Regurgitates rotten eggs: causes, possible problems, treatment and medical advice

Regurgitates rotten eggs: causes, possible problems, treatment and medical advice
Regurgitates rotten eggs: causes, possible problems, treatment and medical advice

The rotten egg burping condition is characterized by the emission of gases with an unpleasant hydrogen sulfide odor. Such an eructation almost always indicates various disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so it should not be ignored. It is worth considering in more detail the reasons for burping rotten eggs. Also in this article you can learn about the methods of treating a similar symptom.

Main reasons

As a rule, it is burped with rotten eggs in those cases when the process of digestion of food consumed has slowed down in the intestines and stomach. This provokes a long stagnation of unprocessed food, which causes gas and belching. In most cases, rotten eggs burp for the following reasons:

  1. The presence of salmonella in the intestines, as well as other dangerous bacteria. This is one of the most common reasons for burping.rotten eggs.
  2. Insufficient production of essential enzymes, which can occur in case of a strong inflammatory process in the pancreas.
  3. Failure in the bile excretion system, which provokes a violation of the entire process of digestion, as well as the processing of fats.
  4. The presence of a severe inflammatory process localized in the gastric mucosa is another possible reason why rotten eggs burp.
  5. Insufficient motor function of the stomach.
  6. Poisoning from spoiled food.
  7. Improper diet when a person eats a lot of meat or fatty foods. In this case, the stomach, which is not accustomed to such dishes, is heavily overloaded and simply cannot digest everything on time. This causes prolonged fermentation in the digestive tract, which can also be accompanied by nausea, heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms.
  8. Various intestinal acute infections.
  9. Chronic pancreatitis.
  10. Stenosis.
  11. Gastritis.
  12. Diseases of the duodenum.
  13. Individual intolerance to some food products, such as dairy products, can provoke a similar symptom if they are not completely digested.
  14. Patient's habit of frequently eating indigestible foods such as legumes, mushrooms, meat-based fried foods, sauces, and more.
  15. Reduced acidity of gastric juice.
  16. Different liver diseases, for example, cholecystitis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia. In this case, bileproduced only in small quantities.
  17. Celiac enteropathy, which is a disease in which the patient develops an acute form of gluten intolerance. In this case, the body is completely unable to digest flour products, cereals and bread. It is also worth noting that this kind of enteropathy is very often inherited.
Regurgitates rotten eggs
Regurgitates rotten eggs

So, it has already become clear what it means - regurgitating a rotten egg. But most people will be wondering how to get rid of this kind of symptom.


If he burps with a rotten egg, what should I do? First of all, it is necessary to identify the main reason that provoked this kind of phenomenon. To do this, the doctor prescribes the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Detailed biochemical blood test.
  2. Complete blood count.
  3. Colonoscopy.
  4. Irrigoscopy.
  5. Fibrogastroscopy.
  6. Detection of stomach acidity.
  7. X-ray of the esophagus and stomach.
  8. Ultrasound of the abdomen.
  9. Manometry.
  10. CT stomach.

Features of therapy

So, above were the possible reasons why an adult burps with rotten eggs. Now it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of the treatment of such a symptom in more detail. All of them will depend on what exactly provoked such a burp.

Why does he burp rotten eggs
Why does he burp rotten eggs

In case of poisoning

If the belching appeared due to poisoning with some food, thenaction should be taken:

  1. Urgent gastric lavage. Use a weakly concentrated soda solution to induce vomiting.
  2. Then you need to drink a few tablets of activated charcoal or some other sorbent.
  3. Throughout the day you need to drink as much liquid as possible, as well as herbal teas. You should also stop eating food temporarily, without overloading your stomach, which is already working poorly.
  4. You can eat the next day, but the diet should contain only diet foods and dishes without added s alt.

Please note that if you burp with a rotten egg and diarrhea (which was provoked by poisoning) does not stop, then in no case should you use antibiotics or other medications on your own without prescribing a specialist.

When to see a doctor?

