How long does a child's temperature last with SARS

How long does a child's temperature last with SARS
How long does a child's temperature last with SARS

The temperature in children can rise due to various diseases, but most often the cause is SARS. It is important to begin timely treatment. You need to understand how important it is to be appointed by a specialist. In this case, it will be possible to avoid negative consequences, and recovery will be faster. Parents are interested in how long the child's temperature lasts. This will be discussed further.

Why the temperature is rising

A child may have a fever for various reasons. And this is not always a sign of illness. If the child just played too much, ran, the temperature can jump up to 38 ºС. The kid just needs to be seated on a chair, give him a glass of water. Within half an hour, the temperature will drop to normal levels.

how long can a child have a temperature
how long can a child have a temperature

She can get up because of drinking hot tea, too warm clothes. In this case, the child has no signs of the disease. But sometimes an increase in temperature is caused by a disease such as SARS. This is a group of autumn-spring ailments, including a respiratory viral infection, acute respiratory infections, colds, etc. How long a child’s temperature can last depends on the reason for its increase, which can be:

  • Rhinoviruses. This is one of the most common diseases belonging to the category of SARS. Symptoms vary greatly from person to person. Some children tolerate the disease quite well, while in others the temperature rises greatly, almost to critical levels. And the flu has the same symptoms. Therefore, it will be almost impossible to distinguish one disease from another without laboratory research. A distinctive feature of rhinoviruses is the presence of a runny nose. This disease can be complicated by otitis media, sinusitis and even pneumonia.
  • Flu. A contagious disease that can occur without specific manifestations. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by a serious fever.
  • Parainfluenza. Has symptoms similar to diphtheria.
  • Adenovirus. In addition to such manifestations as rhinitis, pharyngitis, the disease can be manifested by conjunctivitis. Children suffer from this disease more often than adults. Often the disease is complicated by the development of sinusitis and otitis media.
  • Respiratory syncytial virus. They mostly infect newborns. In the future, due to this disease, the child becomes predisposed to asthma.

Things and other respiratory diseases and chickenpox can be the reason for feeling unwell. How many days does the child have a fever? To replyto this question, you need to know what kind of disease it is caused by. Keep in mind that everyone's body is different. Therefore, the reaction to pathology may be unequal. In any case, the pediatrician should control the disease, monitoring the well-being of the child.

Why is the temperature rising?

Many parents are interested in how long the child's temperature keeps on the teeth, with a viral or bacterial disease. This process is purely individual, but there are certain acceptable norms. First of all, you need to understand why such a reaction of the body is needed at all.

how long does a child have a fever
how long does a child have a fever

High fever is usually a sign of the immune system fighting infection. The higher it is, the more interferon is produced. This is a specific type of protein that kills viruses and pathogenic bacteria. In addition, in heat, such microorganisms cease to multiply. It also leads to a gradual recovery. For this reason, pediatricians advise not to lower the temperature if it does not rise above 38.5 ºС.

However, such an unpleasant symptom cannot always be tolerated. Some babies do not tolerate even a slight increase in temperature. Already when the thermometer reads 37, 2-37, 5 ºС, they begin to cry, act up. To reduce discomfort, pediatricians prescribe antipyretics. In this case, only special preparations for children are used. It is strictly forbidden to bring down the temperature with aspirin. In children under the age of 12, it can cause a dangerous pathology that affects the brain and kidneys.(Reye syndrome).

Considering how long the temperature in children with a virus lasts, it is worth noting one more nuance. For babies who have been diagnosed with a neurological disease, it is extremely important to bring down the heat already when the thermometer reads 37.5 ºС. Otherwise, febrile convulsions may begin. Therefore, do not wait until the temperature drops on its own. It must be monitored and, if necessary, antipyretic drugs are taken.

