Shortness of breath after eating: causes, description of symptoms and solutions

Shortness of breath after eating: causes, description of symptoms and solutions
Shortness of breath after eating: causes, description of symptoms and solutions

People live in a world filled with air. It is needed to sustain the life of multicellular organisms.

It is quite natural for a person to inhale air, but there are situations when the patient experiences a lack of oxygen. This phenomenon is called shortness of breath. Feelings from this problem are quite unpleasant and can indicate serious he alth problems.


Shortness of breath after eating, the causes of which are varied, is a lack of air for a person. When the latter breathes, he inhales the air that enters the lungs, after which it dissolves in the blood cells, then it is delivered to the tissues and cells. After that, carbon dioxide is already exhaled, which is delivered to the lungs and exits the body by exhalation.

Shortness of breath after eating
Shortness of breath after eating

Respiration is a rather difficult process, even if one organ that is involved in it is damaged, a person will have big problems with air intake. The amount of oxygen consumed by a person depends on the environment. But if there is not enough air, because of this, the patient’s breathing quickens and the bodyreturns to normal.

The number of breaths in a he althy person should be about 18 times per minute, but if this number is more or less, this sign can already indicate he alth problems and an urgent need to see a doctor.


Sometimes there are cases when a person does not have enough air, although his he alth is all right. The reason for this may be a lack of oxygen due to the surrounding space. During this, breathing quickens, and the person begins to suffocate. Shortness of breath is the result of exercise, headaches and other ailments.

shortness of breath after eating
shortness of breath after eating

People perceive the problem itself in different ways, mainly it is a state of suffocation, lack of air or, conversely, its excess. As a result, the chest begins to hurt, while other pains may not depend on breathing.

With somatic shortness of breath, there is a lack of oxygen and increased breathing, or it is hypoxia. The latter is rather difficult to notice, because there are no external signs of its appearance.

The next type of shortness of breath is called inspiratory. It causes pain when inhaling, the person has a feeling that the lungs are filled with oxygen.

Expiratory is called shortness of breath with difficulty exhaling. It can be a sign of asthma, and it can also be a symptom of lung problems.

A more severe case of shortness of breath is called mixed. With it, the movement of the chest causes difficulties and heaviness in the chest. This appearance is a sign of asthma.

causes of shortness of breath
causes of shortness of breath

Why shortness of breath after eating appears and what it indicates, not everyone knows. Basically, a similar problem suggests that the organs, cells and tissues of the body do not have enough oxygen. This causes them to fail. First of all, it concerns the brain. Due to shortness of breath, a serious sleep disturbance begins, problems with physical activity, talking with people. From this it follows that her treatment should not be postponed in any case, as there may be even more problems.


Shortness of breath cannot happen just like that - it is the cause of any disease, so you need to see a doctor.

During the examination, several types of diagnostics are used at once. After that, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed. Usually the patient is given an ECG, tests, x-rays, possibly also an MRI check.

Reasons, recommendations

There are times when shortness of breath after eating is not the cause of the disease. There is simply not enough air around for normal breathing. For example, in the mountains or at low pressure, the type of shortness of breath is called physiological. It does not cause much harm to he alth, but a long stay in an area with such an air deficit will not do anything good.

shortness of breath after eating: cause
shortness of breath after eating: cause

Shortness of breath manifests itself differently in people. For example, in athletes, it appears much later due to their physical fitness and good endurance. In people who do not exercise, shortness of breath occurs much earlier, especially if the person is also overweight.

Moreover, these people may not have a disease. It all depends on the physical fitness of the person and how he takes care of his body. In this case, there is good motivation to go in for sports.

The cause of shortness of breath after eating (treatment in this case is not required) can also be overeating. That is, the stomach fills up so much that it presses on the lungs and it becomes difficult for a person to breathe.

When shortness of breath appears after eating, obesity can also be considered the cause. If the patient is only a couple of extra pounds, then such problems do not arise and he feels fine. However, if the weight is too large, even with small loads, a person will simply begin to suffocate.

Fat puts pressure on the internal organs of the patient and it takes more effort to do this or that job. Accordingly, the person's shortness of breath will become stronger and stronger.

Shortness of breath after eating
Shortness of breath after eating

The most optimal "medicine" will be exercise and a strict diet. It also does not hurt to consult a doctor. He will tell you how best to get rid of this problem.


Illness, when there is not enough oxygen in the cells, is called hypoxemia. It can occur as a result of a lack of air around, with a slow supply of oxygen to the body, or problems with the heart. A blood disease, smoking, obesity, a change in pressure can serve as a provocateur. If hypoxemia is detected in newborns, the cause is most likely a lack of oxygen in the mother.

The givendisease according to the following signs: pressure drop, pallor, weakness of the whole body, drowsiness. With any of these signs, the body tries to conserve oxygen.

Anemia, heart failure

In older children, the cause of shortness of breath after eating may be due to congenital heart problems, namely heart failure.

With anemia, there is weakness, headache, problems with appetite, sleep is disturbed, the skin turns pale. With complications, heart failure also develops.

Treatment of anemia should never be delayed. Its elimination depends on the reasons that caused this condition. For example, with a deficiency of vitamins, a diet is followed, with an iron deficiency in the body, it is best to use medicines prescribed by a doctor and containing the missing microelement. If there are complications with anemia, the patient is sent to the hospital.

why is shortness of breath after eating
why is shortness of breath after eating

High production of thyroid hormones is called thyrotoxicosis. With it, the heart is rapidly contracting, there are problems with the saturation of organs with oxygen. To treat this disease, drugs are prescribed based on the results of the examination.


During pregnancy in women, breathing quickens because of the child that is inside and serves as a burden and physical load on the girl. It's getting harder and harder every month.

Unlike other cases, such shortness of breath is not a sign of any disease, as it is quite natural, but it is still worth seeing a doctor toavoid unnecessary problems in the future.


From the foregoing, it follows that the causes of shortness of breath after eating are different. These are he alth problems, namely with the heart, lungs, pressure, damage to any organs, obesity. Or it all depends on the surrounding area and what kind of air is in it, so you should not worry once again.

However, if something serious is suspected or there are signs of any disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.