If you are poisoned, you can get rid of unpleasant consequences at home. However, you should definitely consult a doctor when you do not know what it means if you burp a rotten egg. It is also done when the following symptoms are present:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Loose stools with blood in them.
  3. Migraine not relieved by conventional painkillers.
  4. Increase in pressure.
  5. Severe pain in the abdomen.
  6. Diarrhea more than 10 times a day.
Causes of smelly burp
Causes of smelly burp


It was described above,why diarrhea and belching rotten eggs, as well as other symptoms of poisoning the body. Drug therapy for such an eructation will depend on the diagnosed disease. Traditional treatment involves the following:

  1. If the belching was caused by constipation, you can use a laxative, take an enema, or drink a small amount of olive oil.
  2. In case of dysbacteriosis, experts recommend eating fresh yogurt or using a prebiotic, such as Colibacterin, Linex or Hilak Forte.
  3. And if burping rotten egg and diarrhea, what to do? If you are tormented by debilitating diarrhea, then you need to urgently call an ambulance team, since in this condition, patients quickly lose fluid from the body.
  4. If the belching appeared due to severe overeating, then the person should take a tablet of some enzyme preparation, for example, Festal, Mezim Forte.
  5. If gastritis, an ulcer or other stomach disease has been diagnosed, it should be treated with enveloping drugs, such as Almagel.
  6. In case of severe stagnation of bile, it is necessary to drink some choleretic agent, for example, "Allohol", "Holosas". A simple tea with lemon will be very effective in this case.

As for children who burp rotten eggs, the therapy in this case should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician. In addition, it is desirable to conduct it under conditionshospital.

Belching rotten eggs
Belching rotten eggs

Forbidden foods

In case of an acute course of the disease that provoked belching of rotten eggs, it is very important to adhere to a dietary diet that implies the rejection of the following foods: smoked meats, s alt, sausages, mayonnaise, fried foods, fatty meat and fish, coffee, herring, pickled vegetables, sour fruits and their juices, mushrooms, processed foods, legumes, alcohol, dairy products (in case of intolerance).

Allowed Foods

As mentioned above, in case of burping with rotten eggs, you must adhere to a certain diet. The above listed foods that should be excluded from your menu. However, there are also such dishes that must be present at the heart of the diet:

  1. First of all, vegetable soup should be included here. It is best to use a blender to prepare it. Meat broth is not recommended as it will be too fatty.
  2. Be sure to include dried bran bread on the menu. It can be replaced with biscuits.
  3. Fresh sweet fruits.
  4. Milk jelly.
  5. Boiled meat or fish that should be steamed. You can also make cutlets and meatballs from these products, but without adding s alt.
  6. Porridge, in particular, oatmeal or buckwheat.
  7. Salads with a lot of greens and olive oil.
  8. Various dairy products. However, it is importantnote that they must not have a high percentage of fat.
Belching smells bad
Belching smells bad

How to improve the digestive system?

If you want to improve the function of your digestive system, you must adhere to the following nutritional rules:

  1. It will be very useful to use a honey light solution before each meal. To do this, one teaspoon of liquid natural honey must be diluted in one glass of warm water.
  2. Before eating, it is recommended to use a tincture based on mint or rosehip. In addition, such a drink can also be replaced with a decoction based on dried fruits.
  3. Experts advise using a mixture based on honey and butter, which are taken in equal amounts. Such a remedy helps to improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the overall digestibility of the food consumed.
girl plugged her nose
girl plugged her nose

Prevention measures

If you don't want to ever burp rotten eggs, then you need to follow the recommendations given by doctors. Preventive measures are as follows:

  1. Don't send often. When you sit down to have lunch or dinner at the table, your serving should be the amount of food you can fit in your closed palms.
  2. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Only in this way can you give your stomach a rest.
  3. It is extremely important to diagnose and treat diseases in timedigestive tract, which can provoke the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.
  4. During the meal, you should chew your food very carefully, every bite.
  5. In order to prevent, it is necessary to give up quick snacks, as well as fast food.
  6. At every meal, it is mandatory to consume at least a small amount of some hot or liquid dish, for example, stew, soup.
  7. After eating food, experts strongly do not recommend going to bed. Instead, take a short walk in the fresh air.
  8. Don't eat food that has expired or is running out.
  9. You should also not immediately start a meal after exhausting physical exertion.
  10. You should eat well 4-5 times a day. It is best to share all the dishes, without eating everything at once.
  11. If you don't have the opportunity to fully eat at work, then for a snack it is best to choose he althy foods, such as apples, nuts, yogurts, replacing unhe althy crackers and other types of fast food.
  12. It is mandatory to control the amount of drinks you drink. About 2 liters of plain water should be consumed per day, not including tea and coffee.
belching stinks
belching stinks


As you can see, there are many different reasons why rotten egg burps can occur. The method of treating such a symptom will depend on the specific cause. If your belching is accompanieddiarrhea, be sure to seek medical attention.
