousse. In addition, you can eat apricots and peaches, but only in small quantities and peeled. It is advised to drink medicinal water, rosehip broth, jelly or weak tea.
Partly Limited Products
With pancreatic necrosis, the diet may include a minimum amount of fermented milk products, such as low-fat fermented baked milk, kefir or sour cream. Milk soup is allowed, but only when diluted with water.
Chicken or quail eggs are advised to use only soft-boiled. In the form of mashed potatoes or steamed cutlets, they allow the use of dietary meat or fish.
Forbidden foods
It is strictly forbidden to include smoked foods (meat or sausages), fatty and rich broths from fish or meat, fresh milk and sour-milk products with a high fat content in the diet for pancreatic necrosis. In addition, it shouldexclude fresh pastries, scrambled eggs and hard-boiled chicken or quail eggs.

It is strongly not recommended to drink alcohol, any carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea. Vegetables, which include coarse fiber, will have to be abandoned, as well as hot spices, s alt and sugar. Failure to comply with these prohibitions directly leads to a relapse of the disease.
Features of the diet for children
An approximate diet menu for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas for children has some differences with the diet of adults. For example, for children under three years old, it is completely necessary to exclude freshly squeezed juices, berries with stones, all citrus fruits, as well as any vegetables and fruits.
Otherwise, the diet for an adult and a child is absolutely identical. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in kindergartens and schools food is unified and that a particular child needs a separate dietary food, you need to inform the staff in advance.
Menu example
Experts advise including certain foods in the diet for pancreatic necrosis. Recipes will be presented below.
Sample menu for the day:
- For breakfast, an omelet made of proteins, viscous porridge from chopped buckwheat and tea is suitable.
- For an afternoon snack, you can make dried apricot soufflé.
- Dinner may consist of rice broth along with low-fat boiled pollock soufflé and allowed fruit jelly.
- In the break between lunch and dinner, it is advised to have a snack with low-fat cottage cheese and unsweetened compote fromrose hips.
- For dinner, steamed cutlets made from dietary meat or fish, as well as a soufflé made from freshly squeezed carrot juice, are perfect.
The general recommendation is to replace bread with wheat rusk.

Diet Recipes
It is important to remember that it is quite possible to eat tasty and he althy in case of this disease. However, it is worth remembering some rules when preparing dishes, namely:
- S alt and sugar should be added in minimal amounts.
- All food for cooking must be thoroughly washed.
- You should carefully study the composition of products before buying. Preference should be given only to natural ingredients.
Below are some interesting recipes for pancreatic necrosis diet.
Milk soup with buckwheat
To prepare this first course, you need to carefully sort out three tablespoons of cereals, grind it, rinse with running water and cook, adding a little s alt, until half cooked. After that, you need to add one glass of low-fat milk, a teaspoon of sugar and bring to readiness.
Steamed Chicken Cutlets
To begin with, twenty grams of stale bread is soaked in two tablespoons of low-fat milk, and then mixed with one hundred and fifty grams of minced chicken. If desired, you can add a pinch of s alt to the resulting mixture. Minced meat is formed into medium-sized cutlets, placed in a double boiler and steamed on an olive oil.oil for about half an hour.
Pumpkin and Apple Casserole
This dish can be a substitute for the usual desserts. In order to prepare a pumpkin and apple casserole, you need to finely chop one hundred and fifty grams of pumpkin pulp and half a medium apple. After that, the mixture must be placed in a saucepan, stewed with water and using a blender to get the consistency of mashed potatoes.

Next, a tablespoon of hot milk, half a teaspoon of melted butter, a teaspoon of sugar and two tablespoons of semolina are poured into the resulting puree. After that, you need to give the mixture time to cool. Meanwhile, beat the egg white with a whisk until foamy and add to the puree. The resulting mass must be laid out on a baking sheet and baked in the oven at 170 degrees for about half an hour.
Semolina soufflé
This and all other souffle recipes are considered the most useful if steamed. Three tablespoons of semolina are boiled as for making porridge, but instead of milk, three glasses of dried fruit compote are used. The resulting mixture is beaten with a mixer and the proteins from three chicken eggs are gradually added. If desired, add a little sugar, lay out in forms and steam.
Diet vinaigrette
Some salads are not prohibited with pancreatic necrosis. So vinaigrette can be quite useful. To prepare it, it is necessary to leave two hundred and fifty grams of sauerkraut and one pickle in water for half an hour in advance. Then they cooktwo medium-sized potatoes and one beetroot in their skins until tender.
Then it remains only to cut all the components into equal cubes, mix and season with a small amount of vegetable oil. Beet salad is considered the second salad allowed by nutritionists. Two or three beets are boiled in their skins until fully cooked, after which they are rubbed on a grater or finely chopped, s alted and flavored with vegetable or olive oil.

Cream broccoli soup
The most popular and useful diet recipes after pancreatic necrosis are the first courses. Broccoli cream soup occupies a special place among them. To cook cream soup correctly, first you need to bring half a liter of water to a boil, throw in two or three peeled potatoes and about five broccoli florets.
Cook vegetables for about twenty minutes over medium heat. Next, pour the broth into a separate container, and grind the potatoes and broccoli in a blender to a puree consistency. Next, dilute the resulting puree with pre-drained broth, return to the stove and cook until thickened.
Cheese pudding
This recipe for cottage cheese pudding will not leave anyone indifferent. To prepare the pudding, four hundred grams of fat-free cottage cheese and three hundred grams of peeled non-acid apples are crushed in turn in a blender to a puree consistency. Then they are mixed together, adding the proteins of six chicken eggs. If desired, you can add a little sugar, place in molds and bake in the oven.
Complications due to non-compliancediets
When ignoring the rules of diet, patients can and will expect a number of complications. In addition to the fact that not following the diet will provoke a relapse of the disease, it can also become a direct cause of the patient's symptoms of diabetes mellitus.
According to the results of a survey among patients, proper diet for pancreatic necrosis can significantly reduce clinical symptoms. However, patients will have to get used to medical nutrition, as the diet will have to be followed almost for life.
Patients with pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas must unconditionally listen to the instructions of their doctor and follow a therapeutic diet in every detail. The use of prohibited products, even in minimal quantities, can lead to irreversible consequences. In this case, neither expensive drug treatment nor radical surgery will give positive results.