Many women are faced with a disease such as thrush, or, in medical terms, vaginal candidiasis. Often this disease is perceived as benign, however, it can cause serious discomfort and lead to the development of complications. Fungi of the genus Candida, which are conditionally pathogenic, provoke its occurrence. It should be considered what vaginal candidiasis is, where does thrush come from in women and men. You should also consider the causes and symptoms, how and how to treat it.
What is thrush. Symptoms, causes and treatment
Thrush is a fairly common disease. It affects both the outer integument and the internal organs. Candida fungi (thrush pathogens) are everywhere - in the vagina, in the mouth and rectum.
With the normal microflora of the body, theyare present in small quantities and do not have any effect on humans. Thrush develops when Candida mushrooms grow rapidly.

In women, thrush is expressed as an inflammatory lesion of the vaginal mucosa. The patient begins to experience discomfort, and then, with improper treatment, thrush can flow into a chronic form and constantly recur. However, it can occur at least four times a year.
The main reason for the development of thrush can be attributed to a decrease in immunity. There are also a few more reasons why thrush appears in girls. These include:
- failure in the hormonal background;
- diabetes mellitus;
- STDs;
- recently had a course of antibiotics;
- stress;
- hypothermia;
- prolonged disease that depresses the body;
- pregnancy;
- dramatic climate change;
- malnutrition.
Where did thrush come from? It is transmitted:
- airborne;
- during sexual contact;
- infection occurred in the first year of life.

Tight underwear, oral contraceptives, poor hygiene, a tendency to allergic reactions can also be attributed to the causes of thrush.

Thrush symptoms can be confused with other genital diseasesorgans. As a rule, symptoms occur shortly before menstruation. Those women who are prone to allergic reactions feel a more active manifestation of the disease. The main symptoms of thrush include:
- burning and itching of the vulva;
- white cheesy discharge of heterogeneous consistency comes out of the vagina;
- inflammation of the mucous membranes and redness of the genitals;
- discharge has a sour smell;
- discomfort in the vagina;
- soreness;
- discomfort when urinating;
- swollen small and large labia;
- pain during intercourse.

Sometimes there may be only one mild symptom or several. With the onset of menstruation, the symptoms may disappear, this is due to the fact that during this period the environment in the vagina becomes more alkaline, it is not very favorable for the reproduction of fungi.
Symptoms of thrush in men
Men can also suffer from thrush. In this case, the head of the penis is mainly affected, and the following symptoms of thrush appear:
- itching and burning;
- penis turned red;
- a white coating appeared on the genitals;
- pain during intercourse;
- pain when urinating;
- head of the penis swells.
In men, the symptoms of thrush are more pronounced in the evening or during sleep, and after bathing in warm water.
Where does thrush appear in men
Mostly the female half suffers from thrush, but men can also experience candidiasis. There is a possibility that the infection came from a woman, although there are subtleties here. They lie in the fact that the thrush affects the male body from the inside, and the surface effect appears on the genitals. This is due to the fact that, due to its structure, the male genital organ does not allow the fungi to gain a foothold.
In a third of cases, infection with thrush occurs through sexual contact and is transmitted to a man from a woman. Here are some other reasons why thrush came from: it is transmitted by household means through personal hygiene products, clothes, dishes. Very often, a man is a carrier of thrush and does not even suspect it, so if she was found in a woman, it is necessary to treat both partners.
Decreased immunity as a reason
With a decrease in immunity, the risk of contracting thrush in men also increases. Often the male body can independently cope with the development of thrush. However, if symptoms persist or if a disease is suspected, it is necessary to consult a specialist, as other diseases can be disguised as thrush.

To accurately diagnose thrush, a gynecologist or urologist, in addition to the symptoms and complaints of the patient, must prescribe a laboratory test - microscopy of a vaginal smear. The smear is taken with a sterile swab or a special spatula, and then examined undermicroscope in the laboratory.
Cultural research
This type of study is carried out to determine the type of Candida fungus, as well as to which drugs they are sensitive. It is usually used to identify severe forms of candidiasis. After a scraping has been taken from the affected tissue area, sowing is done on a nutrient medium, and then the grown colonies are studied. If a small number of fungi are detected when counting the quantity, then this is the norm. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment if the thrush is confirmed.
Other types of research
It is also recommended to donate urine and blood if candidiasis has been detected, this is done to determine the level of sugar, as sometimes thrush can be a symptom of diabetes.
You can also consult a gastroenterologist, because Candida fungi also live in the intestines, and if there is a pathogenic increase in their number, they can also get into the vagina.
If candidiasis (thrush) has taken a chronic form and is manifested by frequent relapses, this is a sign that the patient needs to be examined completely in order to understand where the thrush came from, what factors contributed to the onset of the disease.
When a thrush in men gives a complication to the urinary organs, you should seek the advice of a urologist so that he can refer you for testing and determine the course of treatment.
Treatment of thrush in women
In women, treatment of thrush is carried out only in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician, because foreach patient is individual. When treating thrush, it is necessary to take into account bacteriological culture, because therapy should have not only a general effect on fungi, but also a local one. It is also taken into account that candidiasis is a secondary disease, so treatment must begin with the search for concomitant diseases and the factors that provoked it.

It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and bring the microflora of the vagina and intestines back to normal. During treatment, you should follow a special diet, avoid stressful conditions and sleep at least eight hours a day.
Medicated treatment
All medicines for the treatment of thrush can be divided into drugs that have local and systemic effects. Topical preparations include:
- ointments and creams;
- vaginal suppositories and tablets.
The first ones are used to treat problems on the skin and external genitalia. Tablets and suppositories are necessary for the treatment of internal genital organs. Most often, tablets are prescribed when the manifestation of the disease is recurrent.
Typically, drugs based on:
- nystatin;
- miconazole;
- ketoconazole;
- clotrimazole;
- natamycin.
Sometimes local treatment of thrush can be replaced by taking Fluconazole tablets or analogues (Medoflucon, Flucostat, etc.). This drug is also prescribed forrelapsing disease. It must be taken once a week for a month.
With the primary development of thrush, the course of treatment should last at least ten days. The asymptomatic period also needs to be captured. For effective treatment, it is necessary to use not only topical preparations, but also antifungal agents and agents that strengthen the immune system. This complex will help prevent the recurrence of the disease.
Any drug has its own side effects and contraindications, so taking drugs is necessary only after the patient consults with a specialist and he prescribes them. In cases where the dosage of the medicine is incorrectly selected or the course of treatment is not completed to the end, the therapy will not give the desired effect. It is worth knowing that Candida quickly become addicted to drugs and can develop resistance to them.
Folk remedies
In addition to medicines, you can also use folk remedies to combat thrush:
- Soda baths (one teaspoon of soda is diluted in one liter of warm boiled water). Baths should be taken within 20 minutes.
- Soda baths can be alternated. The same solution is made, but one teaspoon of iodine is added to it.
- Washing with a decoction based on oak bark or calendula.
- Drink a glass of carrot juice before meals. This should be done within a few weeks.
- The use of any folk remedies to increase the overallimmunity.
It is impossible to treat thrush only with folk methods, as they only help to remove the symptoms of thrush, but not eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

To find out if you managed to get rid of thrush, you need to undergo a re-examination. After all, if the symptoms disappeared, this does not mean that it was possible to completely recover from this disease. Knowing the causes and treatment of thrush, you can respond correctly in case of an ailment.