Some nuances

How long does a child's temperature last with a virus or infection? Parents should understand what options for deviations can be observed in the baby. The temperature is considered normal from 36 to 37 ºС. Moreover, it must be measured in the armpit. This technique is suitable for children who are 3 years old.

with a virus, how long does the temperature in children last
with a virus, how long does the temperature in children last

For infants from birth to 3 years of age, the rectal measurement method is recommended. In this case, the child should lie on the tummy on the lap of mom or dad. The thermometer is lubricated with petroleum jelly and gently inserted into the rectum. The procedure lasts 2 minutes. In this case, the normal temperature is from 37 to 38 ºС.

At different ages, the baby's body reacts differently to the development of the disease. As the child grows older, the process of thermoregulation changes somewhat, becomes more perfect. So, even with minor pathologies, the body temperature of a newborn can change several times a day. Therefore, even short-term changes in this indicator may indicate the development of an infectious disease.diseases. Because of this reaction, it is much more difficult to identify an ailment in infants.

How long can a child's temperature stay 39 oC? This is the limit, upon reaching which you need to take antipyretics. If they don't help, call an ambulance. At this temperature, adverse effects are likely to develop.

Rate increase

When studying the question of how many days a child has a high temperature, it is worth paying attention to the degree of fever:

  • Subfebrile - from 37 to 38 ºС.
  • Febrile - from 38 to 39 ºС.
  • Pyretic - from 39 to 41 ºС.
  • Hyperpyretic - more than 41 ºС.

It is worth noting that for the youngest children it is quite normal if the thermometer stays at the level of up to 37.5 ºС. Until the age of three, you can ignore this.

how many days does a child have a fever
how many days does a child have a fever

You need to lower the temperature if it becomes pyretic or even hyperpyretic. In some cases, this is also required at a febrile temperature. If the baby can tolerate this condition, you should not use antipyretics. This can be bad for the immune system. The body will not be able to fight infection effectively next time.

Urgently take appropriate action to reduce fever in the following cases:

  • Baby has neurological problems.
  • Chronic diseases of the heart and kidneys were diagnosed.
  • For babies under 4 months of age.

Duration of fever

It is important to know how long a child's temperature lasts. After parents notice the first signs of SARS or flu, they should call a doctor. The pediatrician will examine the little patient and prescribe the right treatment.

how long does a viral temperature last in a child
how long does a viral temperature last in a child

Temperature helps the body resist infection. Therefore, it persists until the underlying disease has passed. Therefore, being interested in how many days the temperature in a child with sore throat, purulent otitis media, pneumonia, chickenpox, keeps, it is worth noting that on average it is observed for at least 5 days.

If it's a common cold, an uncompromised baby will have a fever for 2-3 days. With influenza, this period usually increases, amounting to 5-7 days. If the fever gradually subsides, but then rapidly increases again, this indicates the development of complications. This situation calls for immediate action. Often this indicates the development of a bacterial-type disease against the background of a viral infection.

How long does a child's temperature last with SARS? Usually, even with the most severe course of such diseases, the immune system copes with the infection within 3-4 days. During this period, there is a fever. If the fever is caused by the flu, it comes on abruptly. In just a few hours, the baby becomes hot, other unpleasant symptoms of a viral disease appear.

In pneumonia, the temperature rises gradually. In a few days, it grows noticeably if it is not carried outappropriate treatment. On the first day, the temperature may be subfebrile. After another two days, it may rise to the level of pyretic or even hyperpyretic.

When the temperature persists for a long time, this indicates the presence of a potentially dangerous disease in the body. It needs to be treated properly and in a timely manner. Otherwise, the complications that have joined can cause great harm to he alth.

