Intracranial pressure is an accumulation or lack of cerebrospinal fluid in a certain area of the skull, which is caused by impaired circulation in it. This liquid is called liquor. It is located in the spinal region, in the space of the bone marrow and brain. Liquor protects the gray matter from large overloads and prevents its mechanical damage.

This fluid is always under pressure. It is constantly updated, it circulates from one area to another. As a rule, the whole process takes about a week. But sometimes its violation occurs, as a result of which the cerebrospinal fluid can accumulate in one place. Because of this, intracranial pressure rises. In the event that there is a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid, then this pressure decreases.
Decrease often occurs due to head injuries, on the background of brain tumors and as a result of prolonged vasoconstriction. It can also happen anddue to prolonged use of diuretics.
The main causes of intracranial pressure are usually the following:
- Violation of metabolic processes, in which there is poor absorption of fluid into the blood.
- Spasms of blood vessels through which CSF cannot circulate normally.
- Excess fluid in the body. Against the background of this condition, the amount of cerebrospinal fluid may increase significantly.
- Development of cerebral hypoxia.
- Presence of pathologies such as meningitis, migraine or encephalitis.
- Development of a stroke.
- Presence of hydrocephalus or tumor.
- Being overweight.
- Severe poisoning of the body along with an excess of vitamin A.

Typically, the symptoms of intracranial pressure in humans are as follows:
- Formation of swelling of the optic nerve.
- The normal reaction of the eyes is disturbed.
- Peripheral vision worsens, and a little later, central. In addition, there is double vision.
- Puffiness of the eyelids and face is formed.
- Hearing decreases, tinnitus appears.
- The occurrence of a headache. As a rule, the pain may increase in the morning, against the background of this condition, a person may feel overwhelmed.
What are other symptoms of intracranial pressure in adults and children?
- Appearance of nausea and vomiting.
- The occurrence of a feeling of pain when you try to turn your head,coughing or sneezing.
- The occurrence of sweating attacks along with a decrease in blood pressure.
- Development of presyncope.
- The appearance of irritability, weakness and fatigue.
- Bruising under the eyes.
- The presence of pain at the top of the cervical vertebra and spinal cord. Intracranial pressure in a child is very dangerous.
For children of school and preschool age, they can also experience fatigue under such pressure along with irritability and excessive sensitivity.

Increased intracranial pressure needs to be treated immediately so that it does not lead to other painful consequences.
When is surgery required?
- This may be needed if there is a skull injury. As a result of a blow, a person may develop a hematoma, which can provoke an increase in intracranial pressure.
- Having a severe headache and fainting. In this situation, most likely, a vascular aneurysm rupture could occur.
Thus, intracranial pressure in adults and children should always be treated, and not wait until an accident occurs.
Diagnostic measures
Doctors determine if patients have problems based on many data, including:
- Stagnation of the optic disc.
- Violation of the outflow of venous blood.
These are pretty serious signs ofpathology.

In addition, adults with older children can have CT and MRI scans. For infants, an examination is possible with the help of an ultrasound examination of the skull, which is done through the fontanelle.
Another diagnostic method is that a special needle with a pressure gauge is inserted into the spinal canal or fluid cavity. Such a procedure, unfortunately, is not safe, it must be carried out exclusively by highly qualified doctors.
In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to use all of the above methods of diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging, along with X-ray computer research, remains the main one.

Treatment of this pathology
Increased intracranial pressure is a serious threat to the patient's life. This gradually disrupts brain activity, as a result of which a person’s intellectual abilities can significantly decrease, the nervous regulation of the activity of internal organs is disrupted.
In the event that serious deviations were found as a result of the diagnosis, then treatment should be carried out in a hospital. When a tumor occurs, it is removed. If there is hydrocephalus, an operation is performed to drain the fluid. In the presence of neuroinfections, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
The main thing in this case, as in any other situations associated with certain diseases, is notself-medicate. As soon as a person feels unwell, he should immediately visit a doctor and get competent recommendations. In the event that there is no high threat to the patient's life, he will be prescribed symptomatic drug therapy aimed at the general normalization of intracranial pressure.
Prescribing diuretics
Diuretics are often used to speed up the process of removing cerebrospinal fluid and improve its absorption. Treatment with such means is carried out in courses. If the disease recurs quite often, they should be taken constantly, most importantly - at least once a week.
What else is used in the treatment of intracranial pressure?

Use of sedative and vascular drugs
As prescribed by a doctor, nootropic drugs can be used to improve nutrition and blood circulation in the brain. In order to normalize the pressure, massage sessions are often performed. It is useful for patients to practice swimming, thus improving their he alth.
If there are no serious complications, then you can do without drugs. Instead, doctors advise doing the following:
- Performing manual therapy.
- Osteopathy.
- Gymnastic exercises.
It will not be superfluous to think about how to normalize your drinking regimen. After all, this also has a significant impact on pressure indicators.
Treatment with folkfunds
Folk treatment of intracranial pressure is usually used only in the chronic course of the disease or as an addition to the already prescribed treatment. Here are some folk remedies:
- Using lemon juice with honey. You should take one lemon and cut it. Next, you need to carefully squeeze the juice. Two tablespoons of honey and one hundred milliliters of ordinary drinking water are added to it. Then all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the product is drunk. The period of treatment by this method should eventually be twenty days. After ten days, you need to take a break.
- Treatment with pollen with honey. Use this remedy for head massage. It is required to take two parts of flower pollen and add honey. Next, mix all the ingredients and leave the product for three days in a place where sunlight does not penetrate. After that, in small portions, the prepared mixture should be rubbed into the back of the head, the back of the neck and the bridge of the nose as well. Then you need to wrap your head with a towel. The described procedure is carried out every day for one month.
- Using plantain. It is required to take three tablespoons of dry plantain and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Next, the remedy is insisted for thirty minutes. The prepared decoction should be consumed fifty grams three times a day.

In closing
Whatever means a person uses, it should be remembered that only the elimination of the main cause of intracranial pressure will lead to a complete recovery. Usually,contrary to rumors, this disease is acquired throughout life, and there is not a single study that would confirm the heredity of the development of this disease. In any case, if suddenly a person discovers symptoms of intracranial pressure, he should, first of all, go to see a doctor, and then follow all the prescribed recommendations.