Factors affecting the length of the fever period

sore throat how many days does the child have a temperature
sore throat how many days does the child have a temperature

When wondering how long the temperature lasts with SARS in a child or in the case of other diseases, it is worth noting a number of factors that affect this. If a child has a fever for more than 7 days, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • Features of the disease, its form. So, for example, with purulent tonsillitis, in contrast to its catarrhal form, pyretic and hyperpyretic temperature can be observed. This form of the disease is more difficult to bear.
  • Baby's age. The smaller the child, the longer the temperature can last. The healing process takes longer for young children.
  • Features of the immune system. If the child's body is strong, even with a strong viral infection, the condition can stabilize in 3-4 days. Weakened immunity leads to a longer recovery period.
  • Correct treatment. The more effective the drugs are chosen, the faster the fever will pass. With self-medication, the temperature above 38 ºС can last for a long time. It is important that drugsprescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. The pediatrician will select drugs in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child, the nature of the course and the type of disease.

Knowing how many days a child has a fever with SARS, parents may start to panic if the thermometer stubbornly stays at around 37-38 ºС. This is normal if the disease is severe, and the pediatrician clearly controls its course. This condition of the child indicates that the body is still fighting the infection.

What to do with a fever

how long can a child have a temperature of 39
how long can a child have a temperature of 39

Considering the question of how long a child's viral temperature lasts, it is worth noting that there are several rules of behavior in such a situation:

  1. Be sure to provide the child with bed rest. You need to keep him busy with quiet games, you can read books, watch TV, etc.
  2. It's important to take your antipyretics correctly if needed. The dosage depends on the weight and age of the baby. The frequency of taking medications and other features of the reception is determined by the doctor.
  3. If the doctor has prescribed antibiotics, they are taken strictly according to the prescribed schedule, at the same time.
  4. During the entire period of treatment, the child should consume plenty of fluids. These can be herbal teas with antiseptic properties, raspberry or cranberry fruit drinks, rosehip broth and plain purified water. This allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body.
  5. For sore throats, it is important to periodically rinse.
  6. At night you need to change your underwear, andsometimes bedding. If the temperature persists for a long time, it usually drops at night. This results in a lot of sweat. This leads to hypothermia and increases the risk of complications.

Knowing how long a child's temperature can last, parents should make efforts to shorten the recovery period. In this case, the fever will subside faster.

How to bring down the temperature correctly?

Knowing how long the child's temperature lasts, some parents decide to give the baby antipyretics. In some cases, such action is quite justified. But such a procedure must be performed correctly.

First you need to undress the baby. If he is dressed too warmly, the temperature may rise by 1-2 degrees. Be sure to remove the diaper from the baby. Otherwise, you may not achieve the desired effect. You can wipe the baby's body with cool water with the addition of vinegar (9%). They are mixed in the proportion of a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water.

You can arrange a bath that will not last longer than 10 minutes. It is desirable to dip the child with his head. Then it is not wiped, but simply wrapped in a sheet. The child is brought to a pre-ventilated room. During the procedure, it is important that the water temperature is only 1 ºС lower than body temperature. With strong contrast, vasospasm can be observed. Bathing is prohibited if the child has chills.

Parents who know how long a child's temperature lasts, how the disease progresses, understand how important the drinking regimen is. Babies need to be fed on demand. Babies need to be given water. Older children should make tea. Sweating has an antipyretic effect. The child should be changed into dry clothes immediately, but it should not be dried.

Dangerous conditions

It is important not only to know how long a child's temperature lasts, but also in what cases you need to immediately consult a doctor, call an ambulance:

  • Cold hands and feet, indicating cramps.
  • Rapid fever in a child under one year of age.
  • Paleness, chills, extreme lethargy, confusion.
  • Temperature above 40 ºС.
  • Dehydration when a fever is accompanied by frequent or prolonged vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Baby is constantly crying because of the heat.
  • Febrile temperature lasts more than 3 days.


Self-medication is strongly discouraged. The wrong drugs can cause significant harm to the baby. If you still need to bring down the temperature, using medications for this, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Drugs such as Aspirin, Antipyrin, Analgin are prohibited for children. Most often, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol is prescribed to reduce fever.

It is best to purchase funds in drops or candles. The second option is suitable for those children who refuse to take medication. Candles do not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.
